Thanks. So ideally I can hook the (large) purple wire that comes out of the C500 side of the connector to my starter solenoid and all shall be good?
Also, do we have dual speed fans? If so, where's the high speed fan control?
Only other things I will need:
Armrest (203 Side)
IGN: (Pink/wht) to go to an IGN relay I'm mounting in the back that will turn on/power my injectors, O2s, and ECU.
CES: (black/wht) to ecu
Speedo: (BRN) Coming from my arduino thats converting the pwm to a sin wave.
Engine bay (c500 side)
Green and blue; connect to reverse light switch on trans (F40)
White: Tach
Green/wht: Low speed fan control (hook to ECU)
...and the green ground.
BTW, I hate wiring....