Foam Core boards can only mean one thing here at Howser's Howse of Fiero's! It's that time of year again when I dive into fiberglass projects. Last year at this time, I was redoing the interior in my V8 Coupe. This winter is the XTC's turn. First on the list is a new dash. I have been thinking about this project for a year now and it has gone through many "designs" but I have finally settled on one. Of course it will most likely change as it goes along but I have to start somewhere.
I found some pics a few months ago of the dash in a 65 Buick Riviera. I think - and I could be worng - that the lines and angles of this dash fit the angles and line of the XTC - or at least the lines of the XTC when we finish the "exterior" rehab. This new dash will not be a replica of the Buick dash. It's just a place to start.
So the first thing I did was go out to the XTC and take some measurements. Then I dug out my "donor" dash and started to cut and fit the foam core.
This is the basic dash top. It will have places for some nice speakers and the defrost vent from the stock dash will be transfered to this dash.
Next step was to clamp it to the donor dash and angle off the sides. Working with this foam core and hot glue is too easy!
Then it was time to fill in the bottom of the dash.
Then I mocked up the instrument cluster/console face.
I still have to fill in the outer edges - incorporate the outside ac duct but the basic shape is there.
Next step is to clean out my work shop out back as I do not think my better half will let me do anymore Fiero work on the dining room table. It was a good thing she was out shopping all day.
Did some work on the XTC today - the fuel gauge has been inop since the last fuel pump replacement - guage is pegged all the time so I thought maybe the gauge was stuck or bad. I tore the dash apart and discovered something a little scary. My son had wired in some fog lights and installed the switch on the right side of the dash. When I pulled the switch/cover from the dash, this is what I found!
I have never seen a fuse melt and not be blown like this one! Maybe there is a short somewhere and the hot wire to the fog light is shorting out somewhere? I'll have to trace the wires now.
RCR, RWDPLZ, After looking at it a little closer, it lookes like the power feed and the power line going out to the fog lights got hot and melted together basically bypassing the fuse and then the fuse got hot and melted. I winder why the fuse did not blow before the wires got hot and melted. There has to be a short somewhere but I will replace the fuse with better quality one.
Foam Core... is there anything it can't do? The mock up is looking good. The overhang looks a little deep. Is it supposed to go out that far?
Hey Greg!
Not sure yet about the overhang. I need to get it in the car and look at it. It does not come out as far as the gauge pod but you may be right. It could be the angle and location of "dash" fave plate that makes it look so deep? I have to tear the guage pod apart again this weekend to trace some shorted wires. I can set the mock up in the car and get a better idea of where I need to adjust. I am thinking that it may be too "flat" too. I think it needs to angle up a little more? I'll probably change it 10 times.
RCR, RWDPLZ, After looking at it a little closer, it lookes like the power feed and the power line going out to the fog lights got hot and melted together basically bypassing the fuse and then the fuse got hot and melted. I winder why the fuse did not blow before the wires got hot and melted. There has to be a short somewhere but I will replace the fuse with better quality one.
They got hot and melted because the fuse did not blow. Might not be a short, just too much current drawn on the line. I don't recall off hand what value a blue fuse is, 15A?. Did you have it properly sized? Fog lights should be in the 5 to 10 A range I'm guessing (or about 45 to 60W)...
[This message has been edited by RCR (edited 12-21-2010).]
I am thinking that it may be too "flat" too. I think it needs to angle up a little more? I'll probably change it 10 times.
It looks good so far. Having worked with foam core, I know where you're headed with the design. Also, the flatter the surface on top, the bigger chance you have at a MASSIVE reflection in the windshield - that can cause problems when driving. With an area that large, I hope you're planning on flat black or a dark grey? But I know you have everything under control...
They got hot and melted because the fuse did not blow. Might not be a short, just too much current drawn on the line. I don't recall off hand what value a blue fuse is, 15A?. Did you have it properly sized? Fog lights should be in the 5 to 10 A range I'm guessing (or about 45 to 60W)...
Its a 10A I believe - its the fuse that came with the wiring harness for the fog lights. But, I looked at it this afternoon and found where he had 2 sets of fogs wired into this switch - I think he was drawing too much through this switch. I'll have some pics later in the week!
It looks good so far. Having worked with foam core, I know where you're headed with the design. Also, the flatter the surface on top, the bigger chance you have at a MASSIVE reflection in the windshield - that can cause problems when driving. With an area that large, I hope you're planning on flat black or a dark grey? But I know you have everything under control...
I hear ya Greg! By the time I build in some speaker pods and a few other "tricks" I think it won't be so flat and partially covered in pleather. suede, etc.???? I'll have it in the car this weekend and we can tweak it all we want then.
