C4's are abundant and cheap....this one is pricey for an 84, unless it's absolutely pristine.
Condition is everything on a C4, especially the interior. Interior parts are very expensive. The rest of the car is run of the mill GM....I know the early C4's inside and out. I've had the whole suspension down on mine and rebuilt it with Poly...quite easy.
Here's what just slightly more money will buy you in the C4 world. It's a ways away, but there are similar ones closer.
As soon as I get this XTC out of the garage - one of them is my next toy!
Now for a XTC update!
I got RD's new rack bushing on Friday - yes it was delivered on good Friday - I could not believe it! Anyway, I was going to attempt to change the bushing out with the rack in the car. After messing with it and reading RD's instructions, I decided to remove the rack - Another major PITA. I am very happy to report that I broke off 3 of the 4 rack bolts - "CRAP CRAP CRAP"! Now what do I do. I looked it over real good, I do not think I can get a drill in there to drill the broke bolts out. Did I say "CRAP"? I don't think removing the plastic trunk liner will help either.
I did get the rack out and managed to get all the rust and corrosion cleaned off the passenger side rack rod. I also spent a lot ot time cleaning the rust out of the inside of the housing. This is important as RD's bushing will not fit right unless it is cleaned out. The old plastic bushing was a PITA to get out too. I ended up splitting it so I could pull it out. After I was all done, there was no way I was going to do this in the car. I guess I had no choice but to remove it - just makes me sick that I broke 3 bolts off. I soaked them with PB and everything. I barely moved the bolts and snap! I am usually pretty easy going but this really set me off. It's a good thing the dog was not around or I would have kicked her - J/K......
More later - after I figure out how to get those broken bolts out!
I was not sure how I was going to get the broke rack bolts out. 2 of the 3 had about 1/4" of the bolt abouve the mount and one was flush. As I stood there sctratching my head, my boy said "just weld some nuts on there and take em out with a wrench". When did this kid grow a brain? He must be reading threads on PFF! So that's what I did. I welded on the nuts, applied a lot of heat and PB blaster and wigled them back and forth a little at a time. The first came out pretty easy, the second one gave me a fight. I had a hard time getting a good weld on the nut and I kept twisting the nut off the bolt. Finally got it. The last was a battle. It was broke flush and I did not want to weld the nut to the monut. Also was tough to get a good weld on the nut/bolt. Went through like 10 nuts - each time I would get the bolt to turn a little before the nut twisted off. After a lot of foul language, it came out. Another battle in the Fiero/XTC war has ended with man being the victor.
One on this side OUT! Two on this side OUT! - The lower one was a real treat.
Got up early and got to work on the front suspension. I have a complete set of KYB's but I have decided to save them for the Formula. I am just going to get some Gabrial's for the XTC for now. Taking a break for now - still got to install the new tie rods and RD's zero lash sway links.
Lower A Arm with new Poly - just slid right in - did not have to trim the thrust washers. Left side A Arms complete. Look who showed up to work on HIS car. Working on the Right side. After wrestling the coil spring. A Arms complete on the right side.
More later!
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 04-12-2009).]
Is it a clean one owner with low miles only driven on Sundays to go to Church? Do we need to find another 4.9 so we can do 2 at one time?
You sure we ain't brothers? It's almost like you can read my mind. Looks like San Angelo is most likely like my next home for awhile. Might have to get something going.
...just makes me sick that I broke 3 bolts off. I soaked them with PB and everything. I barely moved the bolts and snap! I am usually pretty easy going but this really set me off.
