You've done so much to your car, I have to go back and search through this thread to remember what you did. You have one very nice vehicle! What rims are you using again?
edit: Woohoo!! I own page 12 !!! ------------------ Got Blue?
[This message has been edited by BlueGT (edited 03-28-2005).]
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. Click here to read the History of Skitimes Car
no it was he is the origonator of the idea to put one on the fiero so i did not no if it was one of those things hed like to keep for shows or if he minded me doing also
hey ski dont know if your still here or not but two things BEAUTIFUL CAR and would you mind if i did a engine wiewing glass on my car
thank for the great thread travis
As I said many times before, I don't mind people copying my ideas as long as the give proper credit for the idea. For some that seems to be a hard thing to do. There are 2 Fieros that I know of now that have the engine window.
In the spring after it rains and then the sun comes out we get new flowers. So yes, there can be new things under the sun many times Stimpy, I think the point here was that Skitime was the first to do it on a Fiero
As I said many times before, I don't mind people copying my ideas as long as the give proper credit for the idea. For some that seems to be a hard thing to do. There are 2 Fieros that I know of now that have the engine window.
im not sure but shouldn't proper credit for that particular idea on your particular car be given to ferrari... if i remeber correctly it was inspired by a ferrari wasn ' it?
im not sure but shouldn't proper credit for that particular idea on your particular car be given to ferrari... if i remeber correctly it was inspired by a ferrari wasn ' it?
Guess you have not read this thread before. Page 1 of this thread I give credit for the Ferrari idea and even post pictures of the Ferrari. Sure are a lot a ???? people out there that love to take shots at me.
No he wasn't. There's a black 88GT somewhere around Michigan that was at the Michigan Fiero show 4-5 years ago with a flushmounted window in the decklid so you could see the LT1.
Interesting. In all the years I had this mod and thousands and thousands of views of this mod on my Fiero suddenly someone says that someone somewhere had this before. Pics?
Guess you have not read this thread before. Page 1 of this thread I give credit for the Ferrari idea and even post pictures of the Ferrari. Sure are a lot a ???? people out there that love to take shots at me.
Well i read your entire thread and your car is my inspiration... sorry you feel ive insulted you. but i guess i can't really change that can i. If i upset you im sorry. It really is a nice car.... and i do realize that you gave credit. maybe i worded my last post wrong...
Unbelievable car ! You are a very talented and skilled craftsman. I am a new guy to the forum and seeing this thread has been an incredible inspiration. My Fiero is in need of some work at the moment and since I am going to machinist's school for the Army for 13 weeks, it will be at least September before it's back on the road. Hopefully I see you at Carlisle if I make it, but if I don't maybe I will spend some time cruising around Akron hoping to catch a glimpse ! Great car, man, and keep up the good work!
Unbelievable car ! You are a very talented and skilled craftsman. I am a new guy to the forum and seeing this thread has been an incredible inspiration. My Fiero is in need of some work at the moment and since I am going to machinist's school for the Army for 13 weeks, it will be at least September before it's back on the road. Hopefully I see you at Carlisle if I make it, but if I don't maybe I will spend some time cruising around Akron hoping to catch a glimpse ! Great car, man, and keep up the good work!
Thanks. You are welcome to stop over and visit. PM me when you got some time. Good luck in machinist school.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 05-16-2005).]
The problem that arises sometimes Ski is like in my case. I was new to the 3800 SC swaps but found allot of the ideas I used were your original ideas. I didn't find this out until I got into a longer conversation near completion and was told this. Loyde made sure I knew things were your Idea after I talked with him a bit. So sometimes it is a case of things being passed on off of the forum and in a garage. I will know personally thank you for your ideas and effort you worked with to make my swap allot easier. Keep up the good work. Rick B
Skitime has long been an inspiration to me too. I always refer to my front chin spoiler as the Lawrence/Skitime spoiler. Now my rear chin spoiler, that was my Idea...
this is the oldest ative thread i have ever sean on any board
I think it's a reflection on the greatness of Skitime's car that his thread has been active that long. And it's also a reflection of how much this forum has grown...each new generation reads these older threads and keeps them active. My Firebird dash thread is still active from 2002.
