Now that I'm officially a member of the Forum, I want to personally thank EVERYONE who has supported Matt with his build & all the trials he has faced with his car. As his mom (hence my name), it has been especially touching for me to read over this past year all the encouragement, assistance & support you all have given him. I have enjoyed watching him grow through this experience, sharing his triumphs as well as his pain, knowing that he has so many friends to share it with. You have done more for him than either my husband or I could offer -- you lift his spirits when he's frustrated, offering bits of experience & suggestions when he falters, & praise him for the job he's accomplishing for only being 18 yrs. old. Your friendship has meant a great deal to us & it is an honor to be part of your family. I've enjoyed meeting several of you at the Tyler Shipman Memorial Car Show & have been blessed to be accepted into the group long before officially joining. Mom's can be cool on occasion! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for caring so much about Matt. You are an AWESOME group!
Sorry to burst the happy bubble, but I'm done working on it for now. I have two other cars to work on, and I need to get away because it is making me very angry. Every singe time I work on it, something breaks or doesn't work out. The rusty POS can sit for now, under its cover. I'm putting the cradle back in to free up the engine pallet for my dad's powertrain, but that's it. No other Fiero I have worked on has given me this much trouble. No, nothing horrible has happened recently, but all the of the stuff I have been though in the past year, I'm pretty sure others would have given up and sold/scrapped it. It's either cursed, or it hates me.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 08-26-2010).]
Update. Tstang came over today and helped me fixed my gauge wiring issue, no more blowing fuses. Then I took a break because it was way too hot outside. When it cooled down later in the afternoon, with the help of Alex, I installed my cradle into my Fiero, hopefully for the final time for a LONG while. Started connecting things, blah blah, But, the select cable doesn't fit correctly because of the darn Y-pipe! Ugh! My solution is too slot the two holes for the cable bracket to move it out of the way. Now I just need to put the whole interior and engine bay back together. I still need to do some wiring, like wiring the 4-speed back-up switch, and the A/C pressure sensor the 7730 computer swap requires.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]
I also bought a key less entry system which i will be installing in the future, I just want to get my car going again before the cold winter weather (even though today was over 90).
Today I completely took apart my Cluster. Used a different housing because the one I had was pretty damaged from 2 years of me messing with it too many times. Several of the connector pin areas where damaged or missing. No wonder it didn't work right. I also replaced my 85MPH speedometer to the 120MPH one. Then I painted all the needles red. I have red LED lights coming to replace the gauge bulbs, and white LED's to replace the rest. Can't wait to see how it looks! I also did some small stuff with my engine/cradle today, like installed half the exhaust (need to do some cutting), but it was again over 90 and too hot. I got my keyless entry system in the mail, only problem is that the fobs say "Buick" on them.
I spent the afternoon installing the keyless entry system!! It works greats! Press lock and it locks, press unlock and it unlocks, press the trunk button and the decklid pops! Still have to solder one more wire, but other then that the system is 100% installed! Its wedged next to the factory sub box, so it will never be seen with the dash on. I also tested my LED lights, they work great, if a little on the dim side, because they are red LEDs. My needles don't really reflect all that much anymore.
I also took the rod bearings and crank out of my dad's 3.4 tonight.
Well not much luck today. I put a new filter on and put in Synthetic Oil. Installed the shift cables and did some small stuff. But when I was putting in coolant, it leaked out in a nice stream down the left side of the timing cover. I don't know why, I could have forgotten to put a bolt in (doubt it), didn't tighten a bolt (still doubt it), or I could have cracked the water pump housing somehow. I mean, its not dripping, its a like a mini water-fall down there. Guess I'll have to take it off once again and see whats up. Stupid car.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 09-07-2010).]
Got a lot done today. I installed my dash, and most of my center console, plus did a lot of wiring that still needs to be finished (way to many wires). Alex came over and helped my dad install his clutch pedal, steering column, and 5-speed shifter. Got my radio working again, along with the HVAC, which i installed a red LED into. Progress is being made, getting closer!
Not too much done today, I got three quarts of syncromesh and put it into my 4-speed. I also bought some tools for glueing my interior panels back together from the common warp, plus some metal for my Dual TB intake.
Got a bunch of stuff done today. I removed my magnaflow system and installed my system with the cat. again, because I have one more emissions check to go through. But it'll be the last one forever, at this in this state. I installed my air cleaner housing and filter, and installed my clutch line fitting. I tried to bleed the clutch, and I got some fluid out of the slave, but it like 20 pumps to go from the full line to the add line, so I think my master is dead. And the pumps were all feather light, like just pushing air. So I ordered RD's master. It isn't in stock yet, but it should be on its way, and then it'll be shipped to me. I tried starting it today also, and it turns over, but nothing much else. Might be the extra load of the clutch being engaged and having to move the transmission too. I hear the fuel pump and smell gas slightly, so I'm pretty sure I got fuel.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 09-14-2010).]
