I enjoyed the write-up on your Fiero. Truely amazing! I think I have found the engine swap for me. Hint the username. I have a few questions though. O.K. I have four questions.
1. On the flywheel, how much material was taken off? 2. Why the use of a 95 Bonneville computer? 3. How did you delete the automatic transmission program from the computer? 4. I notice the Fiero speedo on the manual transmission, in one of the photos. Is it actually wired and operating the Bonneville computer?
I enjoyed the write-up on your Fiero. Truely amazing! I think I have found the engine swap for me. Hint the username. I have a few questions though. O.K. I have four questions.
1. On the flywheel, how much material was taken off? 2. Why the use of a 95 Bonneville computer? 3. How did you delete the automatic transmission program from the computer? 4. I notice the Fiero speedo on the manual transmission, in one of the photos. Is it actually wired and operating the Bonneville computer?
Thanks, Don
Thanks for the compliment. Answers:
1. I took the Camaro flywheel along with the Fiero flywheel and told the machinist to make the Camaro flywheel to match the distance from the crank surface to the flywheel surface of the Fiero flywheel. I never knew how much that actually was.
2. I had a friend that was great at reprogramming the 95 ECM which allowed me to eliminate the code crap not needed like the automatic trans stuff and the passkey, rev limiter, speed limiter. He custom burnt fuel maps for the car after taking readings while driving too.
3. See #2
4. The 95 Bonneville ECM actually does not need the speedo info except to turn on a light to tell you to change oil. I am running the speedo like it was stock but tapping off to feed the ECM. Seems to work just fine that way. When the meter is connected to the ECM the speed is reading about 1/4 the actual speed.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. History of Skitimes Car UPDATED 8-11-03
4 hours of my life have now slipped away (12am-4am).. thank you!! NO reallllly Thank you!! I think i even passed out a few times only to dream about my car with your mods! I remember chatting for a while at the 20th and really giving your car a good look over (only the rebodys got more time then your car) And even then I had no clue as to all you put into it (brake work, intercooler and cooling, the diff lighting effects I thought it was just strobes and under neon and so uch more) Well I'd love to say more and ask all sorts of questions but I've already punched the backspace way to many times in one post.. sleep now.. and thank you.
PS. it's your cars video as you leave the 20th that made me decide to dump my N* project in favor of the 3800SC!! what a sound.. so much more befitting for a Ferrari clone
------------------ Ferrari 308 GTB rebody on a modified 86SE chasis Soon to have a highly hooped up 3800SC..Ohh yeah baby!! Contacts _ AIM / Zildjianfx _ Yahoo / djdraggin Remember, always brush your milk, drink your teeth, dont do sleep and get eight hours of drugs.
Ski's, JScotts and California Kids cars are the primary inspiration behind my GT. I have those threads on thier cars bookmarked so if I need a sudden dose of motivation, there it is.
Going with the 3.8S/C, cool I thought you would after the other night here at my house. I was talking with Tim (tesmith66) at lunch last Thuesday about engines(not my strong suit), about the 3.8 S/C and a 5.7 because I couldn't make up my mind. So what does Tim say, "buy another car and build one of each" LOL. Tim's got me thinking 4.9 now, but I don't know enough about the engine yet to decide. Close to straight bolt up from what I'm hearing, but it has a couple of short falls that I won't go into here.
I know that that they completely changed the susupension for 88 but have you thought about impoving that in any way? Just curious because your car would look even meaner 1' lower.
Great looking car and mods - Enjoy it in good health!
I know you've written so much already on just about every mod on your car....But can you possibly expand on what materials you used to create the window opening on top of the engine lid??? Is it plexiglass or something stronger?? How did you created the molding around the cover?? Everyone loves the visual effect of the glorious engine bay.
This thread is just like a great move, once you start watching it (or reading it) you just cant stop. I started a about midnight and i just now got done. Thank you Ski for this AWSOME thread. I love your car!!! Would you object on me using some of your ideas for use on my car?? You would recieve all the credit because, hey, you came up with it. Again great car.
