Yea, my dad told me what duds meant...he said it was an old saying. No kidding. Well i added an Autometer boost/vac gauge and a A/R Gauge. Looks awesome. Here is where I ran the vac line. And I wrapped the car harness section of wiring.
Originally posted by mattwa: Yea, my dad told me what duds meant...he said it was an old saying. No kidding.
The word, "duds," apparently can be traced back to between 1100 and 1500 A.D., which makes it older than at least some of us on this forum. However, the word, "yea," which you just used, goes back even further than that, and that in turn may lead some to question if earlier you were expressing your age in years, or in centuries.
In all seriousness though, mattwa, nice work on your 3.4 project!
Originally posted by mattwa:
Well i added an Autometer boost/vac gauge and a A/R Gauge. Looks awesome.
Incidentally, by temporarily removing that gauge pod, and rattle-can spray painting it "Light Saddle," that will help integrate the appearance of the gauge pod better with the current color of the pillar. What I used was a 12-ounce spray can of something called "Tempo Professional Choice," followed by the words, "Custom Color Universal Blend," and also preprinted on the can's label is "No. 865 Universal Blend." Just above that, someone had handwritten on the can, "Lt. Saddle GM." Unfortunately, I don't recall where I bought it.
However, the good news is that in their on-line catalog, The Fiero Store's version is called "86-88 Light Tan (Saddle) Interior Spray Paint" (their part number 50943).
Anyway, that's just a thought for your consideration.
What if I like it black? I think it goes well with the Gold/black exterior theme (the engine is a blue/silver theme...because I think it looks cool. I might someday repaint the interior a Tan/black theme. Does anyone have any pictures that show such a theme, so I could get a grip on what parts to paint what color?
Originally posted by mattwa: I might someday repaint the interior a Tan/black theme. Does anyone have any pictures that show such a theme, so I could get a grip on what parts to paint what color?
Here are pictures of one such interior (reproduced from a thread titled, "Interior pictures," in General Fiero Chat):
Originally posted by mikejhjr:
[This message has been edited by project34 (edited 09-26-2009).]
Today I bought 2 new jack stands and jacked up the front of the car, and got the front wheels off. I also moved the rear jacks, but in doing so, it lowered the rear of the car a lot and the old jacks are up as high as they can go. Hm, look at all those old parts. Maybe i should rebuild the front suspension too! The reason the car cover is still on is because it was SUPER windy today so I tied the cover down in the center of the car.
Here is the antenna base that snapped off when i First removed the cradle. Do I have to remove the dash to replace it?
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 09-28-2009).]
Today I bought 2 new jack stands and jacked up the front of the car, and got the front wheels off. I also moved the rear jacks, but in doing so, it lowered the rear of the car a lot and the old jacks are up as high as they can go. The reason the car cover is still on is because it was SUPER windy today so I tied the cover down in the center of the car.
Here is the antenna base that snapped off when i First removed the cradle. Do I have to remove the dash to replace it?
You do not have to remove the dash to replace the antenna base and wire.I pulled the radio out and removed the lower door trim and slid it out through the hole for the wire opposite when installing.If you have any Q's about this feel free to PM me
Look what I did today! Fog light switch from a 86 6000 STE, going to be used as such! Came out pretty well. Looks pretty stock to me if I didn't know better. ------------------
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 10-05-2009).]
Got a digital Cruise control module from a 92 Grand Prix. and a 4T60 dipstick from pull-a-part last weekend. I modded the stock Fiero cruise cable to work with the newer module, and it works great!
Small Update. Since I have very limited funds, I like to add smaller things while I'm waiting for bigger things (aka engine). So i went to Pull-A-Part again last weekend, saw a 85 Fiero (rusted to the moon) and got a few parts from it, nothing special. Base coupe. But the main thing is that I got a Auto-dimming mirror with compass and temp. from a 98 Aurora. It's missing the switch but I got it for $5, compare that to about $250 Brand new. I already tested it, It's really neat how it works. So Today I did all the wiring for it, plus the wires for the Air Temp Sensor, Plus I did all the wiring for the planned fog-lights. I'm out of room in the fuse box, lol. Question: How do I get the old metal piece off the windshield without breaking the windshield?
