Started my Fiero up for the first time in..i don't know how long! With about 6 inches of snow covering it too. After running for about 30 seconds and blipping the throttle a few times, it actually ran perfect! Steady smooth idle, exhaust leak sound disappeared, no SES light. I was kind of confused but no matter. It still runs! Also, I am considering changing to 1.6 roller rockers since I have a stock cam.
Page ownage!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 01-17-2011).]
Got an update. Bought an already installed cav. digital dash in a guage pod from a member here for the 88 coupe, which is also getting a 4.9/4T60e after I get mine going in the spring/early summer.
And I finally got the linkage complete (for the most part) on my DTBI. It's not what I would have like, but honestly doing my original plan would have been to challenging or not strong enough, so I did the best compromise I could. I'd say it still looks good, as it has a external bar again, but it looks a LOT better then when I got it. The bar is below the intake, instead of in front of on top of it, which does in fact limit the throttle percentage to like 90-95% or so, but I don't think it will matter all that much since its flowing more then enough air at that time anyway. I'm glad I chopped the bottom off one of the TB's, because this system wouldn't have worked otherwise. I actually had to flip the TB's because of this, you'll see this in one of the pictures. Welds aren't the best I know, but they hold just fine. The pedal will require extra force however when its all in the Fiero, I'm sure of it. Lol. As for vacuum lines, I bought a really nice blue vacuum distribution box from eBay to go along with this intake, and I got the whole thing figured out, plus an extra port or two in case I add something later that needs vacuum. Ok, pictures!
Well, as you may or may not know I parted the LQ1 engine out, and I just finished ripping it apart today. I'm so glad I did not use it, because its pretty bad inside. First of, the cylinder walls are pitted from rust. one actually had rust! several pistons had side to side movement in the bore, too. The one that had rust, the piston rings were rusted inside the piston, they were flush! usually the stick out to seal to make compression Then the main and rod bearings were toast, Like, when i removed the rod caps the bearing stayed on the crank journal! The PO said he replaced the bearings. I think he did, just wrong. The bolts were much looser then I expected. and the bearings looked to be new, but they are now scratched and pitted from improper installation.
I can't get the timing cover off because the crank bolt is rounded, was like that when I got the engine. The top end looks very good however, but i heard there is rarely i problem with those.
Moved Fiero's and a truck around today, so I had to move my "Goldrush" Fiero. It looks so sad covered in ice. That and it DID NOT want to move from its spot. Now I really know the reason I don't drive it in the winter, the high performance clutch has little slip, it was tough moving it, but my mom and I got it moved.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 02-13-2011).]
Update. Today I scrapped the LQ1 because it was junk on the block/bottom end. Along with some other things thrown in, I had 394lbs of scrap! Got a good amount of $$$ for all that too, so I'm happy. So long, LQ1! The rest has been sold to other PFF members, or kept for later use in a different application.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 02-12-2011).]
Those wheels will really set it off, making the "Gold Rush" shine!!
I agree they will, but like i said, I most likely won't be able to get them until late this year or early next year. The DBTI will be installed and working by then for sure though.
This summer once its running smoothly I would like to take it down the strip once or twice, and maybe get a dyno done. Does anyone know or have a recommendation of a dyno shop/place in the Northern Ohio area?
I got here a video I took my car running a few weeks ago. Thankfully 90% of that snow has melted by now, and its not as cold out but still. The exhaust is louder in person but..that's still too quiet! Lol.
I got here a video I took my car running a few weeks ago. Thankfully 90% of that snow has melted by now, and its not as cold out but still. The exhaust is louder in person but..that's still too quiet! Lol.
Thanks! I like the blue too, but that intake is going away soon for this:
The Fiero intake looks really cool, I don't deny that. But it flows like total crap! Sorry, with me, that doesn't fly.
Anyway, today, I removed my digital cruse control from my Fiero. I never got it working, It clutters up the engine bay, and I rarely use it if it works anyway. Looks better without it there for sure. Putting it up for sale soon.
