Today after an extensive cleaning cranked up the heater on the house, shut it down and painted in the basement... damn fumes still made its way into the house (wife was pissed) but I ended up with a nice looking cradle:
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
wow, 30 second install on the dr side axle lol pass side, a little fun. since I was doing all the dirty work, my helper was the camera man, the rag man, the go to guy.
heres me fooling with the axles... wtf I look drunk in the 2nd pic?
heres the parts all lined up ready to be put together.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
rofl - I rarely use gloves, but axle greese.... requires gloves. cat is adoreable!
anyway, son was sick tonight and told me to go ahead and do some work in the garage, got alot done:
Trans and cradle with neutral switch, dipstick tube on and torque converter bolts ready.
new pic shows coated crossover pipe, 60' intake tube, couplers, slp 85mm maf, ac lines I just got back today (hope I had them do them correctly, if they are backwards I guess ill have a nicely cooled radiator!) bunch of new sensors and crap also lol
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
I really have no clue bobadoo, but as miracles happen today I was able to get done work early (home by 7pm insted of 9) for the 2nd day in a row. after a 3-1/2 hour job with the little guy, we managed to mate the trans and the engine for the first time! he has school and I have work but I couldnt have done it without him, little guy is tired but so excited.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
Thats a really pretty engine and cradle! I love those valve covers. Thats so cool your little dude is in on this! Itl be something he will never forget! Im 20, i still remember being in the garage working on small things with my dad when I was 3. Plus for you!
Update! Thursday the exhaust parts from summit arrived!
after the machine shop guy came over this morning to take some measurements for the fabbed low alt bracket, my son and I moved the car into position to get hoisted. We jacked her up and started removing/moving things in the engine compartment and thinking up ideas
oh, did I mention it got upto 60" today? (been in the 30's.....) garage door open! ah fresh air!
Modifying an Air charcoal canister from a 3800n/a using parts from FieroFlyer
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
Since it was such a beautiful day out, my son played outside the entire day.... and daddy spent many hours cleaning the supercharger for painting, and then the fumes of painting.... lol - one time he is not allowed to help! been waiting for a nice day out (60'F ish out today!) to paint the supercharger and a couple other items, paint is curing now so no sneak peaks until tomorrow!
Pulled supercharger off, marked the bolt locations.
Painting supercharger, thermastat housing, and some other misc stuff.
some pics, yes the engine dogbone bracket is broken.... thats one we're using to test sizing up of the fab low alt bracket. also, supercharger is just sitting there unbolted down, waiting for some fasteners to "Sparkle" up the look.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
Decided that with 3" Exhaust, Hi-Flow Cat, Dump Pipe.... no way its going to fit w/o cutting the trunk..... after a tear rolled down my cheek I cut the trunk out:
Chuck the Machine shop guy welding the cat onto the "U"
pic of the bottom of the exhaust
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
More work today, on goes the exhaust, off it goes again, then out goes the cradle.... again. Pulled fuel tank and some other things while the car is suspended in the air by chains, and two 4x4's its resting on.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
He has his moments when he gets bored and goes outside and then comes back. this weekend he was in pittsburgh with the wife and daughter, which made it excellent time to do things he shouldnt be around when being done, #1 exhaust welding(eye damage hazard), #2 pulling fuel tank(inhailing fumes) the garage stinks of fuel right now, he'll be in some of the next pics, he cant wait to do some more work!
Heat Shield work! heres the pieces I cut out before taking to get some bends made:
made these pieces to keep the hot air from the exhaust from making its way up and cracking the GT tail lights, bolted and hi-temp siliconed on.
this is the "trunk shield" that will be spaced off below the trunk and above the exhaust, I messed up my measurements and had to make a few home-made bends, used hi-temp silicone to seal the two pieces - the one is angled to allow the hot air to flow out underneath the bumper.
the firewall heat shield, a preliminary "Fit" before lunch.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
My son has taken a small vacation, cutting metal, measuring, re-cutting, sanding, measuring, complicated and very boring parts of an important job, is seriously boring to him at 7 years old.
After cleaning up the garage mess I stake my work area in the driveway:
Heres the progress of my coil pack mount:
In goes the cradle.... AGAIN.... more fitting and measuring, you can see in a couple pics where the coil mount is, and where the computer will be mounted on the firewall heat shield.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
I have decided to hide my wiring harness behind my heat shield, so i'm sorry FieroFlyer your excellent wiring harness has gotten the cut and i'm lengthing things to make the engine bay look nicer
Heres a pic where im testing my ideas, measuring, and just sighing at the start of another time consuming idea.
heres the harness sitting on my dads work bench as I use the soldering gun.
more pics to come this weekend as I finish the harness up.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]
bump, alot of house work being done to boost our resale value so we can afford to move closer to my work, thus not much has happened since my last post
I have a few days off so here comes the pics... after many attempts to make a brake booster hard tube around the thermastat housing I got one to work, I grinded it down somewhat so it doesnt look like crap (brass piping from sears ) now that that is done the throttle body goes on, and things start to get back on track. months ago I had the machine shop guy re-do the location for the SC idler in the rear (on the old coil mount) as the belt going to it from the crank was hitting the 95 regal ac unit (im assuming its larger than later models, now it doesnt hit but required alot of work. today, I also put together the new fuel pump, but the wire ends dont match the plug spot so i'll probably goto the gm dealership in the morning and get a plug and splice it into the existing wiring, then theres a few small things to do and then the cradle goes in and I start pluging things in. i'm hoping that I will have a "start up" video in the next few days, not driveable though.... one thing at a time
heat shield finished about 90 days ago, just forgot to post pic.
[This message has been edited by Back On Holiday (edited 03-20-2009).]