Yeah, that man has one hell of a history in the Fiero world. How cool that your dad bought his car from him. I would have almost had him sign the dash like Carroll Shelby.
I feel your pain on the clutch pedal, my daughter's pedal is bent at the pivot point, and does not engage the clutch all of the way.
Yes, he was a very friendly and intelligent person. He even showed his is "Fiero basement" and his personal LS1/5-speed 88GT. Awesome car. Awesome guy. We should go back tomorrow and have him sign the dash!! He has had over 150 Fiero's over his lifetime.
Oh, and the clutch does engage all the way, but it needs to be pushed wayyyy down almost past the carpet.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-05-2010).]
I know this sounds wierd but in our Nissan back home, when you messed around to much with the auto tranny, like shifting from 1-2-3-D something messed up, and the engine would run odd and stall, until you keep on messing with the shifter. Probably doesn't help, but thats what I have experienced. BTW it was a nissan prarie, my parents are stationed in Japan, so that probably doesn't help either.
Fiero made it home, it has a few quirks that need to be fixed but, what else to do expect? That 2.8 still has a lot of life left in it. Here are some picture of when we got home. I know its kinda off-topic but its about Fiero's and it's what I have been doing for the past few days so its close enough.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-08-2010).]
Can't do much today since it's raining. I shipping out my rotors to get turned into hubs, but they won't be back for a while since the person who is doing them is busy for the next week. I have also decided to use the stock intake canister and tube, but I don't know if it will fit anymore due to the EVAP sensor being in that area.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-08-2010).]
Now that is what I wish mine looked like. My paint on top is faded with the Florida sun. Luv your wheels also.
Thank you!!!
Yea golds fade easily. I repainted mine about 6 years ago. I will probably repaint it here again in a few years. As for the wheels they are made by a company called Stern and are 18". I wanted a wheel that looked like the factory GT lace wheels only larger. These were kinda close. I also added Fiero logos in the center caps.
[This message has been edited by DeLorean00 (edited 04-11-2010).]
Well, I did get a few things done. No pictures though, sorry. The main thing I did was I fixed the TV cable issue (it came out of the transmission totally.) by taking the side cover off the transmission and re-clipping it on. I bought and installed a battery hold down so it doesn't move everywhere. I also bought a stock intake from the TB back to the canister, I like that system better then mine was. I also bought Turbo sunbird hood vents, and my ALDL cable. I think my problem is my O2 sensor, as it runs ok when cold (open loop) but it falls flat on its face when it warms up (closed loop). Even when cold though, it doesn't like to rev and when it does, a bunch of black smoke shoots out the tail pipes. Its a brand new sensor, so I'll have to check the wiring.
well today I got my new knock sensor in the mail and installed it. It ran a little better. but not good enough. So I disconnected the battery to reset the computer, and it didn't want to start t first, but once i got it going, it idled right at 900 RPM for a minute or so! Then it started warming up, and the idle started jumping around, and it finally died about 2 mintues later. After that, same old, same old. Doesn't idle. Good news is that it does seem to run a lot better, and there's no huge pillow of black smoke at each start-up, there is only a little bit now. But there is still a code 43 (knock sensor error)! I don't know why either.
Today, I got a package in the mail. A intake system from timcha, thanks a bunch! I painted it up all nice and pretty and installed it. Looking good! I also did a slight mod to my shifter display, I added an "L" for Low since I now have 7 spots instead of just 6.
Tomorrow I'm going to dig deeper into this code 43 issue and see what I find out.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-13-2010).]
Found out my problem..I flip-flipped two wires, no more code 43. It runs better, and when my friend came over and swapped in his newer MAP and Air charge temp. sensor, it ran even better, idles like it should while cold, but still has black smoke when you rev it, and at times it studders when revved. But when it warms up, the idle starts to jump from 900-500 RPM and it dies. It takes a lot longer to die then it has before though. I guess 24 year old MAP sensors aren't helping. Think its time to replace those old sensors. Also, Today a local Fiero member gave me a set of gray 15" wheels, two of them don't have tires, but that's Ok. I'm going to clean them up and use them in the near future. He also gave me a complete cat-back factory exhaust system to use because I don't think my current one will work, I need to re-do it, but it does sound really good with that Magnaflow muffler. Little rusty, so I'll clean that up too and paint it Blue.
