| quote | Originally posted by Josh86gt:
3000 rpm at 70 mph and I plan to use it for a future swap where I put a 3800 in it I just don't want to go there yet the price of it really isn't an issue I can buy a new one for $1,200 I'm just looking for how much the parts to install it would be |
my gt does 3k at 90.. whats up with yours? then again our 4 speed car did 3k at 79.
honestly the f40 isnt really the best trans either. it depends on what your doing and what you want out of it. it sounds like you want better durability and a higher ratio which that will do. or you can find a fwd getrag that has a different final drive and swap just the final drive and output shaft over to have a better cruise ratio.
if your doing a 3800sc and plan on beating it hard then a f40 is the way to go. cruiser can be anything honestly.
ive honestly had horrible luck with all the transmissions that can go into a fiero so far. im getting some billet gears made since i keep breaking the 3rd in my getrag (its my fault)