Have you ever seen "Spectre Chrome"? Chrome paint that can be tinted? I'll send you a link. I have a few ideas to "recreate" some nice chrome trim pieces for the dash and door panels? Maybe not for the XTC project but may of some interest.
It was pushing 65 today and I needed to work off all the food I consumed yesterday and last night so I decided it was time to clean my work shop up. It was a mess after Jeff and I did the body and paint work on the Bus in October/November. I can;t believe how much more crap I have compared to this time last year. I really need to maek a dump run but I can't bring myself to toss out any Fiero stuff - even the stuff I know is junk? Maybe I need to be on that show called "Hoarders"? Anyway, It was not as bad as it looked but there was so much stuff scattered around that you could barely walk through it. Now it's done and ready for my Winter Fiberglass project for the XTC. A week ago, I mocked up a new dash for the XTC and after looking at it for a few days, I have decided that it needs a tweak or two. I think I'll cut this one apart and basically start over. It's a little too deep I believe so I'll shorten up the top and change the underside to fit. I will mock up the entire dash and console in the work shop, get it just the way I like it and then start glassing. It's an ambitious project - but I think I can pull it off.
At least I can walk through the shop now!
Anyone need any Fiero parts?
As it sits right now:
More later!
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 12-26-2010).]
Wow. I don't know too many people with three engine stands.
Up until about 3 weeks ago, they all had motors on them too! - Actually one belongs to a friend and one I just picked up from a neighbor that is moving - for 10 bucks I could not refuse!
Better yet, how many people do you know that can have all three of them in use at any given time? Pat is Superman.
Except I change in a Fiero versus a phone booth! I think if a guy has 3 or 4 engine stands, they should have an engine on them! I have room now for that 3800 SC Dan! We need to go looking around one day this week for some swap parts.....
Except I change in a Fiero versus a phone booth! I think if a guy has 3 or 4 engine stands, they should have an engine on them! I have room now for that 3800 SC Dan! We need to go looking around one day this week for some swap parts.....
I'm up for some junkyard scavenging......gimme a call and let me know what your schedule looks like this week.
I have it installed and it's working - needs some adjustment but I'm close. going to build the next generation in a week or two - I'll keep you posted.
I'm up for some junkyard scavenging......gimme a call and let me know what your schedule looks like this week.
I got vetoed today and I will be spending the next 2 days in New Mexico babysitting a crew. I'll give you a call tomorrow when I get some cell service - still out here at Akela on the track @ 6:45 pm! I love these 18 hour days.
Took the XTC to a monthly car nut get together this AM. A local car club holds "Caffiene and Octane" at a local Starbucks the second Saturday of each month. Jeff took his 88 3800 SC GT. We were the only Fiero's in the bunch and they generated a lot of attention. There were some pretty nice cars in the bunch - most I had never seen before. There were 3 Factory Five Cobra's and it was a lot of fun talking to those 3 guys.
On the way home, my fuel door kept flopping open so I decided that it was time to fix it. I ran by the Mega Pull and picked up another latch and some pieces and parts for the fuel door then spent about 10 minutes repairing it. Been having this problem for over 2 years! It's the little things that drive you nuts on these cars.
Fuel Door pieces and parts:
Old one out
New (used) one in!
A few shots from the rod run:
And a very nice Camaro
I'm going to work on the front end of the XTC this afternoon. I need to straighten out the steering wheel and I have a slight tire rub in the rear fenderwell that needs some trimming. If you are going to drive them, you better be prepared to fix them!
More later!
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 01-08-2011).]
Hey Pat, you missed a pic of the newest Corvette there!
On your gas door, does it use that metal spring? My car does not have one but I don't know if it will fit. The yellow GT did and it held the door open when I would gas it up.
Hey Pat, you missed a pic of the newest Corvette there!
On your gas door, does it use that metal spring? My car does not have one but I don't know if it will fit. The yellow GT did and it held the door open when I would gas it up.
I know Rick! the batteries died in my camera before I could get pics of the New Vette.
Yes it uses the spring and I have an extra one we can try. I hate it when the gas door flops around! The issue with mine was that the spring loaded latch was goofy and it would not hold the door closed.. It fits noce and tight now.
As a side note, while I was at the Mega Pull, I wandered around because I am looking for a 500 Caddy motor for my 47 project. A few weeks before Xmas, they had brought in a new 71 Caddy and I was there when they put it out in the lot. I thought I hit the jackpot but when I raised the hood, it was a 472 and it was missing the top end. Being the seasoned junk yard lurker that I am, I checked the trunk. Sure enough, all the top end parts were there including a fresh rebuilt set of heads wraped in plastic. I shoved them over in the corner of the trunk and covered them up figuring I'd come back later and get some casting numbers, etc. etc.
