Can anyone take pictures of the junction box (right side passenger below window maybe the 500) and show me the correct wiring for doing a front mount battery swap? Also, what could cause no power when brand new battery hook up ? ( hot wire to the starter and the net to a chassis bolt)?
The Chassis on the Fiero makes for a poor Ground. Best way is to run a ground cable from the battery to the engine. You will also need a ground from the engine to the chassis. Some do this through the Brake Booster. I ran a short cable from the engine to the Inner Fender well near the C500 terminal, and connected to the inner fender well there.
For power, you would need to run a cable from the hot post of the starter to the "hot" connection on the inner Fender well passenger side. That is where the Battery connects in with the Hot wires for the rest of the car.
So instead of running a wire to the starter from the hot post that should run it to the intersection underneath the back passenger back window where the C 500 And or 201 at. Can’t remember. Then run from there to the starter?
So instead of running a wire to the starter from the hot post that should run it to the intersection underneath the back passenger back window where the C 500 And or 201 at. Can’t remember. Then run from there to the starter?
In your picture of where the power wire goes to the starter I noticed you also had some power wires coming off of the starter is that also go up to the sea 500 bucks?
Yes. At least one of them goes to C500. I haven't been under there in a while, but that's where they travel ... per my failing memory.
Originally posted by CrazyDragn:
In your picture of where the power wire goes to the starter I noticed you also had some power wires coming off of the starter is that also go up to the sea 500 bucks?
So instead of running a wire to the starter from the hot post that should run it to the intersection underneath the back passenger back window where the C 500 And or 201 at. Can’t remember. Then run from there to the starter?
No. I think you got more info from another poster that is correct, but the large 12V positive wire should go directly to the starter. From the same post on the starter, a slightly smaller wire should run to the positive post on the passenger fenderwell ( can't remember what number it is called) where the red wires with the fusible links all gather. You would have had a wire coming from the battery to this position when the battery was in the rear.
As I mentioned, check the wiring on the back of your alternator. That one change made a big difference on one of my cars, once I discovered that it was not done correctly. If it is short looped from the output post back to "S", then the alternator never sees the draw on the system, and doesn't put out many amps ( volts will still say 14+, but low amperage).
You never indicated whether you have a large wire running from the starter to the "power" connections on the passenger fenderwell. This is how, and where the rest of the car picks of power from the battery. If you do, and you have 12V+ indicated there on your voltmeter, then it's possible that you have blown one or more of the fusible links in the smaller wires that come off of that same connection on the fenderwell.
Well. I rerouted the power wire to the bottom screw post at the bottom of C500 block (the box right below it). Then the was another red end wire that came out of the 3800 series II harness at or around the same place is on the top screw post below the c500 and Just on top of the bottom post where the main power was connected. There’s is a red connected at the starter along with a purple wire connected to the smallest post on the starter. I was thinking of taking another red wire from the started to the little box that has two posts just below the c500. Then, taking a ground wire and connecting it from the transmission the the frame. Thoughts on this. ..........
I agree with Phondawgs. Just for absolute clarity: Large power wire from battery 12V Positive to Starter Large ground wire from Battery 12v Negative to Engine Block Bolt. Use one of the engine to transmission bolts near the starter. Ground wire from Block to Body. I ran a wire from bolt on the engine near the passenger side to a position on the passenger fenderwell. A new bolt through the fenderwell makes a good attaching point, for this as well as any other grounds you might need in the rear. Medium large wire (4 to 8 gauge) from 12V+ post on starter to larger of the two posts on the Passenger Fenderwell. This routes power from the battery to the rest of the car, hence the larger wire size. You can attach all of the other smaller red wires to the other post on the passenger fenderwell Pink wire is attached to the starter, small post- it provides the input to run the starter when you turn the ignition key.
I have the power ran to the passenger fender firewall under the c500 on the bottom screw post. Now I have the negative wire ran to the engine block at the trans mission area. I do no know what the small post at the top of the power wire just under the c500 block. The pinkish wire is connected to the starter smallnpost. I do no know why there is no power getting to the car at all. So confused.
put all to one post on the junction block , the original cable had a double hole connector that tied the 2 posts together. you only need 1 the are just 2 separate bolts molded into the plastic housing
------------------ 3800sc plug and play harnesses for sale.
put all to one post on the junction block , the original cable had a double hole connector that tied the 2 posts together. you only need 1 the are just 2 separate bolts molded into the plastic housing
Ok. I did that. I think you made the harness for me. Nice work too. For some reason I’m not getting any power to the car what so ever. I have the negative going to the engine block. I glhave the purple and red wire connected at starter. I have the main power wire going to the bottom junction box with the other red wire. I have the alternator hooked up with power. Frustrated. Any ideas. ? Not sure where any fuses are accept under dash.
Pictures a plus crayons even better.
Keep in mind my power meter show ohms and shows volts getting to all the spot. Just no light/ignition or headlights not buzzer
[This message has been edited by CrazyDragn (edited 09-18-2018).]
Actually that wasn’t you jb1. It’s Dan mcLimeyer. I’ve sent an email to him. I hope some on e can help. Keep in mind also this swap went from an L4 to a 3800 series ll.
Pardon me if this has all been covered, but making sure that I am on the same page.
Originally posted by CrazyDragn: the purple and red wire connected at starter. I have the main power wire going to the bottom junction box with the other red wire. Frustrated. Any ideas. ? Not sure where any fuses are accept under dash.
1) The purple should be connected to the starter solenoid. I am assuming that your car is a manual swap and that purple wire goes to E2 on the C500. If it was an automatic, it would be yellow and go to A4 on the C500. That said, you can simply move the wire to the other location, color doesn't matter.
2) The junction box under the C500
The original Fiero wire looks like this and basically has a plate with two holes. That plate bridges power across the two posts like in the image below. That is what allows you to connect to both posts and get power.
If you don't have a wire like that, you have to put them on the same post like this to get power... or you could cut a little plate, drill holes the same size as the posts and put it on there to bridge power across the two posts...
3) ah, fuses. I don't know if everyone does this, but I follow Ryan's wiring when I do my swaps, including changing the fuses out that he mentions on page 3... INJ1 to a 10amp INJ2 to a 20amp ------------------ -Brian
Pardon me if this has all been covered, but making sure that I am on the same page.
1) The purple should be connected to the starter solenoid. I am assuming that your car is a manual swap and that purple wire goes to E2 on the C500. If it was an automatic, it would be yellow and go to A4 on the C500. That said, you can simply move the wire to the other location, color doesn't matter.
2) The junction box under the C500
The original Fiero wire looks like this and basically has a plate with two holes. That plate bridges power across the two posts like in the image below. That is what allows you to connect to both posts and get power.
If you don't have a wire like that, you have to put them on the same post like this to get power... or you could cut a little plate, drill holes the same size as the posts and put it on there to bridge power across the two posts...
3) ah, fuses. I don't know if everyone does this, but I follow Ryan's wiring when I do my swaps, including changing the fuses out that he mentions on page 3... INJ1 to a 10amp INJ2 to a 20amp
You are absolutely correct. Engine is now running along with all lights. I knew it was something simple.