[This message has been edited by wriott (edited 03-28-2004).]
Ski, I've been eyeballin' those trans am vents that you put into the front fenders and I'd like to get more info on how to do that. You used I think SMC? how is that for smoothing seams and keeping it flexible? I'm putting some Thunderbird turbo hoodscoops on my hood, should I be using this for adheisive, then Fiberglass filler to smoothing it? should I mount it from the backside? I'm up for a breif education, or a new thread?
yeah, and this is a bump for a GREAT thread.
------------------ John DuRette Black 85 SE, undergoing work as we speak! Battery re-located up front using a V8 Archie box Remote Start/Window Rollup/Lock/Trunk Release/Alarm White Gauge Faces w/120 MPH Speedometer Conversion Hidden Antenna Urethane Suspension Bushings Sequential Tallights Custom Painted Dash Panels Oreif's painted door tabs and horn button Shortened Automatic Shifter w/Beretta shiftknob SpyHunter Intake Scoop H4 Headlight Conversion - done right! LED Third Brake Light/Custom Headliner Thunderbird Turbo hood scoops Braided Steel Brake Hoses Lowered an inch Getting a GT body
Still not on the road, and another Fiero on the horizon!
Ski, I've been eyeballin' those trans am vents that you put into the front fenders and I'd like to get more info on how to do that. You used I think SMC? how is that for smoothing seams and keeping it flexible? I'm putting some Thunderbird turbo hoodscoops on my hood, should I be using this for adheisive, then Fiberglass filler to smoothing it? should I mount it from the backside? I'm up for a breif education, or a new thread?
yeah, and this is a bump for a GREAT thread.
Yes I used SMC two part epoxy urethane body repair material. I used that for the bonding then used flexible body filler for the smoothing out of the surfaces. The SMC sands well. I mounted it from the backside of the fender and created a new front surface edge. Thanks for the thread bump. I worry this will go into the archives.
This thread is just like a great move, once you start watching it (or reading it) you just cant stop. I started a about midnight and i just now got done. Thank you Ski for this AWSOME thread. I love your car!!! Would you object on me using some of your ideas for use on my car?? You would recieve all the credit because, hey, you came up with it. Again great car.
Thanks for the compliment on the thread. Many have used my ideas and few give credit so use them I appreciate the credit.
Great looking car and mods - Enjoy it in good health!
I know you've written so much already on just about every mod on your car....But can you possibly expand on what materials you used to create the window opening on top of the engine lid??? Is it plexiglass or something stronger?? How did you created the molding around the cover?? Everyone loves the visual effect of the glorious engine bay.
Best wishes - VK
The engine window has been a tranformation. It has been made about 5 times with 4 different materials. I found the only material that is a long term solution is custom made tempered glass. Not cheap but the best. The fiberglass edge was filed into a curve.
I know that that they completely changed the susupension for 88 but have you thought about impoving that in any way? Just curious because your car would look even meaner 1' lower.
I love the way the 88 rides and handles. With the neons and spoiler barely clearing my driveway and many curb ramps it would seem foolish to lower it. The new hood makes the car "mean" looking enough. lol
So what are you working on now Ski? Anything new for the shows this year?
Well, I have been busy with non-Fiero projects all winter. My poor Fiero was neglected. So it is time to work on the Fiero again. Especially since Carlisle is next week. I just finished reinstalling the hood and front fenders after having them repainted. Last summer my motorcycle fell over and cracked the left fender. Nobody was near the motorcycle and it was a week before the 20th show. The hood did not suit me so it was reworked and the right fender had a spot where the paint got mysteriously cracked about the size of a quarter. So with all that repaired, I wanted to at least add one new mod. About a year ago FieroGT87 was advertising embroidery Fiero emblems for shirts, hats, sweats and jackets.