yep, reminds me of the incident that cured me of throwing things when i get mad. I was working on the motor in my first car (a 66 mustang) the bolt snapped while I was really cranking on it so of course i busted my hand pretty good. i was instantly furious and threw the wrench...which bounced off the top of the motor and put a freakin dent in my hood fro the inside . so i'm standing there thinking to myself "so, the bolts still broken, you're still bleedin and NOW you have a dent in your hood...dumbass!" learned on the spot to walk away for a minute and chill-out...so far its been 30 years without any more air-born tools :-)
yep, reminds me of the incident that cured me of throwing things when i get mad. I was working on the motor in my first car (a 66 mustang) the bolt snapped while I was really cranking on it so of course i busted my hand pretty good. i was instantly furious and threw the wrench...which bounced off the top of the motor and put a freakin dent in my hood fro the inside . so i'm standing there thinking to myself "so, the bolts still broken, you're still bleedin and NOW you have a dent in your hood...dumbass!" learned on the spot to walk away for a minute and chill-out...so far its been 30 years without any more air-born tools :-)
Kinda opposite for me Wolf, I been wrenching on cars for 30 years and this is the 1st time I really blew up! I think it's genetic. My Dad used to throw tools at me. I can't say that I did not deserve it most the time though. You are 110% correct - just walk away - good air in, bad air out.
You sure we ain't brothers? It's almost like you can read my mind. Looks like San Angelo is most likely like my next home for awhile. Might have to get something going.
Yes - 1988 and yes it does have spacers bolted on the hub. We took the seats out today and stripped the interior. We are adding the factory sub system and giving it a thorough cleaning. Should have it all back together tomorrow.
What's left?
Install new struts in the back - maybe new bushings and ball joints if needed then get it aligned. Next week or 2.
Rebuild the exhaust - the cat is partially plugged and coming apart. Maybe go with a flowmaster 40 series with 1 in and 2 out. Or I was thinking instead of one muffler tucked up in the normal spot, getting 2 resonator type short mufflers - one for each side (with the added length of the body, I can tuck one up inside on each side) and just fab a Y pipe where the stock muffler goes then dual it out from there. I'd like to get a better note from the duke's exhaust but I don't want it to sound like a ricer with a fart can! This will take a little thought. Anyone have a flowmaster on a Duke? Next week or 2. Once the exhaust is done we will get it inspected and registered. I don't think it would pass with the exhaust the way it is.
Next major project is installing the power windows, door locks and remote door poppers. Finaly got all the parts gathered up so it's time to tackle it.
New tires all around - maybe some different rims but I kinda like the stock lace wheels too. By using the spacers, I have a lot more options here.
New paint job. Probably go with the black or a dark charcoal color.
All before August 27th!
What's in store for the future?
New brakes - rotors, pads, etc. What's there is ok (has new pads) for now but they will need redone - next winter's project.
Decide what swap we are going to do next spring. Got to start collecting the parts now. No matter what we decide, I want it to be a reliable swap. We want to be ale to take it a few Fiero events so drivability and reliability will play a major part of our decision. I am leaning toward the 4.9 but I could be persuaded to go with a 3800 SC. I guess it depends on what motor comes along!
I did not say that I wanted to get a motor today! Next thing I know you will be sending me pics of a motor in the back of your truck asking me where to deliver it. You are terrible........lol. But I will say that those prices beat the heck out what they would be down here. I have not found one for less than 1500.00 with high miles. No - Stop - I don't have any room right now. Quit it!
So I did a little "home" alignment of the front end this morning then took the car out for a putt around the neighborhood. It's close but I will be taking it to the alignment shop tomorrow. Now for the reaaly good news, There are no Fiero's in my garage! Siezing this opportunity, I decided to pull my Monte into the garage to do a tune up, install a new edlebrok carb and an electroninc Dizzy. As I was backing out of the driveway, I heard a "pop" in the front end so when I pulled it into the garage, guess what I found. I am going to become a suspension rebuild expert! So the only question here is do I go with stock rubber bushings or do I put poly on the Monte too? I really like the Caddy type ride of the Monte and it definitely is not a "sports car". I think I'll go back all stock on this one. OK, where's the Monte forum?
The rear suspension parts came yesterday so last night we tore the rear suspension apart, burned the old bushings out, cleaned up all the rods and painted them. This morning, I installed the new Poly bushings and reinstalled all the rods. Pretty easy to do. Took about an hour to take it all apart, an hour to burn out the old bushings and an couple hours the clean and paint. This morning took a couple hours to grease and install the Poly and reinstall in the car. Just have to go tighten and torque everything down and it's done.
We will tackle the dash / gauge cluster / tach/ OP gauge issue next.