Well today we picked up the white fiero, runs great now, but still has a rear cailper issue, and its still leaking oil. Didn't do much on it today, replaced a few burnt out bulbs. Installed the oil pan on my dad's 3.4. What did I do on mine? I broke the new LED trunk light, one of the loops broke off. It just never ends with that Rusty gold thing (new name).
Alex came over today and I snapped a picture of all four Fiero's. The North Ridgeville Fiero Club!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 09-14-2010).]
I got mine in the mail today! 110% quality, with the adjustable banjo! The reservoir is a MUCH better design, it will never break off. No more small tabs to break off, its clamped in place. Nice silver finish, and i love the brass bushing that is included! It fits perfect. The cap is a better design too, snaps on and off then twist it to lock it. Here is what I received.
New master cylinder is in, but it didn't make a difference really. I bleed it, and there is fluid coming from the bleeder into the little bottle i have back there. But still the pedal is feather light and it isn't disengaging the clutch. Maybe its the fitting i added.
Matt do you have a vacuum bleeder or are you doing it with one person in the car and another opening the bleeder? I personally would use a vacuum bleeder. I cant see bench bleeding helping as much for a clutch as it does a master because a master has so many more ports.
Matt do you have a vacuum bleeder or are you doing it with one person in the car and another opening the bleeder? I personally would use a vacuum bleeder. I cant see bench bleeding helping as much for a clutch as it does a master because a master has so many more ports.
I'm using RD's clutch bleeder tool with the one-way valve in it.
Well, I got a few things done before work today, I finally got my 3.4 PR running again, turns out the fuel pump doesn't work until I apply +12 volts to Terminal G of the ALDL connector, so maybe the relay is bad? I also took off my water pump, as it was leaking like crazy. May have been a combination of a few things, but in the end i'm getting a new water pump and gasket for it. When it started it I noticed it had a bad exhaust leak coming from the y-pipe to front header joint. Looks like I am in need of another gasket, either as a spacer, or a thicker gasket. Also, my battery has died, so I'm going to replace it, as it is still under warranty.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]
Update. I bought a new water pump for my 3.4 PR, with a new gasket, plus RTV, and it still leaks?? Not nearly as bad as it was, but it was still leaking. So I said what the heck and put the pulley on along with the belt. Started it up and ran it for a good 10 minutes, and it doesn't seem to leak anymore (at least none that I can see right now). Crossing my fingers that its fixed!! I had the battery checked out and charged up, its good to go again! I replaced one of the y-pipe to header gaskets with a thicker gasket, but the back one leaks too! Badly! That's going to be fun to try and replace. Other then that, it ran OK. While it was running I put it in first gear, and the axles/hubs turned so that's a good sign! The fuel pump relay is good I guess, I switched the two relays and I still didn't get any priming of the fuel pump. Like I said, I have to jump 12+ volts into it via terminal G of the ALDL connector. My gauges are all messed up from removing the needles to paint them. Guess I need to remove the needles and reset them somehow. My main problem is my clutch, as it STILL doesn't work. I bought a vacuum bleeder, and attempted to bleed it, no luck. Attempted to "bench bleed" the master, that didn't help either. I guess I'm going to have to get another clutch line after all, its that joint that is causing these issues, I'm pretty sure. So I need another clutch line now, Its my only choice, I don't think I can tighten that fitting more then it already is. The strange part is that I don't see any fluid leaking on the ground near it, or anywhere around it for that matter.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]
Today I bought some exhaust sealer in a tube for my badly leaking y-pipe connection. I filled the large seam with the stuff and I'm letting it sit over night. Tomorrow I'll see how it worked! The coolant leak seems to have disappeared, maybe not 100% but pretty close.
EDIT: It didn't work at all, the thermal expansion of the header and y-pipe kept cracking it right off.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]
Matt after that lil wiring issue before i would go threw and check all those fuses. Ur at two now that blew. Good luck on that next swap hope to be cruising with you guys next season.
Matt after that lil wiring issue before i would go threw and check all those fuses. Ur at two now that blew. Good luck on that next swap hope to be cruising with you guys next season.
Yea I'll have to do that. I haven't had a problem since though, no fuses have blown since.
Fired her up today! Exhaust leak is a lot better, but still there. I'll try to add more exhaust leak sealant later. The thing still runs great! But it likes to stall when it warms up. usually after revving it. Don't see much leaking, belt isn't slipping either. Like I said, fuel pump issue was fixed. As for the clutch issue, I got another line coming in the mail for it. This time I'm going to do it right. And my gauges are still off (mostly the speedo).
The big news though, is today my dad and I put his cradle back in his fiero. Over all it went well. Man, its getting cold out there. We are having some issues with the Isuzu shift cables though. They are really stiff, can't really shift the trans too much. Other then that its coming along well.
Today Alex and I went to pull-a-part, and got several things. After we got back home, we helped my dad start his 3.4 up for the first time! Woo! It runs!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-18-2010).]