Yes, they all look the same. Just some do not have the 9 pin connector on the back.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. History of Skitimes Car UPDATED 6-20-03
Sorry Songman it took a while to remember to take some pics for you. Here they are. If you have a sunroof you might have to move the sunroof storage mounts over to the right side slightly as we did in Vonnies car. I also had to slightly move the prop rod on her car to clear the changer.
I got my changer harness from a GM dealer. Be sure to get the one with the correct connectors. Sorry I don't remember the part number.
Thanks Dave! That's going to help a lot. I didn't even think about mounting the changer at an angle like that!
My system came complete out of a Bonneville. I got it off of eBay for $91 for the radio, changer, and two 12 disc cartirdges! The guy said he didn't feel like digging through the car to take the wires out though.
I am putting this in my T-top so I don't have to worry about the sunroof. I'll go to a dealer and get the wiring I need. The only other thing I want for it is a steering wheel with controls!
Thanks Dave! That's going to help a lot. I didn't even think about mounting the changer at an angle like that!
My system came complete out of a Bonneville. I got it off of eBay for $91 for the radio, changer, and two 12 disc cartirdges! The guy said he didn't feel like digging through the car to take the wires out though.
I am putting this in my T-top so I don't have to worry about the sunroof. I'll go to a dealer and get the wiring I need. The only other thing I want for it is a steering wheel with controls!
The CD changer is designed to be mounted horzontally or vertically and also 22.5*,45* and 67.5*
If you are installing a 12 disc changer I would think I would build a rack over the spare tire to mount it. You could mount it at the angle of the spare tire.
Delco must have made a dozen differnt radios during the 90s. Some have the 9 pin and some don't. The early CD players could not control a changer, but the later ones can.
I have the same cassette/radio in my GT. Except I bought an adapter to convert the changer input into a standard aux input and that's where I connected my DVD player. Since it also plays MP3s I don't need a changer. I rarely listen to standard audio CDs anymore.
By the way I have the steering wheel controls...I don't want to hijack Skitime's thread so if anyone is interested PM me.
Skitime, I'm waiting for you to do the firebird interior on your car. I'm sure it would be the best ever.
Denny took some pics last night with his digital. They all were done without a flash at dusk. I had my neons, strobes and cold cathodes on. They got pretty cool so I thought I would share them here.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 07-05-2003).]
Hehe, with all those other lights on your car the PONTIAC at the back looks seriously underlit!
Sweet car, can't wait to see it in person at the 20th.
Well, it can't be appreciated with still photography but there are four strobes in the PONTIAC lights that are ramdomly going off. So they are a real attention getter at cruise-ins.
Well, it can't be appreciated with still photography but there are four strobes in the PONTIAC lights that are ramdomly going off. So they are a real attention getter at cruise-ins.
Heh, I remember reading about that mod now, its so hard to keep track of them all
Are the strobes independent of the bulbs that light up "PONTIAC"? in other words can you still light up your "PONTIAC" the normal way?
Yes the factory PONTIAC light still light up as normal but with brighter than nomal bulbs. The bulbs make the PONTIAC visible in daylight. The circuit is also wired to the cold cathodes in the headlight covers so the PONTIAC lights and the headlight covers come on automatically when the car is started. The four strobe bulbs are controlled with 2 seperate controllers that allow changing the strobes speeds. The strobes have a seperate switch in the drivers ash tray and of course are not used while driving.
I became a member not long ago and just read the whole 8 page thread. Absolutely exquisite design and craftsmanship. Many could have spent twice what you have and not come up with an end product anywhere near to the standards and perfection yours embody. Many thanks for sharing so much of your work with us.
Maybe I missed it somewhere but did you finish making the vents in the fenders functional? If so, maybe you could share a little on it.
I kinda lost track of this thread, soooo many pages!! Your car is like a freakin light show... and I like it. Everything goes together really nicely and you're obviously a perfectionist. You turned that car into one incredible machine.
Well I have done it again! Gone out of my way to round up all the info contained in this thread to make a since downloadable file for anyone to get. Please note that reading through this thing in it's entirety would have taken me a couple hours so I mainly focused on the posts where SkiTime quoted some one then answered with something constructive to the build up of his car as well as all the pics and all the info in his posts. The questions and answers are contained at the end and I'll be updating this as he continues. Currently it is over 8 Megs in size in Microsoft Word Format. I wish I could convert this to PDF but that costs money that I don't have or can afford to part with. There's enough here to make a descent magazine out of.
Oh and on a side note please don't start printing this out unless you understand what it's going to take to do it. Almost all pages have color photo's on them and to use a ink jet type printer could cost upwards on $500 in ink alone to print 210 high quality pages. Skitime you've just made your first book!!! And it'll be added to as you go.
