I'm trying to get my fuel door open but I don't know how much to pull on the lever it feels like if I pull on it anymore it's going to break and the fuel door is not budging does anyone know if it's broken
Is the latch actually stuck, or is the gas cap door simply not popping open?
On my Subie, I sometimes need to jam a cut out piece of thin plastic (from a bottle) sort of behind the edge of the gas cap door to supply some "push", so that when I pull the lever inside the car, the gas cap door will pop open.
I'd bet the pull tab located on the pillar has failed. Typical of the FIERO a number of trim pieces must be removed (carefully so you don't snap them) to get to the lever. Maybe check the FIERO Store to see if they have it otherwise junk yard or reach out for one here on Pennocks. Easy to open gas door with a credit card.
If the cable doesnt move freely, then lube it. If the cable ends arent frayed then its prolly stretched- well maybe stretched and frayed anyways after all this time. You could try to put something in the latch assembly where the cable sheath goes in to make more tension. Pack something in the bottom where the cable sits like masking tape or foil. Id try a simple fix first. Or get a new cable lol
If the cable doesnt move freely, then lube it. If the cable ends arent frayed then its prolly stretched- well maybe stretched and frayed anyways after all this time. You could try to put something in the latch assembly where the cable sheath goes in to make more tension. Pack something in the bottom where the cable sits like masking tape or foil. Id try a simple fix first. Or get a new cable lol
And dont run your baby low on gas!!!!!
It wasn't me it was the repair shop it had plenty when I bought it there🙁