Fast forward to today. The same car is still there so I look in the trunk and the heads are sitting out in the weather - plastic wrap is gone - surface rust had began. I was on my motorcycle so I had no way of taking them home but I did get the casting numbers - they are "902" 76cc heads - these heads were used on the 472 and 500 and are the sought after iron heads for the hot rod 500 Caddy builds! I went home, got the car and headed right back. They are now in my garage. I took a wire brush to them and gave them a coat of oil. I'll have them checked out at the machine shop before I bolt them on but I made a big score - 60.00 for the pair! Reconditioned sets run in the 700.00 range - cores are worth 300.00! I know it's not Fiero related but I was there getting Fiero parts so it kind of fits. Plus I think folks like a good "score" story!
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 01-08-2011).]
Another little PITA reared it's ugly head today. The passenger door lock has been sticking and has been a major pain to get the door unlocked. This afternoon, while I was tikering around looking at all the body work I have to do, I decided to fix it. Thankfully, it was just a little adjustment but I had to remove the outer door skin to get to it. While it was apart, I lubed up the mechanism. I also lubed up the hinges, roller and spring pivots.
I also had to work on the passenger rear inner fenderwell - it has been rubbing on the tire so I had to trim some of it away. The little things never end on these cars. I guess it's the price we pay for all the fun we get to have!
As soon as I get the V8 Coupe done, I am going to start the body work on the XTC. I have a lot planned - just don;t know where to start. I think the first thing I will do is start on the rockers. I was looking at them today and I think I can take them off the car pretty easy. The plan is to cut the "flare" off and then round them under the car.
Current: And a "line" showing how I want it - I don't have photo shop but you get the idea.
Hey Pat, what a deal on those heads! I like the idea for the rockers. It will clean up the side of the car a lot. Speaking of clean up, someone wrote all over your wheels. I am off this weekend, Maybe we can try the gas door spring on my car. I was not sure if it was something that has to be removed on a Mera door. It would be nice if it stayed open when I put gas in it.........
Hey Pat, what a deal on those heads! I like the idea for the rockers. It will clean up the side of the car a lot. Speaking of clean up, someone wrote all over your wheels. I am off this weekend, Maybe we can try the gas door spring on my car. I was not sure if it was something that has to be removed on a Mera door. It would be nice if it stayed open when I put gas in it.........
Yep....Scored on the heads! I am also planning on eliminating the flair all the way around the rear valance and the sides of the front valance - I plan to leave it on the front as a "spoiler" but it might have to go when I shorten the nose! COme on by this weekend - plan on spending the weekend wrenchig on Fiero's. If my V8 parts do not show up, I am going to start a "power" window/glass replacement project on the XTC. I am tired of cranking the windows up and down by hand! Especially the Passenger side when there is no passenger! While I have the dash off to run the power window wires, I want to stuff a pait of 6X9's in the stock dash speaker spots. I beleive that I will have to "modify" the AC ducts some but I think I can handle it.
So it's been almost 2 months since I have done anything to the XTC. It's pretty much been parked - I start it on ocaision and move it around in the driveway but the rotors and pads are worn badly and the squeaking poly bushings were driving me nuts - plus the youngest decided he wanted it back, drove it a little then decided it was cheaper on gas to drive the Formula! Kids? Anywya, I ordered new rotors and pads and they finally arrived so I will be doing a brake job this weekend. While I am doing that, I am going to see what I can go about the squaky poly bushings. I may have to remove them and regrease them?
After neglecting the XTC for the last few weeks, my son has been driving it the last few days - it has not been driven since we put the ne brakes on it and today, I noticed that the front rotors were wearing funny. So this afternoon, we tore it down to take a look. What I found was odd. The new pads we put on had 2 bumps on the back side and would not sit flat on the outer half of the caliper. I never paid any attention to them when we installed them. I thought maybe we got the pads switched so i pulled the inners and they were the same. These are not the 2 bumoe that sit in the dimples in the piston - rather on the outer edge of the pad? I guess that's what you get when you buy off the internet. Anyway, some quick work with the bench grinder and the bumps were gone - reinstalled - problem sovled!
You can see the uneven wear on the outside of the rotor - inside was fine - the outer pad was wearing at an angle!
Loaded it up and sent it off to the paint shop this AM. One big step closer to being complete! Still have some interior work to do and get the AC working. If it all comes together by August, I'll be taking it to the Gunnison run! I think I am going with an Ice Blue metalic. Going to go look at some paint charts today.