The results of the show are not known until the next day. I never liked that about the show. Well I finally was able to take a first in the Custom Fastback class after trying for three years. I have to guess that my attempt at making the car display had to have helped me at the show.
After this show I had embarked on another modification to the car. While at the GM Nationals I walked though the hundreds of stands selling parts and found a company that offered custom chroming. I always thought with my chrome wheels that the brake calipers needed improvement. I inquired about chroming my caliper brackets and was told that cast iron is harder to do but they could do it. After the show I sent a spare set of caliper brackets to them. The chrome shop moved my order up in priority to get them to me in time for the 20th Anniversary show. I was charged $55 each including the return shipping. The shop is C.A.R.S. of Pittsburgh, Inc. Chrome Shop at When I got them back I was thrilled. You really have to see them in person to really appreciate them. I attached a note to calipers I sent suggesting that if possible to soften the edges and if possible get rid of numbers stamped on them. Wow did they ever improve the appearance of the bracket. It really matched the soft curves of the wheel.
Although the 88 brakes are far superior to the pre-88 Fieros, I wanted to upgrade my brakes and was inspired by West Coast Fiero’s 88 brake upgrade kit. The beauty of this swap is that you are only swapping to a bigger diameter rotor. The 88 Fiero caliper is retained which means you are also retaining the emergency brake. The 88 Fiero disc brake rotors are the same thickness as the C4 Corvette rotor while the 88 Fiero rotor is a 10 ½” diameter but the Corvette rotor is a 12”. WCF could not supply the rotor I wanted so I decided to make the kit myself. Most brake upgrade kits run $1000 to $2000 so the WCF kit is a bargain at $595 for all four wheels. Too bad it only works on 88 Fieros. At the Fieros at Carlisle show, I found out that Rockcrawl had already done the swap by himself also. Thanks to Rockcrawl and Akursked I was able to figure out what I needed to do. Rockcrawl has a great web page about his brake swap here. While talking to Rockcrawl he assured me the brake swap has impressive results. AkursedX also had a good thread about his experience of installing the WCF kit. I wanted some rotors that would really catch your eye as well as superior to a solid rotor. I found some sweet drilled, slotted, silver plated, directional Corvette rotors from Parts Authority. They are out of Rockville Centre, NY and their phone number is 516-678-3900. They cost $75 each but shipping was $60 total for the four being $360
Here is one side by side with a stock Fiero rotor.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 12-03-2007).]
I sent the rotors out to a local machine shop to redrill the rotors from a 4 ½ bolt pattern to a 4 ¼ Fiero pattern. The machine shop also made the needed centering rings. The centering ring is tapered on the back which matches the taper on the Corvette rotor. The taper prevents it from falling out and the centering ring was also machined to have a friction fit through the center of the rotor. All that worked only cost $60 for the four rotors.
I spent a lot of time on the caliper adapters. I tried a few prototypes to see what needed to be done. Finally I decided the only precise way to do this was using computer aided drafting CAD. I teach AutoCAD at a high school so I felt this was the best way to design them. I spent a day taking measurements from rotors, spindles and calipers trying to decide the best layout. I then plagued myself by cutting some 3/8” steel attempting to make them. I stopped in to check on the rotors and asked if they could make the adapters and they said they easily could. I brought my CAD drawing to them. Wish I would of done that first. LOL They only charged me $30 for the brackets and were already to be put on since they tapped them for me as well. I picked up all my parts and was keeping my fingers crossed it would all fit.
Here is a before shoot with my chrome caliper brackets.
After installing the rotors and driving the car enough to break them in, I was amazed at how the brakes inspire so much more confidence. The brakes feel stronger under normal conditions but really are at their best under extreme conditions that would overwork the stock brakes. This is definitely a modification all the 88 owners should do.
