⚠️ Headlight(s) "won’t come up all the way"
often has nothing to w/ motors.More true when people remove HL lift assembly for any reason because most then reinstall and never bothered to adjust the thing.
Lift assem has 4 "slotted" holes and big washer nuts to mount to the "spare tire wall" so the assembly can adjust in 2 directions.
("Slotted" because many don't see them as slots but GM uses big square slots and nuts/bolts w/ large captive washers to mount this and many other things like trunk latch parts.)
Sideways so HL bucket and trim doesn't hit hood or door on either side.
Vertically so HL gets fully up so...
. bottom of HL Bulb is clear of hood when open.
. HL lift "bearing points" pushes the Door full open.
In my Cave,
Headlights the alignment section shows HL w/ crap adjustment w/ bottom of bulb won't clear the hood.
Why? Because near impossible to adjust the lift assembly and tighten mounting nuts w/o help. Worse because people remove lift assem before me and didn't mark them so can't just match OE position. So only adjust done is sideways so lift doesn't bind against hood or door.
So Open the Hood and Look @ the Lift Assem Mounting points on the "tire wall."
Don't remove the nut(s) right now. Very likely bottom nuts are loose or missing and be worse after. (Bottom nuts/studs have open slots so can remove the lift w/o removing the nuts. Big problem is Many twits don't tighten them later.)
If the bolts are at top of the "slots" then bet has been removed and reinstalled "wrong."
That if lift assembly and door are 100% Good.
If door is missing "Bearing Strip(s)" on under side, Lift has damage/missing part(s) or both then you can have same problems.
Lifts hit the Door at Only 2 points for most of operation. 1 - 2 more in blue boxes when full up.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)
The Ogre's Fiero Cave