Today I started porting my intake! And the only tools i used where 2 files, because that's all I really have, more time then money. Took about 3-4 hours to do those 3 ports. Not really that pretty, but it won't be seen.
YES, I finally own a page! I own page 5!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 11-05-2009).]
Got my Crank today!!!! Good news is that the journals didn't need to be ground, so they just polished them up. Bad news is that when I was disassembling the engine, I destroyed the crank pulley threads with the balancer puller. Don't know how but I did. The engine shop made a steel insert and threaded it in with lock-tight. A $225 mistake. It Looks awesome though!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-06-2009).]
Mattwa......Gasket match that intake. Use a sharpie to figure out what you need to take out. Gasket matching will assure you that all three intakes have smooth airflow through them. When I put my 3.1 stroker together, I just threw the intake on. I ran out of rpm's at 4,500. When I needed to fix my lower intake gasket leak a few months back, I went ahead and gasket matched my intakes. She now pulls strong up until 5,500 rpm's. Notceable difference in my shift points, and a new found joy during the onramp blasts.
Mattwa......Gasket match that intake. Use a sharpie to figure out what you need to take out. Gasket matching will assure you that all three intakes have smooth airflow through them. When I put my 3.1 stroker together, I just threw the intake on. I ran out of rpm's at 4,500. When I needed to fix my lower intake gasket leak a few months back, I went ahead and gasket matched my intakes. She now pulls strong up until 5,500 rpm's. Notceable difference in my shift points, and a new found joy during the onramp blasts.
Edit: Looking good.
Thats what i'm doing. Going to gasket match them all!
Today's update-My family and I POR-15'ed the cradle, A-arms, and knuckles. They look loads better now. Tomorrow I'll do the first attempt of mounting the tranny on the cradle. Sorry about the crappy pictures, their wasn't enough light in the closed garage.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 11-09-2009).]
Well dude. Looks like you might have a coppy car with me and my 86. Its not going to be as extensive as yours but im gona do a 3.4 swap with a turbo as well. Only diffrence is i might mate a 5 speed to mine.
Well dude. Looks like you might have a coppy car with me and my 86. Its not going to be as extensive as yours but im gona do a 3.4 swap with a turbo as well. Only diffrence is i might mate a 5 speed to mine.
Yea I'm doing a lot of little things at the same time, like fog lights, auto-dim mirror, digital cruise, bigger brakes, moving like every single vaccum line, etc. Are you going to swap in the 7730 computer?
But I don't think it will be a total copy cat, unless you paint yours gold. :P
Look what i did today! Officially started putting everything back together. Put in all Poly bushings, temp. mounted the tranny (its still off-center somehow), put 80% of the rear suspension to together, etc. Was pretty busy today.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 11-09-2009).]
Yea I'm doing a lot of little things at the same time, like fog lights, auto-dim mirror, digital cruise, bigger brakes, moving like every single vaccum line, etc. Are you going to swap in the 7730 computer?
But I don't think it will be a total copy cat, unless you paint yours gold. :P
Well im looking at painting it a copper so close enough. But i got the pistons cranking so the engine is all good to go. No 3.4 for now
This is not fair! I called Weber Racing (place where my engine is being done) today and they said they bored and honed the block, but they still need to replace the cam bearings, and such bearings are in the rebuild kit, which they are hopefully going to order today. If not, they will tomorrow. It's this close *shows with fingers* to being done, but it's still not ready to go! It might be pushed to next monday or tuesday, I told them I kind wanted it this week. I also told them that if I at least got my block back on like friday, I would be happy. We'll see how it goes
They should be able to get bearings with no problem. And they only take about an hour to install. I remember those days working with a machinist, they pretty much do things on their schedule and you just have to wait.
They should be able to get bearings with no problem. And they only take about an hour to install. I remember those days working with a machinist, they pretty much do things on their schedule and you just have to wait.
That's good to hear. The only things left to do are order the rebuild kit, R&R the cam bearings, and press in the wrist pins. The engine has been there since early July, so i kinda want it back.
Originally posted by mattwa: Look what i did today! Officially started putting everything back together. Put in all Poly bushings, temp. mounted the tranny (its still off-center somehow), put 80% of the rear suspension to together, etc. Was pretty busy today.
Good to see you putting this together. You did have forged pistons put in with the rebuild right?
I am glad to see you're doing such a nice job on reassembling the whole car. I am hoping to begin trying to put together the Turbo for my 3.4 beginning February. It's been 9 month's later then when I wanted to start, but oh well. Keep up the good work, and glad to see your close to getting it together.
Good to see you putting this together. You did have forged pistons put in with the rebuild right?
I am glad to see you're doing such a nice job on reassembling the whole car. I am hoping to begin trying to put together the Turbo for my 3.4 beginning February. It's been 9 month's later then when I wanted to start, but oh well. Keep up the good work, and glad to see your close to getting it together.
Yea I wish. I can't afford nor find any forged oversize 3.4 pistons. Except custom made, which would be $$$.
I will be getting my engine back on December 4th. Had money issues and a mis-communication.
Plus, I think it would be best if I got it in and running before installing the turbo system, that way it would be easier to pin-point problems at the beginning. And it will give me a chance to save up for neat turbo parts!
I got my engine and parts back yesterday!!! and started working on it (drilling and tapping the holes for the starter with Rodney's Jig). I'll get you all pictures tomorrow, since I have to go to work soon (again), and its cold in the garage since the heater isn't on. The outside of the block still has old paint and rust on it, what you do think the best way to clean would be?
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-05-2009).]
Picture time! Here I'm removing the old freeze plugs. Some pictures before i cleaned it with hot water and PB Blaster. After I cleaned it and as it sits now.
I have a question, were the red circle is, is usually were the knock sensor is, correct? Well the sensor i have doesn't fit there (too small of a hole) so is it ok to move it to the other side of the block? And I have some oil gallery plugs left over...where did i miss one, if I did indeed miss one?
Installed the heads, rockers, lifters, and push rods tonight. I did not set the valve lash yet so that's why the rockers look like they are sitting on valve stems weird. I'm waiting until i can rent a gear puller and pull off the old timing gear on the crank, so I can put the chain on and time it correctly. Starting to look like an engine!
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-08-2009).]
Didn't get much done today. Cleaned some parts with lacquer thinner, worked great!
Would anyone like to donate money to the "Matt needs money for his project" fund for Christmas? Only because I'm not old enough to drink, so you can't "Buy me a beer". Although you could but i think my parents wouldn't like that idea.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 12-10-2009).]
You should spend some of that hard earned cash on a die grinder (about 20-30 bux for a cheap one) and a porting kit (also about 20-30 bucks). That would be the cheapest best way to port your intakes.
You should spend some of that hard earned cash on a die grinder (about 20-30 bux for a cheap one) and a porting kit (also about 20-30 bucks). That would be the cheapest best way to port your intakes.
That's a good idea, and I'll think about that next time, but I already did all my porting with my 2 files.