volume for 2 seperate speakers (will use it for navigation) brightness for the screen powerbutton and the selector between Playstation(not equipped) and AV in Mode
Looks good. I'm planning on one like that but not quite the same. Do you have any pictures of the back side of it before you put it in? i sent you a pm a few days ago to.
Looks good. I'm planning on one like that but not quite the same. Do you have any pictures of the back side of it before you put it in? i sent you a pm a few days ago to.
ill do some more Photos from the backside and then ill post all on a website.
So compared to local time the "new world" people will see the european posts at least 6 hours before we (europeans) do ! Fieromaniac: nice work ! keep posting..
if this is the image you are looking for when you say cold and hot infrared then your camera you showed for it will not work. I am a security professional for a small yet high profile company. I say high profile because we don't do small systems. The infrared camera you showed will be a monocrome (Black and White) image at night and will use the Infrared LEDs for a small light source. These do not see heat signatures. The only heat they will see are the ones emitting light due to extremely high temperatures and it's the light that they will see. If you are looking for one that shows heat signatures then you need to search for INFRARED THERMAL CAMERA. These will see what you see in the picture above. https://gpssignal.com/thermaleye300d.htm This is about the only one suitable for auto use I could find and locate a price on. Price is $4,688.30 Plus there's a nice Warning on every page of that site.
"Export of Night Vision products require an export license from the US Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls, in accordance with international traffic in arms (ITAR) Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations."
So if you can afford one, I can't, then you'll still have to jump through hoops to get one. Also note that TIR cameras cannot see through glass. Please do not take this as a slam just as a correction of knowledge. Don't want you to buy the wrong item. If you have a video camera with the IR on it then that's about the same picture you'll get with the IR cam you posted. The GREEN PICTURE that video cameras using Nite shot IR is just a camera trick. What the camera sees is light grey but it turns it green for added "Night vision" effect.
and here the nightvisionsystem of mercedes : http://www.adac.de/images/N..._xxl_tcm8-158383.jpg it uses a system like i intend to use . Camera that can see in the infrared spectrum and infrared headlights integrated in the mainheadlight. range 150meters .
both systems generate an black and white picture . bmw system has a better contrast for living objects but didnt see cold things very well .
and warm (living ) objects also generate an infrared "light or aura" that can be seen on pics using the mercedes technology.
btw. iam in europe so US gov. Laws dont concern me if i can buy my stuff legal here
I know you spent a great deal of time drilling our your holes, but what about cutting that section out and replacing the holes with a woven mesh? Personally, I think it would give it a more finished look...
when my Fiero came to germany , 3rd brakelights where illegal here so the german TÜV disabled mine by cutting the wire to it at several spots so i will fix that now with LED`s aaaaaand ill integrate my rear camera in it.
Just another thought, I'm not sure what product to suggest, but as long as you have your 3rd brake light down, why not recondition the rubber seal with something to rejuvenate it? It'll look better when you put it back into place.
[This message has been edited by F-I-E-R-O (edited 07-06-2007).]