Try an adheisive remover like MEK, just to name one. I got mine from a paint/body parts house. I'm not sure if Lowe's or Home Depot would cary it. Someone else might know for sure or have a better adheisive remover to use. You probably already know this, but don't forget to outline the where the bracket is on the outside of the glass to give you an exact place to put the new one before you remove the old one.
Try an adheisive remover like MEK, just to name one. I got mine from a paint/body parts house. I'm not sure if Lowe's or Home Depot would cary it. Someone else might know for sure or have a better adheisive remover to use. You probably already know this, but don't forget to outline the where the bracket is on the outside of the glass to give you an exact place to put the new one before you remove the old one.
Your not using that A/F gauge for any sort of tuning are you? Narrowband 02 sensor gauges are nearly useless for anything but a light show. If Im mistaken and its a wideband then ignore this.
Your not using that A/F gauge for any sort of tuning are you? Narrowband 02 sensor gauges are nearly useless for anything but a light show. If Im mistaken and its a wideband then ignore this.
Yes It's a Narrowband, but why is it useless? I'm not going to use it for "tuning" per say, but to at least keep the A/F in check, since i need to keep a close eye on it for my Turbo with stock pistons.
Get a wide band if you want to know what your motors doing all that guage will tell you is if your o2 sensor is working properly by showing its switching. At WOT it will show if it goes rich or lean still but its hardly accurate or precise 1v range vs 5v range its pretty obvious which will have a useful resolution and which will not. Its not something you should trust your engine to.
Get a wide band if you want to know what your motors doing all that guage will tell you is if your o2 sensor is working properly by showing its switching. At WOT it will show if it goes rich or lean still but its hardly accurate or precise 1v range vs 5v range its pretty obvious which will have a useful resolution and which will not. Its not something you should trust your engine to.
Ok, I'm not sure if a 7730 ECM can work with a wideband or not.
It doesnt have to be what controls your car if all you want it for is to keep your own eye on the AFR's most widebands dont require it interface with the computer at all.
Hmm weird. You're probably going to have to glue another button over the top of that one or 'shim' the mirror so it stays tight once clicked fully into place.
Ever since I first got interested in Fiero's I always HATED the tan inerior, but with the black and how you have have yours, I think you just converted me.
Update: My new 36lb Accel injectors came in the mail today. Thanks Fieromadman! I also removed the mem-cal from my 7730 computer, just need to desoldier the PROM...looks like fun. I plan to program the chip myself.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 11-01-2009).]
Cool project, sometimes I wish I went turbo 3400 instead of L67.
L67 just seems way to common for me. Yea its a powerhouse and bullet-proof, may do a L67 swap some-day...but I really like the 60-degree family. I would love a Turbo 3.4 DOHC or like you said, a turbo 3400.
You thinking of mounting the intercooler in the passengers rear fender well and adding some ducting like the air intake?. I had thought about it during planning after seeing my fathers 03 tdi beetle has a fender well mounted setup factory. Just food for thought. good luck with that project ohio winters coming soon
the inner fender well seems like a good idea, or depending on clearence, under one of the decklid vents. either way, i think it would be a good idea to put a small electric fan behind it because the stock side scoop doesn't push enough air to make the IC very effecient. in my liquid IC setup, i have the heat exchanger in the fender well and always delt with heat soak issues..i know liquid intercoolers are different from a2a, but nontheless..just my 0.02
also if you still need a y-pipe i may be able to help you out there if i can get my destroyed 2.8 out of the car sometime soon.
I tried the passenger rear fender well, and it didn't seem to fit at all. The intercooler is about 12"x12"x3" (roughly). I do agree about the fan though. Maybe under the driver's side vent? But then I would worry about water getting in it etc.
I'm looking for a custom Y-pipe, not a normal one. I already cut one of those up.