Could fieros be bought new in Aus.? If so how did they end up right hand drive? I'm guessing GM didnt' build them that way so I'm assuming some one was contracted to do them.
Nope, no new ones. All Fieros in Australia are private imports.
Thanks that answered a few questions lol. Awsome work by the way, I'm glad you decided to start a thread on it since I wanted to start aquiring parts but didnt' know what I had to get :-P.
Ok the next stage was fairly simple, but time consuming.
The first picture is of the dash after it was fibreglassed and the join between the upper an lower sections were rough. That was smoothed in with a little bondo and some imperfections int he tissue work were also filled. Now the dash is ready for the next stage. High fill primer which unfortunately has to wait as the paint supplier is closed and I am out of hardener and thinners.
Today (fingers crossed) my chain drive unit will arrive.
[This message has been edited by AusFiero (edited 12-23-2005).]
Now would be the PERFECT time to convert it over to power steering too I would get an Olds Intrigue power rack and flip it over for a right hand driver. The rear steer rack would work great as a front steer right hander. The ratio is VERY quick and the travel is compatible with the Fiero. It also has Magna Steer so the assist will be variable if you could link the VSS to the Mag unit in the steering spool
Well dang it. One of my sites is down. Containing all the pics. Stupid registry didn't fix up the renewal like they said they would. Oh well looks like time to edit every post and put them on my other server.
Well after a hassle with the courier not delivering yesterday I had to literally go to the depot today and pick up my steering unit. Only took multiple phone calls all over the country and people s cell phones to get it. Ok it is christmas but if something is supposed to be delivered it should be. Not left in the truck for next year.
But all that aside. Here is the chain drive steering unit. It is sort of self explanatory. The next fun bit is working out how to modify the steering column to be two pieces, to make it all work.
[This message has been edited by AusFiero (edited 12-23-2005).]
Here is the chain drive steering unit. It is sort of self explanatory. The next fun bit is working out how to modify the steering column to be two pieces, to make it all work.
I've never seen anything like that before in life. There isn't much demand for converting RHD cars to LHD in this country. The handfull of RHD cars that exist, (mostly JDM imports) just drive along with the RHD.
I'm really interested to see how you change the structure under the dash and mount up that chain drive. Are you working from an example or making this up as you go along?
I wonder if you could change the steering ratio so it was tighter. I would be tempted to open that sucker up. Good job on the dash, your pretty good at that stuff you should sell it
I've never seen anything like that before in life. There isn't much demand for converting RHD cars to LHD in this country. The handfull of RHD cars that exist, (mostly JDM imports) just drive along with the RHD.
I'm really interested to see how you change the structure under the dash and mount up that chain drive. Are you working from an example or making this up as you go along?
Making it up as I go along. My last Fiero was a chain drive so I have a rough idea what goes where.
I've never seen anything like that before in life. There isn't much demand for converting RHD cars to LHD in this country. The handfull of RHD cars that exist, (mostly JDM imports) just drive along with the RHD.
I'm really interested to see how you change the structure under the dash and mount up that chain drive. Are you working from an example or making this up as you go along?
Lol, do the ricers in Australia think the somehow being LHD makes like car faster, like the ricers and thier RHD cars here, lol.
Hey I like RHD and that fiero sticker on my windsheild knocked like 3 seconds off my ET but that was only after i put those 30 non functioning gauges in and used that trash can for a muffler. LMFAO ok back to the build and i really do like RHD
I'm also looking in changing from LHD to RHD and I just got the dash of today, one thing I want to ask is why not changing over the hole thing with steering rack and colume why do you need to use this exstra part. The other thing is the air vent fan and casing what are you going to do there. The job on the dash looks good keep it going.
------------------ 1985 2m4 Saskatoon, Sask Canada Visit the Saskatoon Fiero Club Website at Come chat with us at our Forum
Next update coming soon. I have the column out and disassembly started and the steering unit has been trial fitted. I will upload that stage tonight. Tonight AUstralian time.
I've been following this with interest and it's a great build up thread you have.
Mine is also RHD and has the Ford column and rack with a thick bulkhead mounting plate to accomodate the pedal box and the brake servo. The handbrake has also been swapped over to the right and the auto shifter turned around. The aircon and blower etc has also been moved to the left side.
My dash is the part that lets the conversion down, the dash covering is stretched and wrinkled where it has been modified and looks poor so I'd like to pull it all out and start over with the dash.
Are you going to recover yours or smotth and paint it after?
I've been considering reinforcing mine like you have with yours and then smoothing the lines and using the electro static method of applying spray flocking onto it (like on the Lotus Elise and Exige).
I'll keep reading this great thread as I'm eager to know how it all progresses for you.