Originally posted by jscott1: I think it's a reflection on the greatness of Skitime's car that his thread has been active that long. And it's also a reflection of how much this forum has grown...each new generation reads these older threads and keeps them active. My Firebird dash thread is still active from 2002.
naaahh.... Ski just keeps bumping it out before it goes into the archives
all Kidding aside, the lil red GT that Skitime has built has spurred on a lot of followers that seen what can be done to the Fiero and done in good taste.
as far as the acc tensioner. i too have modified the alum 3800sc bracket to recieve a tensioner. how much matl did you take off of bracket to create a flat surface for the tensioner. i currently have about .125 of the ribs remaining but im not convinced that the mounting surface is square to insure proper belt alignment. could you adise me on this?
[This message has been edited by ohio86se (edited 07-08-2005).]
Hey Cool! I just found your thread and was going through it, and guess what!?! I found my kids in one of your pictures! (Blue and gray jackets, boy and girl) -clint
I've only been around this forum for a short time. I also belong to, owning 2 trans ams and a z-28. You are a very talented man with super visions. I have 2 fieros i'm working on now and I would like to thank you for sharing all your ideas and knowledge with us. This is the first time I've seen this thread and it will take me some time to read and digest it. Thanks.
------------------ 2002 trans am,1994 trans am, 1986 iroc z-28, 1985 fiero
skitime awsome freakin job man...took me 2 days to read it all and it was well worth them gears turning in my head lol...awsome car and an awsome build
skitime awsome freakin job man...took me 2 days to read it all and it was well worth them gears turning in my head lol...awsome car and an awsome build
Just got back from a 4 week vacation. Thanks for the compliments.
Well, I do have an engine power adding item I have designed. Just trying to decide if I should protect the concept. So far it appears patentable but patents cost big bucks. Any patent attorneys here?
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. Click here to read the History of Skitimes Car
Looking back its been almost a year since my first post and it was to this thread. Now the marriage is over and the deployment is where I am at but Loyd shoud soon start to build my l67 monster once we get the final details worked out. Thank you again for giving so much to the fiero community and to me personaly. -Zack-
Looking back its been almost a year since my first post and it was to this thread. Now the marriage is over and the deployment is where I am at but Loyd shoud soon start to build my l67 monster once we get the final details worked out. Thank you again for giving so much to the fiero community and to me personaly. -Zack-
Hey Zack,
Look forward to building you a 3800SC engine package.
Well, I do have an engine power adding item I have designed. Just trying to decide if I should protect the concept. So far it appears patentable but patents cost big bucks. Any patent attorneys here?
Bump—gotta keep it alive!
Ski, did you decide what to do about this yet? Sorry if you mentioned it in another thread, but I'm wondering what this item is that you've designed. Any updates on the car? Great thread! *thumbs up*
Ski, did you decide what to do about this yet? Sorry if you mentioned it in another thread, but I'm wondering what this item is that you've designed. Any updates on the car? Great thread! *thumbs up*
Thanks for bumping the thread. I was getting worried it was going to go to archives. I have not been doing anything with this mod for a long time. Lost the motivation to go the legal route and been busy doing other things. Hence the stand still. I am hoping to have it done before Carlisle this year.
Thanks for bumping the thread. I was getting worried it was going to go to archives. I have not been doing anything with this mod for a long time. Lost the motivation to go the legal route and been busy doing other things. Hence the stand still. I am hoping to have it done before Carlisle this year.
Best bet is to market it, forget the patent. The patent just gives you the right to sue people that copy your product and that costs megabucks. You will spend the rest of your life in court and your patent will most likely be busted anyways. Spend the money on marketing instead and enjoy the time period before the market gets swamped with slight variants(or exact copies) of your concept if it becomes popular.