Ok so here I am restoring my fastback tail lights a can of satin black spray paint a clear decal made to cover over the Pontiac lettering for ten bucks and a roll of painters tape can go a long way now my concern is what does everyone do to the silver I saw a picture that someone sprayed that as well I think with either a gloss aluminum or they used a gloss silver and it really made it shine need answers on this asap as I would love to have this finished tomorrow hard is done as both lenses are off already 😁😁😁😁
[img]http://images.fieroforum.co m/userimages/pontiacfierokid1985/317B32B2-91E7-48A4-B43B-6019802FA7C8.jpeg[/img]
[This message has been edited by pontiacfierokid1985 (edited 03-29-2020).]