I contacted him about an idea I had and asked him to keep it between us. I really appreciated that he did because I am sure everyone will want this mod. I just like being the first. Well after I first communicated with him, I was suppose to get in contact with Rodney Dickman and order new beechwood speaker cloth and send it to FieroGT87. Somehow I never got around to it. One day FieroGT87 said he had a package being sent to me. Low and behold he ordered the beechwood speaker cloth and embroidered the emblems for me as a favor. What a nice thing to do. I really appreciated it and never expected it. Pennocks people are the best! Well his work is awesome with great detail. Today I finally got around to installing them. Wow, do I love them. We want to do it immediately to our other 88GT. So the rest of you get in line. So here are pics of the results.
First shot shows my old faded speaker cover along side the new cover. Man were they faded. Funny how you don’t realize how faded they get.
I tried contacting FieroGT87 about getting some of his speaker covers with the Pegusas emblem on it but he didnt respond to the PM i sent him. How do you think i can get a hold of him cause i seriously want a set of those speaker covers with the emblem on it? Heres a free bump for you to keep it alive
if Earls anything like me.. we're both head deep in our cars!! and he has a job,wife, kids and real people stuff I dont have...LOL!! Dont give up he'll get back to you soon.
I'm sorry, but I think this picture is the greatest thing since sliced bread:
------------------ PETTY OFFICER (no more airman!) Michael C Casaceli Patrol Squadron Ten, United States Navy 1988 Pontiac Fiero 2.5L, soon to be 2.2L Ecotec Turbo (THE PROJECT HAS STARTED!!!) 1988 Oldsmobile Firenza 2.0L non-turbo (R.I.P.my beloved J-body. KIA by a Ford) 1994 Chevy S-10 4.3, it's finally here, and it is gorgeous!
I have always admired your car, but never knew how much work was behind it. This is a great thread, once I started reading I just couldn't stop reading til' the end, and it was a great 3 hour read trust me, I loved every minute. A side note though, what is your rim/tire combo? I recently got 205/40/R17's and when I put them on it seemed like there was waaay too much space between the wheel and the wheelwell, your stance looks great and w/o a lowering kit too, I'm dying to know ur combo . Also, are you going to be at Wheatstock, would love to see the car in person.
I have always admired your car, but never knew how much work was behind it. This is a great thread, once I started reading I just couldn't stop reading til' the end, and it was a great 3 hour read trust me, I loved every minute. A side note though, what is your rim/tire combo? I recently got 205/40/R17's and when I put them on it seemed like there was waaay too much space between the wheel and the wheelwell, your stance looks great and w/o a lowering kit too, I'm dying to know ur combo . Also, are you going to be at Wheatstock, would love to see the car in person.
Thank you so very much for this thread . James
Thanks for the comments. Now the questions. I have 205/50/17s on the front so I retain the great steering over the earlier Fieros and I have 235/45/17s on the rear. The rear tires are burned off since the intercooler so I will be getting wider tires in the rear soon. With the spoiler and neons underneath it would be dumb to lower the car. I can barely get in my driveway now. Besides I love the ride of the 88s and don't want to hurt it. We will not be attending Wheatstock. Sorry
Hey Ski....just wanted to tell you that your GT has made its way onto my desktop...and anytime i want to show someone whose never seen a Fiero before I show them yours so they can see how really nice they can be... Peace...
Hey Ski....just wanted to tell you that your GT has made its way onto my desktop...and anytime i want to show someone whose never seen a Fiero before I show them yours so they can see how really nice they can be... Peace...
Cool. If you let me know which picture you are using I could probably send you a high resolution version of it if I took the picture. Email me the pic so I know which one it is.
Well, I got the new transmission mounted on the engine today. (Taking 4 weeks vacation has slowed the process) I got to do an update to this tread to cover this.
No, I got to add the story to the thread but in short my pressure plate came apart and broke a hole into the transmission bell housing. I got a replacement Getrag I am putting in.