#022 takes 1st prize at the Long Island Corvette Car Show April 11th, 2010.
(If you notice the trophy- that's a Corvette on top).
#022 pretty much stormed through the sea of Corvettes and won over Corvette owners. Troy spent 99% of his time talking to the people at the show. What was the highlight of the show? #022. What amazed the crowds flocking to #022? Mainly, the LS7 (it's a Corvette group). They were impressed by the workmanship and how the engine sits beautifully inside the engine bay. Oh yeah, the crowds were impressed by the body, headlamps, and many other items... including the HREs (but HRE aren't special among Corvette owners, because HRE are the wheel of choice).
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 04-11-2010).]
#022 takes 1st prize at the Long Island Corvette Car Show April 11th, 2010.
She didn't take home First prize, that went to a cherry 1962 corvette stingray, but she did place in the top three out of 300 cars and 25 trophies. #22 is now booked for over 10 car shows with front row parking( what ever that means?) and promotional photos. All the shows are for charity
[This message has been edited by troyboy (edited 04-12-2010).]
Hey Troy, did anybody notice that #022 is chopped? Did anybody ask you to turn the engine over? Oh yeah, comparing the Fiero's LS7 sound to that of a Corvette- did they both sound similar?
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 04-12-2010).]
Hey Troy, did anybody notice that #022 is chopped? Did anybody ask you to turn the engine over? Oh yeah, comparing the Fiero's LS7 sound to that of a Corvette- did they both sound similar?
I talked to Troy and I was glad to hear that nobody noticed that #022 was chopped. Keep in mind- those in attendance are not use to seeing Fieros (yet alone a fastback) at The Corvette Long Island shows. The ones that are in attendance are Fiero replicas. Troy was talking to a real Lamborghini owner at the show. The owner was bit ill-disposed regarding Countach replicas thus raising the trunk required to prove otherwise. As for sound comparisons' Troy pointed out that a Stock Corvette isn't as loud as #022 (due to the custom and much shorter exhaust).
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 04-13-2010).]
Here in sweden a rice car site said that my car looked good and that only some LED:s and a nice paint can turn the fiero to a realy nice car. Also on the Custom motor show not many could tell that my car was a choptop. They stod there woundering why my car was soooooooooooooo good looking
http://main.superiorimports...page-1/#comment-3906 Translation of the text would be something like: Run past this car a couple of times now. I really stand for that the Pontiac Fiero is a cool car even if it´s an old car. The lines are timeless. Not many of the American cars have that. 90% of the cars from the 80:s was ugly and boring. Why over do it when a nice paintjob and some LEDs makes the car look like this? Nice work of the owner and for the show to place the car here on elmia. The boring thing is the heavy V6 in these cars.
[This message has been edited by Sharkman (edited 04-14-2010).]
Originally posted by Sharkman: Here in sweden a rice car site said that my car looked good and that only some LED:s and a nice paint can turn the fiero to a realy nice car. Also on the Custom motor show not many could tell that my car was a choptop. They stod there woundering why my car was soooooooooooooo good looking
This is good news the here. I know here in CA, not many non-Fiero owners ever notice, but they do detect that something is different (outside that is).
I was digging through some old pictures today and had a silent moment for the Mutt. I found a few pictures I do not think were ever posted. Hard to believe all those years have passed since I built the first all glass window Chop Top Fiero. Here is one were I was putting in the 4.9 I sure did like those Mr. Mike seats. They were worth the money
#022 spotted at local fish market picking up crustaceans.
This past weekend, Troyboy took #022 out to a local pier dinner/fish market to pick-up a few crustaceans. While Troy was looking for a parking place, the owner of the restaurant spotted #022, removed the orange cones out front, and quickly waved him-in as patrons turned their attention away from their usual menu to a different type of dish--À la carte chop top. The owner and Troy briefly exchanged greetings and Troy walked inside. When Troy came back, a crowd had gathered around the car, but Troy was able to sneak-in; and before they had a chance to bombard him with questions, Troy was goosing the throttle. However, one gentlemen was able to squeeze-off a few questions, " what type of car was it?" and "what type of engine do your have?" After quickly answering, Troy left--leaving the crowd viewing the Pontiac lamp in the back.
Sorry: no pictures were taken.
[This message has been edited by madcurl (edited 05-23-2010).]
I'm always amazed at the "love-hate" relationship people have with choptops. I once posted that I was considering it and got across-the-board reactions, the primary complaint being cabin height. I'm only 5'7" so I don't see that as a reason not to do it.
I'm still considering it but I'd likely let Archie do it than tackle it myself.
Swwweeet NEW choptop video of Car-2-lo up in canada !!!!
His buddy does a little suspension work for him then takes it for a spirited test drive ! Man that car looks sweet flying down the road, and the sc sounds NICE !
I'm always amazed at the "love-hate" relationship people have with choptops. I once posted that I was considering it and got across-the-board reactions, the primary complaint being cabin height. I'm only 5'7" so I don't see that as a reason not to do it.
I'm still considering it but I'd likely let Archie do it than tackle it myself.
If you do have one built, make sure it is the car you want to keep for the rest of your life. They are near impossible to sell. Most people like the way they look but that is about it. I like to build cars then sell and build something different and my experience with spending money on a Fiero is just not worth it at all. Once I sell (give away mine). I will not own one for me again. There are a couple Chops for sale at this time one is a car I built and own. The other looks nice and can be bought for $3,000.00 it is in the Mall section at this time. Whatever you decide good luck with it.
when i first saw this picture i wondered how you made a model of your car. then realized it wasnt a model. scale is blowing my mind the perspective is so crazy in this picture.
Originally posted by shawnk: when i first saw this picture i wondered how you made a model of your car. then realized it wasnt a model. scale is blowing my mind the perspective is so crazy in this picture.
It is perfect enough to be a model... Cant wait to see the tweaks coming... Any more hints..??
A rolling shot of Bob & Marg's Choptop (winner of the best non-stock Fiero at the show).
Sweet, Gianna Blitz rims! I had those for my Solstice for a short while....very cool how the inserts can be painted to match... Those look REALLY good on that Fiero.