Ok, the mounts look awesome and super strong but NOTHING LINES UP. I had to grind here, drilled there and then do some shimming to make them fit. So my review on these mounts is: 2 out of 10.
Not to mention I had to wait a month to get them. Very nice customer service though. Let see how the shifter kit fits on it, I'll let you know when I get to it!
I've been getting a lot of massages and emails about my 250whp 3.4L engine and Instead of writing here on the forum I found it much easier to just make a one take video episode of the description of my engine. There will be more to come. These are one take videos so some things may not be explained properly so just let me know if there is something you didn't understand. Thank you for your patience!
Did some progress on these off days. Target is to have tha F23 installed before tuesday!
I think I'll take this time to re design the exhaust system. This system was made with what I had left from a previous build. I'll make it Shorter and less restricting.
[This message has been edited by La fiera (edited 12-22-2018).]
Hello guys!! Well the trans is in since 2 weeks ago but the project had a little hick up due to a tragedy. I came home from vacation and the very next day my dady passed away back home, The Dominican Republic; he was 83 years old. Its been almost a week and I'm feeling better so the projects (3.4 & 3.XX) should start going soon. My dad loved cars, he was an Industrial Engineer. He heard the Fiero on start up and I revved it for him and he couldn't stop laughing!
My advice to you, cherish your dad because you only have one.
Thank you Mike and PMbrunnelle for the kind words. Today I did a bit of progress. I installed the shifter and the cables on the trans and installed the 5 speed shifter.
Yes it can be done. I had more trouble because of my headers interference, with the stock logs it would've been a breaze. Once the trans is unbolted the pressure plane needs to be removed and the trans can come out. To replace it is the opposite. Drop the trans in and install the clutch and pressure plate (You'll need some patience with it but it can be done).
In my case it was more difficult for me because the F23 is bigger a bit longer and heavier 78lbs vs 104lbs . I didn't use a cherry picker to do the lifting and dropping of the trans, it was all human power. I do not recommend this method. The only reason I did it was because I don't have the means to lift the body off the cradle safely.
But to answer your question, Yes, it can be done with strength and patience.
PS. The 4 speed passenger side axle was too long, I had to get one ffrom a 2000 Cavalier.
[This message has been edited by La fiera (edited 01-27-2019).]
Thanks Lou. I have delayed reaction to this things. The past 2 days have been very hard for me but we have to keep charging forward. We have a goal to reach!
Thanks wftb! Today I picked up some hardware to install the shifting cables and adjust them. Then is to the hydraulics of the clutch, and I have all the parts for the jop. Then is on to the exhaust. Its going to be very short compared to what I have now for two reasons. 1- The new cam won't like back pressure (for the 3.XX 300whp project) 2- Less exhaust= less heat in the engine compartment. Re tuning will be required of course!
LOL!! No, it will not be like that airplane engine! Its going to be about half of what I have now. Instead of exiting on the bottom passenger side it will exit off the engine compartment behind the driver.
I hope you don't run at tracks with noise rules...
Originally posted by La fiera:
Thank you Mike and PMbrunnelle for the kind words. Today I did a bit of progress. I installed the shifter and the cables on the trans and installed the 5 speed shifter.
Got the hydraulics working and after adjusting the cables I now can find all the gears and reverse! Next is the exhaust I'll start working on it this weekend! One thing, you can see all the heat management insulation. More HP means more heat, and heat can melt stuff down. Even in stock form, insulate the shifting cables, I'm telling you from experience!
Rodney Dickman's shift cables come with an insulating sleeve.
For those slide-on insulating sleeves (like what you have on the clutch slave line), what do you do to keep them from sliding along the wire/hose/whatever?
[This message has been edited by pmbrunelle (edited 02-16-2019).]
Rodney Dickman's shift cables come with an insulating sleeve.
For those slide-on insulating sleeves (like what you have on the clutch slave line), what do you do to keep them from sliding along the wire/hose/whatever?
The exhaust looks and sounds cool. Although the Fiero's aerodynamics will cause some of the exhaust gas to collect behind the rear window. I don't know if it will build up enough to affect performance, but it's something to keep in mind. I'd be tempted to run an intake pipe over to the fender, or something like that.