Here is some pictures of my progress. I got almost all my LED lights in, and most of my manual stuff to change my car over! The clutch is a RAM HD clutch.
ya, that nissan intake is pretty incredible. they certainly thought a lot more about airflow than the engineers on the Fiero project. That being said it is HUGE I recently did injectors on a j30 with that engine... twice. Not very much fun to work on.
Looking good, you will enjoy the manual better than the auto anyway!
Matt keep up the good work. That yards been a score for me as late as well. Good luck on your manual swap, and drop me a line if you run into problems and need something I can see whats around here you saw my parts collection. You need to be gentle on those yard cars you know they have cameras hehe.
Well, i got back from Frazee, MN, and had a great time at the Shipman's house, along with several PFF members. Took a lot of pictures, but I didn't take my car because of the transmission. I took this picture there, one of the best of the sunset pictures I have ever seen. I now have everything I need to do the manual swap. I honestly don't know when I'll be starting it, most likely when my dad's GT is back together. I also have new dew wipes from Stu, a new set of door locks, and the newest addition (yes I'm crazy), a dual throttle body intake! I'll get pictures when it comes in the mail, but my goal is too have it look like this (only in Blue).
This is PFF member TT Slick's setup, very nice.
Only problem I see is It'll now be harder to change the rear plugs with the engine in the car.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-02-2010).]
Nothing important happened today, only minor thing I did was drop the cradle again. Yep, its out again, removing the auto and putting the 4-speed in its place. While I'm at it, I'll change to the dual TB intake, tighten the belts, wrap the headers, fix the oil leak, re-do the exhaust, and a few other things. Maybe roller rockers. I already removed my whole center console and replaced my auto shifter with my manual short shifter! It has knob I turned on a lathe myself. Weighs like 5lbs. Lol. Oh and i found out why my Cruise Control wasn't working, I had it wired to my back-up lights. DOH! So I think I had cruise when I was in REVERSE (inside joke), but that's it. Phase two of my build has started!
Here is a picture of me, my dad (Ridgelandbaseball), my friend Alex (fiero al), Midnight, and his friend Mike, tonight. Had a little Fiero "gathering". Both gold cars are down right now, Alex is dropping his cradle soon too, he was waiting for my 4-speed automatic to put in his car.
I have also decided against using that digital dash also, and It's currently for sale on ebay, along with that Nissan 300ZX intake.
I Also have a question for you guys. Where can I get Pressure plate bolts at? I don't have any, as clutch kits have you reuse those bolts, but I don't have any too start with.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 07-28-2010).]
Today I separated the 4T60 and 3.4 for the final time. I gave my 4T60 to alex (fiero al) to use in his Fiero. Now I can put my 4-speed onto my cradle, as the engine is now on the engine stand.
i wasn't sure if you were going to post this or not but i have a picture of your duel throtle body intake when i was over today.
should work well with your engine becuase of less restriction of the intake. might need to fix the control arm for the duel throtle body though. if you can get it to look like the pic of the one on this page, it would be really awsome looking.
[This message has been edited by fiero al (edited 07-29-2010).]
I have been busy the past few days. Got my dual TB intake in, it needs work to make it perfect, it is a prototype after all. I really do need to re-do that rod linkage, thinking of doing it like TT Slick did, weld a rod where the TPS goes, and into the spring area of the other one. Well I got my 4-speed shifter in as you saw, and I put the 4-speed Muncie on the Cradle with the axles.
Today I removed the auto brake assembly and replaced it with the manual brake/clutch assembly, and to do that I had to remove the steering column, which I already reinstalled. Doing all that really messed up my wiring, so I going to attack it all with solder and not crimps this time. Most of my connections nearly fell apart, I admit I did a poor job on that, so I'm going to re-do all that I can. I also installed the clutch master cylinder today, too.
Do you have a clutch line for your car? I have a new one just sitting around here, if you need it. I can bring it over.
Don Z.
Thanks for the offer Don, but I already have a clutch line. Today was a big day! I got the flywheel and clutch on and the engine mated to the transmission! Wasn't easy at the least but it's done and together! I turned the engine several turns, and I heard no scraping or bad bearing sounds , and everything turned freely. Need to install the clutch line and re-wire and put back together the interior, wrap the headers, and maybe attempt to fix and use the Magnaflow muffler system I still have in the Garage. It needs to be cut and re-welded to lower the angle of the tips, and somehow raise the muffler itself, as it was too low to the ground (still thinking on this one).
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-04-2010).]
Nice car! I cant wait to see the dual TB.. Ive been following your thread for a while but I just barely signed up.. but i hope to have my cars engine looking that clean..
Nice car! I cant wait to see the dual TB.. Ive been following your thread for a while but I just barely signed up.. but i hope to have my cars engine looking that clean..
Thanks! I'm going to install the drivetrain first and get it driving, and I'll work on the Dual TB when I can. I'll admit, it needs work. It'll function now, but it would look kinda bad. It is a prototype after all, I just plan on improving the design and cleaning it up. I'm sure it'll make a big difference in throttle response, and most importantly, air flow.