The 20th Anniversary Show was fast approaching. I started prepping my car for the drive out to Pontiac Michigan. I found a bad lower ball joint that needed replacing and had all four wheels rebalanced. I found some seepage on the slave cylinder so I decided to replace both the master and slave cylinder to be on the safe side. While driving to a cruise-in the car developed a squeal. The squeal came and went and was annoying. I had a squeal that sounded like this last year and found it to be an idler pulley. I replaced all my idlers and finally the alternator. The squeal was still there and was hard to locate. We were leaving on Wednesday and the alternator was replaced on the Saturday before. That was when the elusive squeal got worse. It was coming from the bell housing area. I was heartbroken that I might not make it to the 20th. Anniversary show since it was three days before we planned to leave. I decided that if I take the trans out I run the risk of not making it to the show. Monday I called around and found a trailer to borrow and a place to install a hitch on my Durango. So Wednesday morning I attempted to drive the car out of the garage found the clutch was not working. Upon investigation I found that the new master cylinder was not releasing. I reinstalled the old master cylinder and loaded the car. At least I would be going to the show despite the trailer queen jokes.
Kameo Kid was having engine problems and had called for help. Through the phone conversation he invited us to stop at his place Wednesday night. What a great invitation since he never met up personally but that is what is so great about Fiero people. The invite was perfect for us since his place was almost exactly halfway to Pontiac MI. We arrived at his place without a problem. We had to clean my wheels since we had run out of time at home. I took the car off the trailer and took Kameo Kid for a ride. (No squeal) We cleaned the wheels, ate and then had a photo session with the two cars.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 08-11-2003).]
Thursday we drove with Kameo Kid to the 20th show. We arrived around 1pm. Vonnie went right to work cleaning my car. She worked hard again on Friday as well as Saturday morning. As I am sure many of you will attest to she was always working on cleaning the car and many of you probably had a hard time taking pictures of my car without her in it. Let me explain why. I am a klutz when it comes to cleaning a car. I usually do more harm than good so she makes me keep away. Thank God and thanks Vonnie.
Words cannot describe the thrill to see all the cars and meet all the people. It truly was overwhelming. Here is a shot from our hotel room Friday night.
I usually did not get to bed before 2 am each day. I think the action in the parking lot at night was the most enjoyable part of the show. If you went to bed you really missed the best part of the show. Here is the view early Saturday morning.
I had no experience with this type of show. I leaned on Kameo Kid for advice. So Saturday morning I was having a hard time trying to decide what was the best strategy on judging. Early or late? When Kameo Kid decided to go early, I did the same thing. Vonnie was off getting breakfast but I went without her. She arrived while I was waiting in line and did some more final touches. I was perhaps one of the first ten cars to be judged. I was really relieved to have it over with and really did not figure I had a chance anyway. Since the car was judged I could take the t-tops off and open the car up to show it off and enjoy the day.
Here is the parking lot later in the day. All the empty parking spaces are because the car is over being judged.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 08-11-2003).]
The banquet was such a treat. To listen to Hulkie and Parkie was a joy. I was enjoying every minute.
Finally they were giving out trophies. Most everyone at my table was receiving one so I was getting hopeful. When they got to my class I was thrilled when they called my name for a third place in Heavy Modified. Unbelievable! Since this was really a “clean contest” the trophy really belongs to Vonnie. She did most of the work. Thanks Vonnie.
We had a good trip home and another night at Kameo Kids. (Thanks Kelly) We then loaded our motorhome for a trip to Nova Scotia and were gone for another two weeks. Since then I have gone to a few cruise-ins and are preparing for the Dutch Classic Fiero show. That annoying squeal was not heard for the entire 20th show trip. I had found that the new GM clutch master cylinder was not releasing all of its pressure and was causing most of the squeal but it is now occasionally still heard. I am hoping the squeal will wait now till the winter for repair. I am hoping it is a throw-out bearing. Time will tell.
BTW the 20th prototypes had possibly inspired my to do some more mods. Most people close to me are discouraging me from them so time will tell. I got them worked out in my head and that is dangerous. lol
I would really enjoy seeing any pics you might have of my car from the 20th so if you by chance have one please post it for me. Thanks.
------------------ Red 88 GT T-Top 3800 INTERCOOLED SUPERCHARGED White 88 GT Stock Please give me a rating if you appreciate my contribution. History of Skitimes Car UPDATED 6-20-03
PS, not sure how this could be done but it would be interesting to have a history of Skitimes signatures. I have no idea how many I had but they also document the development of the car.