Found out my problem..I flip-flipped two wires, no more code 43. It runs better, and when my friend came over and swapped in his newer MAP and Air charge temp. sensor, it ran even better, idles like it should while cold, but still has black smoke when you rev it, and at times it studders when revved. But when it warms up, the idle starts to jump from 900-500 RPM and it dies. It takes a lot longer to die then it has before though. I guess 24 year old MAP sensors aren't helping. Think its time to replace those old sensors. Also, Today a local Fiero member gave me a set of gray 15" wheels, two of them don't have tires, but that's Ok. I'm going to clean them up and use them in the near future. He also gave me a complete cat-back factory exhaust system to use because I don't think my current one will work, I need to re-do it, but it does sound really good with that Magnaflow muffler. Little rusty, so I'll clean that up too and paint it Blue.
Hey Matt why dont you mention who that local member is (me)
Congrats on all the progress- you've done a lot more than I could've. But you have tools, and knowledge about these things, and a space to work. (I think we can call that envy)
Congrats on all the progress- you've done a lot more than I could've. But you have tools, and knowledge about these things, and a space to work. (I think we can call that envy)
Yea, except there are Fiero parts everywhere and my parents aren't to thrilled about that.
Are you not still in high school? Man, what a great job you have done. Don't worry about the little problems. They will all work themselves out. You have done so much, and worked so hard on your Fiero. We are all very proud of you. You help give the Fiero community a good name.
Your Dad's new Fiero is quite the looker. Nice buy.
Are you not still in high school? Man, what a great job you have done. Don't worry about the little problems. They will all work themselves out. You have done so much, and worked so hard on your Fiero. We are all very proud of you. You help give the Fiero community a good name.
Your Dad's new Fiero is quite the looker. Nice buy.
Yep, still in High School. Bleh. As of today, only 23 days of school left until I'm OUTTA THERE! Then life starts. Woo. Anyone wanna come to my Grad party?
hey matt with the idle issues I would double check your tps and coolant temp sensors. The tps can have idle isssues as soon as you get to closed loop and the coolant temp adjust your fuel mixtures.
It's getting so close, Matt! I can't wait to see her in person at Carlisle. As for your wheels, they would look great stripped, the lace painted gloss black, and the lip of the rim polished. It would give it that final touch.
hey matt with the idle issues I would double check your tps and coolant temp sensors. The tps can have idle isssues as soon as you get to closed loop and the coolant temp adjust your fuel mixtures.
Ok, thank you. I will get some scans soon, as I got my ALDL cable in the mail.
Originally posted by Hulki U. My-BFF:
It's getting so close, Matt! I can't wait to see her in person at Carlisle. As for your wheels, they would look great stripped, the lace painted gloss black, and the lip of the rim polished. It would give it that final touch.
That is exactly what I was thinking.
I got my new Turbo sunbird hoodvents in the mail today.
How hard was the 7730 swap? my fiero is getting a new anchor and im thinking about doing it. Also how CHEAP is it to do? 3:30 in the morning. Good night
How hard was the 7730 swap? my fiero is getting a new anchor and im thinking about doing it. Also how CHEAP is it to do? 3:30 in the morning. Good night
Not too difficult. You need to get the computer with connectors, Digital EGR, and EGR Adapter plate. Maybe $150 at most.
i took some scans today, but the logger didn't work for some reason so I'll try again later.
Got some pics of my new hood vents sitting on my car.
I have my turned rotors coming back in the mail to me, so when i get them I can finish my front brakes. and put wheels on the front.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-18-2010).]
Are you cutting into that beatiful hood for those scoops?
Beautiful? Don't you see that huge paint chip? There is also damage i did at the very tip of the hood in the center. So to answer your question, yes I am. But later, i'm getting it on the road first. Same with the rear-sway bar i'm adding on.
Today I finished the front brakes, and put brake fluid into the system. I need to bleed it though, i'll do that tomorrow. Not too much else, too much homework.
Matt, maybe I missed it somewhere (I'm lazy), but did you cut your Fiero rotors down to the hub yourself?
I really did try at school with a spare set at school, but it didn't work out at all, the equipment sucks there, so I shipped them to a PFF member (fierodustin) and he did them for me. Great guy, does great work.
Awesome, I have been looking for someone to machine a set down for me so I can do a full Grand Am swap. If you don't mind me asking, how do they fit, and how much did it cost?
If you want a spare hood to work on, just come on down to WV. I have a spare one you can have, a spare notchie decklid, and that steering wheel you wanted.
It DOES start and run fairly good, it just needs some tweaking. All I need to do is buy some rear splash guards, and bleed the brakes again, and put the rear plastic fender liners on and then the wheels, then i can drive. Still need to finish some things like the interior and A/C wiring, and other items that don't affect driving it but i want to do.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]