Now if you use to dual TB, does that need twice the amount of sensors and fuel? Or is it just a better breathing manifold mechanically?
No, you do not need twice the sensors. You may need more fuel, but I can compensate for that. It just flows 10x better then the stock plenum...even ported.
Today did not go well. Spend most of the day at Alex's preparing his to drop his cradle to swap in my 4-speed auto. After that, I Took out the old cooler lines, put the main section of the clutch line in place, and while trying to fit the front section up through everything, I bent it too far, and it snapped. Looks like I'll be needing a repair section from NAPA. Then i snapped a bolt under the water pump because I'm pretty sure there's a coolant leak around there someplace, and i was tighting the bolts up...a little too much. So I just gave up for the day.
Today didn't go well either. The local auto and hardware stores can't really help me with the clutch line i snapped because they don't have metric compression unions. Or something like that. I did wrap my headers and that came out ok, but THEN I found out the slave cylinder won't fit! Wonderful! Now what?
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-10-2010).]
Today didn't go well either. The local auto and hardware stores can't really help me with the clutch line i snapped because they don't have metric compression unions. Or something like that. I did wrap my headers and that came out ok, but THEN I found out the slave cylinder won't fit! Wonderful! Now what?!? I...don't know what to do. Did I do something wrong, is there something in the wrong place, or not even there?
Your headers are for a automatic..... they are correct?
Ok, just wondering if that was contributing to the rich running. I run 30lb injectors on a 3.4L, DIS, 7730 ECM, and a turbo. I've been playing with my tune for a very long time as I use an Ostrich.
Ok, just wondering if that was contributing to the rich running. I run 30lb injectors on a 3.4L, DIS, 7730 ECM, and a turbo. I've been playing with my tune for a very long time as I use an Ostrich.
Im pretty sure I fixed the rich conditon with the adjustable fuel pressure regulator.
Well today i cut and re-welded my magnaflow exhaust system as I plan to use that, I moved the tips down, as they were way too high. Next i need to figure out how to position my muffler so it doesn't sit too low and scrap the ground like it used to. I also did soldered all the wires i needed to on the engine wiring harness for the manual swap, mainly shorting 3 pairs of wires and extending the VSS wires. I also helped Alex with his project again.
Well I have gotten very frustrated at this car as of late, because of several things, I try my best to push on. I fixed the Y-pipe, that's done. Exhaust is nearly done, water pump back on. Still waiting for Alex to finish his car because I need that Pallet. Today I took my driver door apart, and install my new dew wipe and door lock, plus installed the side molding again, finally. Problems I'm having is that the new dew wipe wrinkles in some spots? and the most frustrating is I lost the little clip that holds the lock rod on the cylinder, so i keeps falling out, and there is almost no way I can fit my hand in there to install one, even If I had to.
Also, I'm looking for driver's side coolant tube brackets, mine rusted away a while ago, didn't like the zip tips used it there place.
I installed my fog lights today. They work great, very bright. The switch is were the defog would be, looks 100% factory. It's from a Pontiac 6000. Also, Alex helped me fix my door lock rod problem yesterday, so I put my door back together. Then I did a bunch of soldering, including the A/C sensor I need to get the A/C to work. But then there is the bad part of the day (as usual), it keeps blowing the gauges fuse when i turn the ign on. I think the problem is some wires are shorting at the big wire loom that wasn't letting me get the pedal assemblies in/out easily. It's now impossible to get too. Scratching my head on this one, will taking the cluster out help get to it any? I doubt it. Here is what my interior looks like now. Not too pretty, wires everywhere! I gotta find which wires in that huge bundle are the back-up lights, because there's several blue and green wires. I'm also getting a different console skeleton, as mine broke in half and a lot of screw holes are badly cracked (all the work i have been doing hasn't helped either).
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-19-2010).]
Today my mom finished the wrap on my headers. They look great! With it fully wrapped, the shift cables should be OK, as should the slave cylinder (still nearly touching the wrap though). I'm hoping it really reduces the engine bay temps, as it got really hot really fast before.
I Trueleo's headers and yes they do seem to get really hot even wrapped. Watch out for rain now because it gets on the wrap and make a giant steam cloud, which almost looks like the car is on fire. I did buy an aftermarket rain guard for the trunk lid but the headers are out further on both sides than the trunk lid so it gets wet.
Today I got RD's clutch line repair kit in the mail, and I'll be using that for the broken section of my clutch line. I also got my engine pallet back from Alex, so I put my engine cradle back on that today.
today i removed the dash, and installed RD's clutch line section, still need to connect to the existing line though.. still going to very hard to get to that one section of the main wiring harness that I crushed and ripped apart by installing the pedals.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-25-2010).]
Great Job Matt (but then I'm partial)! Some of that work looks mighty good with the header wrapping & POR-15! Wonder who did that? Keep up the good work! It will all be worth it very soon!!