Here are a couple from the past
Used 2001 thru the 3800 install in 2002 (I wasn't reading the forum prior to May 2001, so that was the first one I knew about...)
BTW the 20th prototypes had possibly inspired my to do some more mods. Most people close to me are discouraging me from them so time will tell. I got them worked out in my head and that is dangerous. lol
You realize, of course, that you will have to apologize to those that you harm automotively. It's an important step in recovery
Great write-up, Dave!!
Everybody has talent and potential when they are twenty. The challenge is to still have it at forty. - paraphrased from Edward Degas
Sorry guys my server disconnected way too soon only got 384K of 11 Megs uploaded it should be finished uploading in about 5-10 minutes.
Just to let you all in on a few of my plans I may start a new website soon. One dedicated to fieros and I will try to hold all the mods that can be done on it as well as dedicate pages to certain cars that others look up to. I'm not sure when this will happen as I already have one site that I need to donate to another group of people that I built it for their hobby that I am no longer a part of and don't have the time to keep the site updated. Current site is And I am about to purchase another name for my next site. Heck I've already gotten Ski's "AUTO" Biography turned into a web page that needs a little editing.
[This message has been edited by stuartlowery (edited 08-12-2003).]
Hey Skitime, like I said before, I absolutely love your car. It looks really really good. If I saw that around here, I would cry I would be so happy . I'm very very impressed with what you have done with it and your creativity. It all goes together really well and I'm proud of you. You make the Fiero Community look really good. And also, I wanted to just say how cool it was of you Kameo Kid to help out Skitime A) on such short notice and B) help him with anything. That's a very unselfish act on your part, and it shows. By the way Kameo Kid, your car rocks man, that looks way cool. Anyway, good luck and great jobs everybody
P.S. Could you please come to Utah so I can see it?? hehe jk.........please? lol
------------------ Practice makes perfect, but since nobodies perfect why practice?
Well let me tell ya ski it was a pleasure having you and Vonnie "i'll leave the orange cones out for ya!!" (inside joke) his trailer attacked a lil neibor girl, oh i wish i would have gotten pics of that..
i'm looking forward to coming over your way sometime soon, just don't know when yet..
but give me a call on those mods your thinking of and i can tell ya what's up my sleeve for the GT for next year.
Yes, I have spent the past 3 hours or so reading this entire thread from start to finish. Unbelievable write up. You are a true inspiration Ski! P.S. Ever thought about getting another Fiero and starting over again with a new set of mods?
Wow! Just when we wonder what else is left on your car to do anything new with, you show us 10 fold. This is such a great thread and an inspiration to many. Jordan and I love looking to keep checking in to see the latest cool stuff you are doing.
Thanks guys for the compliments. Glad you appreciate the work. Stuartlowery thanks for the compilation and the posting of the thread. I was looking thrrough it and am surprised how long it is. lol
I can count on one hand the times I have read a 9 page thread and enjoyed every post of it... 1 time.... and this Thread is it! I have fixed up some non Fiero cars in my day, but the ammount of work and as somebody stated before "ideas" is staggering... Work is something anybody can do if they are willing, but... the Interesting Ideas, implmentation, and results ... as with most everybody, Im in awe INCREDIBLE WORK! I can only hope someday to see it at a car show.
First of all, GREAT JOB! I like it when someone takes time out for the little details. It makes all the differents. When I signed on, I had no idea how big this forum was. Then I came across your thread. WOW! I was going to wait until it warmed up. But after I finished reading your story, I went to sears and bought a 55,000 BTU heater, so I can work on my Fiero that I bought last spring. I too, think the best way to go is with the 3.8S/C II. I am in the process of finding one as I write this to you. I noticed you said something about the intercooler in the wing. Do you have more information on this? I like to go with that idea. I think I know of a place, where I can get thin, little fans. What are the deminsions of the intercooler?
Again great work! Don P.S. Did Kameo kid show you the pictures of the S-10 with the V-8 that he owned?