------------------ Fiero 2M6 SE (1986) auto, red/orange notchback with aero body & rear wing, full black leather interior with RHD conversion.
[This message has been edited by Kentish (edited 01-10-2006).]
I was goign to recover it but to get it vacumn covered like original is $550 or so. So I decided I am going to paint it now. It will be smooth but you really do not see a lot of the lower section. The top section will remain original.
Ok I finally have a bit of time to post. I have done some more work on the steering.
Well here is a pic of the interior stripped out ready to work on. The dynamat was an added bonus but the powercord speaker cables have got to go.
Next we have to drop the steering column ready for modifications. All the wires have also been labled for future modifcations and extensions to go to the other side of the car.
The steering column out on the bench ready for demolition, oops disassembly I mean.
The inside of the car minus column ready for future modifications.
The chain drive unit is now mocked into place. The bottom shaft of the unit is already connected into the factory shaft at floor level. Of course the unit will have to be mounted higher up and mounts made but at least I know it fits now.
You can see where the chain drive units shaft couples up with the factory steering shaft at floor level.
Now back to the coloumn. Remove the steering wheel and the mounts and here is what you are left with.
After stripping off a few pices we strike a dead end. This plate has to be compressed to release a retaining clip on the shat. Of course this and a few other jobs on the column need factory GM tools.
I overcame this one by cutting the ends off some old clamps and tensionsioning down the plate with them. A bit bulkier than GMs idea but it works.
Well here is the disassembled steering column. I left out a lot of details as it is not really related to just RHD conversion. I did have to make a tool to get the pivot pins out of the tilt column. I welded a bolt onto my slide hammer and it got them out easily.
A picture showing the profiles of the streerin shaft and the shaft of the chain drive unit. A collar will need to be made to join these together.
After removing the collapsible section of the steering shaft by drilling out the nylon retainers I have marked out the column shaft ready for cutting. On another day.
While all this was going on I did some more work on the dash. Here is the now RHD dash needing duct work. As you can see the factory ducting will no longer fit as it is routed different on each side. Note how it sits up in the centre.
The now pasengers side of the ductwork marked off ready for cutting, prior to making new ducts.
The ducting all cut away and a 6X9" speaker mocked into place. Now is a good time to fit them and to also box them into enclosures while making new duct work.
You can see how the center duct now sits down in place like it is supposed to. After the passenger side is complete I will start on the drivers side ans the old duction is all in the way of the new steering column area. First I will ahve to mount the column to work out clearances.
Well that is it for now.
[This message has been edited by AusFiero (edited 01-13-2006).]
i shold convert mine then evory one wold think its a rare import b/c they have never seen a fiero lol but id lose my tilt and thats no good. It also loos like you lose your radio space and what about the shifting dose that stay the same or will it be switched? To bad you have to convert it you dont have to do that hear (rh to lh) at least i dont think you do. looks like your doing a awsome job best of luck
[This message has been edited by skywurz (edited 02-13-2006).]
i shold convert mine then evory one wold think its a rare import b/c they have never seen a fiero lol but id lose my tilt and thats no good. It also loos like you lose your radio space and what about the shifting dose that stay the same or will it be switched? To bad you have to convert it you dont have to do that hear (rh to lh) at least i dont think you do. looks like your doing a awsome job best of luck
No updates as I have been really busy with work.
Just a couple of things. You do not lose the tilt. The chain drive actually mounts up and back from the radio space so it is not affected. The shifter can be turned around to put the button on the right side of the shifter with the auto.
I'm confused. Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot easier to just flip the strreing rack over and put a real collum in it?
Far from it. The heater box is in the way. To do a full conversion you have to make a new firewall to move the heaterbox. Then relocate the brake master etc etc etc. A LOT more work.
I'm confused. Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot easier to just flip the strreing rack over and put a real collum in it?
You'd have to re-engineer the car, and unless you've got a 4+year degree in Mechanical Engineering, I doubt the engineers inspecting the cars would pass it. Though that's not a terribly bad idea for me to try. One of these days I'm going to buy a busted Fiero for $200 or less and just experiment with it. Do everything I want to do to my 86GT, but don't want to destroy it with.
And if you flipped the steering rack over, the car would steer backwards. You'd need a different rack for that.
No you would not. Dont trust me. I dont know what i am saying
Great thread. I am also doing a RHD swap on my VERT. I Have flipped over the rack and will be switching all the pedels over also. However I will be using aftermarket parts for the brake system. edit because sometimes I have brain farts ------------------ 88GT 3.4SC 88GT T-TOP 87GT VERT (build in progress)
[This message has been edited by YELLOWFIERO88 (edited 03-15-2006).]