So here is where I am currently at on the vented hood idea. Thanks to olejoedad for the hood to cut up! Thoughts or opinions? I have test driven it and seems to lower the temps compared to the PISA ZR-2 vented hood that is currently on it.
[This message has been edited by Mxzx (edited 06-21-2023).]
We had quite a discussion on hood vent placement in This thread.. but where you've located them is fine. It will absolutely be superior to no vents in regards to cooling.
I actually have vents with the PISA hood, but it vents into the base of the windshield. There is a reason Chevy chose to make "Cowl Induction" instead of "Cowl Extraction", needless to say it doesnt work much better than a closed hood, and looks stupid as well! Can't wait to get rid of it once this gets painted.
Thanks Joe! Still fine tuning the bodywork before I get it painted. I didn't use any forms or anything so a lot of eying it up and sanding to make them symmetrical.
Sorry, but way too much work and thinking to make another one! I did it the hard way, basically freehanding it instead of making molds/bucks like some of the other threads show.
It would be way easier to just cut the hood and glass in the one that Archie sells.