I really didn't want to make another thread just for this so I'll just say it here:
I think I went over this in the past, but I wasn't a detailed about it. I have been asked by a few people as to why I chose the 3.65 4-speed muncie over a Getrag or a different 5-speed when i did my manual swap, because I had the option of doing that if I wanted to. I used the 4-speed for a few reason: 1. At the time it was a free transmission. 2. It is the best "performance" transmission out there for a Fiero that was a factory transmission. It does have a performance edge over the Getrag, with a slightly higher FDR and a taller 1st gear (best part IMHO). The Getrag is just a very good compromise between performance and economy with its 5th gear. 3. This one is the major reason. Parts for the 4-speed are everywhere and for the most part cheap, the transmissions themselves are a dime per dozen right now, they are everywhere. I even have a spare one sitting in my garage! Complete opposite situation for the Getrag, finding a good one without 200K miles is challenging and expensive, and replacement parts are very hard to find and expensive if you do find them. $80 for a replacement input shaft seal, if you can find one. And 4. This could be a myth, but I believe its true, that the muncie 4-speed is a stronger transmission then the Getrag, don't get me wrong the Getrag is tough too compared to like an Isuzu, but just not as strong as the 4-speed. I think its because the diff bearings like to fail on it and that causes stress where the output shaft bearing rides and breaks that little section of the case off.
Today i got the Quad 4 ign module cover in the mail that I bought from eBay. Its going to be used as appearance cover in the middle of the DTBI. I plan to have someone mill off the "Quad 4" lettering, and mill in the word "Fiero", then sand-blast and powder-coat it blue, like my valve covers. I have the correct size threaded rod to mount it, I just need to figure out how to keep it upright pretty much, I think I should ask TT Slick. It's looking more and more like his!
BTW: The fiero's are now covered in 6 inches of snow again. Yay.
BTW: The fiero's are now covered in 6 inches of snow again. Yay.
Matt, not trying to knock you but what's the reasoning behind using parts that have dents in them? Will they look better once sandblasted/coated? Cheaper, availability, or something I'm missing?
Matt, not trying to knock you but what's the reasoning behind using parts that have dents in them? Will they look better once sandblasted/coated? Cheaper, availability, or something I'm missing?
I thought I stated this earlier, but I did not Actually make that intake. I bought it already built for a decent price, and I have re-engineered the throttle linkage, nothing else. Those dents had nothing to do with me.
Today was the first nice weather day so after class, I put some coolant in (didn't take that much) and started it up. It does have a check engine light, which is code 43, knock sensor, because its not connected. The sensor wasn't right or something, either way have it connected mades no difference, short someplace most likely. I want to get that turned off in the PROM BIN, so that's that. But I started it up, and once it warmed up, it ran pretty good considering the exhaust leak. And guess what? Not more then 1 drop of coolant out of it, for 10-15 minutes of revving it moving it, letting it sit and idle, nothing! I even took a video, with my new phone (best video ever so far, love this phone).
Also shows my tail-lights.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-16-2011).]
The idea of getting an 88GT swayed me the first time, because it was rust-free and blah blah. I put to much into my car to give it away, if I do sell it, it will be for a highly modded Fiero in a trade.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-16-2011).]
You guys should cruise up to Brunswick in the summer for the car show we have here every Saturday. I was the only one representing "our" car. =)
It was weird. I parked next to $100,000 + Mustangs and Corverttes and it seemed more people were looking at my little Fiero more than everything else. I think a lot of the younger generation forabout it.
Was a beautiful day here, I removed my spoiler and test fitted my "Whale Tail" today. What do you guys think? Pretty sure I would paint it Gold, but what about black?
I also drove it on the street for the first time this year, Needs some help for sure, but it runs and drives. Not very well, but it does! PS- Love those tail-lights!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-01-2011).]
Well everyone, time for an update. Today I got my chip back from Ryan and WOW, it runs soooo good considering the nasty exhaust leak it has. It runs so much better then it did, i can't even describe it. Considering how the old tune was for an automatic and was setting code 43 because of the messed up knock sensor/wiring, this is amazing in terms of drive-ability. Just in time too, our truck I was using for a daily driver blew a brake line today, so this is my only source of transportation at this time.
It was dark, but I did get a small video, It shows all the lighting upgrades I did.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 04-03-2011).]
Saturday I washed my Fiero for the first time in most likely 2 years. Wow it was dirty. It's really fun driving it, but theres always more bad then good with this thing. It still has a nasty coolant leak, an oil leak, and a nasty exhaust leak. I'm going to drop the cradle again in the near future to fix all those things plus put on my DTBI, 1.6 rockers, and fix a few other things that need attention.
I took a quick picture of my Fiero today. I tried to get a video driving it by myself but that did not work lol, so i try it again later with someone holding it. Noticed my rear wheels have way to much camber, they are tilted in waaaay too much, so I'll have to fix that.