First of all, GREAT JOB! I like it when someone takes time out for the little details. It makes all the differents. When I signed on, I had no idea how big this forum was. Then I came across your thread. WOW! I was going to wait until it warmed up. But after I finished reading your story, I went to sears and bought a 55,000 BTU heater, so I can work on my Fiero that I bought last spring. I too, think the best way to go is with the 3.8S/C II. I am in the process of finding one as I write this to you. I noticed you said something about the intercooler in the wing. Do you have more information on this? I like to go with that idea. I think I know of a place, where I can get thin, little fans. What are the deminsions of the intercooler?
Again great work! Don P.S. Did Kameo kid show you the pictures of the S-10 with the V-8 that he owned?
Thanks on the kudos. The wing intercooler was only based on a photo. I did a lot of research on coolers to put in the wing. Sorry I don't have that info any more. I was going to use a pair transmission coolers in series.
I actually spent two nights at Kameo Kids and saw his S-10 close up and even sat in it. Here is a picture of our cars together in his driveway.
Hey Skitime, where can I buy side scoops like yours? Do you have a address and/or phone number?
Mine are the rare original Meecham side scoops which are urethane. They are not available anywhere. I bought mine from Forum member Rockcrawl. However there are several companies that make fiberglass copies. Since I did not buy them from such a company I an not sure which. I am sure someone will come along and tell you where to find copies of the side scoop.
Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I'm in the process of doing my ZR1 hood scoop similar to yours as it turns out. I like the idea of cutting into the top of the hood so the scoop is molded flush instead of on top of the hood, Great Idea. I hope you don't mine me doing the same thing.
Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I'm in the process of doing my ZR1 hood scoop similar to yours as it turns out. I like the idea of cutting into the top of the hood so the scoop is molded flush instead of on top of the hood, Great Idea. I hope you don't mine me doing the same thing.
Earl R.
You are welcome for the thread. I don't mind you trying the same thing. I had to narrow the ZR1 scoop four inches so it would not destroy the lines in the hood. Good luck. Send me pics of how it is going.
[This message has been edited by skitime (edited 12-25-2003).]
Well we started last night. The funny thing is before I read your post on how you actually did it I had measured the hood and scoop and decided 4" was about what needed to be cut out.
i've got a question for you. where does the removable rear window go when it's removed? does it just get tossed in the trunk, left at home or does it store up front like the sunroof glass would?
really curious.
one more thing...when you gonna paint it blue?
------------------ "Ecstatic Yuletide to the planetary constituency, and to that self same assemblage, my sincerest wishes for a salubriously beneficial and gratifyingly pleasurable period between sunset and dawn."
Ski, how many miles since you've bought your Fiero have you actually put on it?
About 8,000 miles. It is not my daily driver. Currently my daily driver is a 99 Dodge Durango. (Good ski vehicle and can haul the Fiero if needed.) Longest trip I drove it was to Chicago and back to the Fierorama. The car seems to be under construction more than show ready so that keeps the miles down. I usually take the car to local cruise-ins every weekend during the summer.
i've got a question for you. where does the removable rear window go when it's removed? does it just get tossed in the trunk, left at home or does it store up front like the sunroof glass would?
really curious.
Just toss it in the trunk???? Heck no. lol I made a removable rack under the hood to recieve the glass and hold it securely. Here is a picture of it setting in the support bars. There is black foam glued to the hood to gently hold the glass from bumping around while driving. The t-tops do not have the plastic piece to cover the AC stuff along the windshield. I really prefer to look with that piece in so I added it to my car. I used that piece to hold the metal supports. The metal supports have hard rubber pieces to keep the glass from moving on the bars.
With all these great mods just one question ski,.....what is next ??!!?
Well, I have not started anything just yet. I need to drop the engine and hopefully find out where a squeal develops after it is hot. I am hoping that is the throw out bearing. I probably will do some more cleaning in the engine compartment at that time. If and when that is all done I have some body panels that need so touch up so they will be removed and sent to the painters. I then have an idea to modify the rocker panels so maybe I will get them done if the prototype is sucessful. This would be a mod I have never seen on any car before.