I have not worked on ac system that has a "diode" on the plug. When I was swapping the compressors out, what looked like the remains of protective tape/wrap fell off the plug. I examined the plug and it looked like it had a good dose of old oil on it and wires looked fine...when components replaced and system holding a vacuum the compressor would not kick on. Since the previous compressor worked I assumed plug good but when the new compressor didn't kick on I thought maybe the plug was oil fouled and would be easier to replace vs trying to clean out the oil. When I searched for a replacement plug I noticed what looked like a resistor on the plug and learned that there is diode on the plug. I think the diode fell off in the tape/wrap so I never knew it was there- I did use my camera to view the plug thoroughly and diode is not on it.... Since I have never worked on system with a diode on plug like that, I just wanted to know if it fell off -could it prevent the compressor from kicking on. I do have a new plug on the way and it will be a few days before it is delivered.
[This message has been edited by ceverhart (edited 10-03-2024).]