Coming out. Note how far off center the bushing sleeve is. Right side going back together. Right installed. Left installed. My Guardian!
And some late night electronic work!
Now it's off to a little El Paso Fiero get together and a car show.........
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 05-02-2009).]
So today I thought I would work on the XTC. I got the instrument panel put back together - different tach/op gauge. Fired it up and the tach works but the OP guage just jumps a little. So I went and got a new OP sensor. That was a real treat to change out but I got it done and now the OP gauge works. I made sure that all the light bulbs were working and now after about 3 minutes running, I get the SES light - 2 codes 23 and 34. I have another post in tech looking for some help.
Started messing with the AC. Turned it on but the pump did not engage. I put the gauges on and found there was no pressure. So I pulled a vac on it for a few hours then put a can of freon in it. It pulled the whole can on the vac. I checked for leaks and found none. I fired it up and tunred on the A/C. Checked the pump - still no engagement so I'm figuring there is not enough pressure yet for the switch to kick the clutch on. I hooked up another can and let her rip. The pump never kicked on. I could here a metalic noise coming from the pump like the clutch was trying to kick on. When I shut the AC switch off, the noise quit. I turned it back on and nothing so I think the clutch and or pump is shot. When it cools down I will go see if I can turn the pump by hand. Done for the day.
Thanks for your comments....we are getting close to having it done. Just some exhaust work, wheels and tires and a paint job. Of course the work never ends.... But it should be drivable in the next week.
Ordered some new struts a few days ago and they came in today. I don't know what I was thinking. I thought I ordered Monroe's but I got Gabriels. I guess I'll see how these hold up. I spent the afternoon dismantling and then reassembled both sides. Got her done so tomorrow it's off to the alignment shop. It will be nice to get it out of the garage for awhile.
New strut - old dirty sprng - I am getting lazy. I did not even bother to wash the old parts. Left side done! Wow - look who actually came out to work on His car! Casualties of Ferio repairs
[This message has been edited by katatak (edited 05-06-2009).]
New strut - old dirty sprng - I am getting lazy. I did not even bother to wash the old parts. [
Lazy? Damn Pat, if you're lazy, I'm comatose. I wish I had half your initiative....might actually get some things done! I did manage to flush out the brake master cylinder on the Vette and will flush the lines tomorrow night...looked like factory fill...25 year old brake fluid / sludge. You can imagine what it looked like LOL. Waiting for the parts fairy to bring my fuel injector.
The XTC is coming along nicely. It's V8 time buddy... You know where to find us when you're ready. If nothing else, bring it on the next Mesilla cruise Speaking of which....we need to arrange one soon.
Lazy? Damn Pat, if you're lazy, I'm comatose. I wish I had half your initiative....might actually get some things done! I did manage to flush out the brake master cylinder on the Vette and will flush the lines tomorrow night...looked like factory fill...25 year old brake fluid / sludge. You can imagine what it looked like LOL. Waiting for the parts fairy to bring my fuel injector.
The XTC is coming along nicely. It's V8 time buddy... You know where to find us when you're ready. If nothing else, bring it on the next Mesilla cruise Speaking of which....we need to arrange one soon.
Hey Dan,
That's all I do is work on Fiero's. I'd like to have some ambition to get some of these other cars done. I need some medication to ween me off of this Fiero addiction I have. I got some great toy's here that anyone would love to have. I just push them to the side so I can work on the Fiero's. I'm tellin you it's bad - got nothing to do with initiative.....lol.
Mr. Carver is trying to talk me into taking his 4.9 off his hands. I think it would be a good fit for the XTC. But not till my 16 year old learns to drive first. Maybe I'll just take his 88 project and the 4.9 and build it for me...... See there I go. Already planning the next Fiero project while my other toy's sit and rot. I'm sick......
By Saturday, the XTC will be road ready. Was going to take it to get it aligned today but it's not ready yet - got a few more things to fix. Maybe Friday. Other than the mechanical drivability stuff, the only things left is a door upgrade to power windows & locks, exhaust and a paint job. It should be ready for a run to Mesilla by Saturday! It's getting hot - need to do it soon.