Originally posted by stuartlowery: ... Almost all pages have color photo's on them and to use a ink jet type printer could cost upwards on $500 in ink alone to print 210 high quality pages. Skitime you've just made your first book!!!...
I can color laser print it for about $75 and make it nice with spiral coil binding....cuz that's what I do.
Ski...I'm looking forward to seeing your car at the Dutch Classic.
Thanks Joe If I get the nerve up to pay for this type of printing to be done. I'll look you up to do it. Hey Ski here's the perfect addition to your car for the shows! An almost complete biography of your car!
Hey Ski here's a new Signature line for ya!
(IMG]] Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 Supercharged White 88 GT Stock (URL=]Download my Biography here(/URL] (SIZE=1](COLOR=Red]Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. (/COLOR](/SIZE]
Just replace the ( with [
Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 Supercharged White 88 GT Stock Download my Biography here [Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. ]
[This message has been edited by stuartlowery (edited 08-11-2003).]
Look's freaking AWESOME!! I have'nt looked at this thread in a while, and I about fell outts my chair when I saw the neon's... Man are you ever gonna stop?? Please don't!! You are raising the bar everytime you touch that Fiero!! Great detail on EVERYTHING!! Make's me wanna burn mine to the ground!
Hey, that is cool you did all that work stuartlowery. I did not realize this thread has grown so big. I guess I better get working on the newest mods being added to the thread so it will be up to date.
Glad you guys have enjoyed the thread. It did take a lot of time to write it too. I really appreaciate all the comments. Thanks!
PS, not sure how this could be done but it would be interesting to have a history of Skitimes signatures. I have no idea how many I had but they also document the development of the car.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. History of Skitimes Car UPDATED 6-20-03
Well I have be slacking on updating this tread again. I am heading back to my 29th year of teaching next week so I better work on this before school starts.
Let me go back in time a little and talk about my 2003 Fiero show season. My first show of the season was the show at Carlisle PA. On page 7 I had reviewed the repairs to the car for the season. The hood scoop, passenger door skin and rear bumper were repainted. I added the lighted headlight covers. Let me share some pics from the Carlisle show.
Here is one picture of my car with me in the background in the red jacket.
Carlisle was a great show as always and every Fiero owner should try to get to it. The number people that check out my car always overwhelm me. I knew that it was a good day because the grass was heavily trampled around the car. I was lucky enough to gain a first place trophy in the modified fastback class.
The next show was the GM Nationals again at the Carlisle Fair Grounds. This show was only a few weeks after the Carlisle Fiero Show and I was working hard at completing the intercooler to be ready for the GM National. I was able to complete it in time. One other item I was having done for the show was a poster for my show display. I am always being beaten my NOS3800 at the GM National show. He has a great purple GT also with a 3800SC. He always has a good display to show his car off and it is very effective. Here is a shot of his car at the earlier Carlisle show.
At the GM National the show is peer judged but not just by the Fiero people but by hundreds of show participates who own any and all makes of GM cars. What is important at this show it to make a good quick impression. I never provided any display before at this show. Kameo Kid had just done my signature prior to this show.
He sent me a picture of my signature as a mounted poster.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. History of Skitimes Car UPDATED 6-20-03
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 08-11-2003).]
I decided I had to have that for the GM Nationals. There was a problem. Small detail but it bothered me. The picture of the engine was prior to the intercooler. I wanted it with the intercooler even though you cannot see the intercooler the supercharger was now closer to the glass and looks different. I asked Kameo Kid if he could redo it with a new engine picture and also to remove the skitime since most people not into Fieros would not understand that word. I must add that this was only two days before the show. I also must add that I did not know Kameo Kid prior to this. He worked all night with a new set of pictures and finished it Thursday and overnight shipped it so I received it Friday for the Saturday show. Wow what a guy. I got it just in time.
I also had received from Vonnie as a birthday present the previous year a car surround for my car. Denny’s wife made it. She did a great job and I used it at a few show the previous years. The sides say 3800 SUPERCHARGED
In addition I had started a thread about ideas for a logo idea for my car to let the world know the car was intercooled. MuncieFiero’s wife had made a logo for me in that thread. I really liked it and Bob Schlag printed it for me and brought it to the show for me. This allowed people to easily understand what engine they were looking at. I also have two sheets listing all my modifications on the back of the car and on the windshield. I also have a few tags pointing out things I have noticed people miss when looking at my car. Most people never notice the removable rear window, many think the engine window is a mirror and many never notice the engine vent on the trunk.