Update. Got some stuff done recently, even though it has been really cold and windy outside, so I didn't get as much done as I wanted but oh well. Got and installed my new 94 Blazer MC, and ran #2 welding cable along the bottom of the car. Made and installed a shim for my auto-dimming mirror, so now it doesn't wobble anymore. Today I installed a FM modulator and put my whole radio back together. I put the FM modulator where the old cruise control box was, so you can't see it. Hooked up my 7730 computer to the car, still have a few wires to run and finish up for the A/C pressure sensor (which i still need to get) And here is a shot of what my engine looks like as of today. Installed my dog bone (yes I know its red), so that moved the engine forward a bit, and tightned all 4 cradle bolts. Here is the exhaust piece I still need to install. Only a a few more things and i can fire it up! Exhaust, battery cable, and trans cooler lines! Oh and I need to get my chip back from Sinister Performance.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-21-2010).]
Sweet build! After you get it running/driving you may have to spruce up your exterior a lil bit, cuz right now its pretty tough to be worthy of a engine that nice!
Sweet build! After you get it running/driving you may have to spruce up your exterior a lil bit, cuz right now its pretty tough to be worthy of a engine that nice!
Don't remind me. Paint isn't that great right now. I plan on getting wheels, a hood scoop of some type, side scoops of some type, and then paint.
That is one of the cleanest installs I have ever seen. Now will come the fun part, keeping it that nice! When are you coming to PA to help me get my car on the road? I have a 7730 here that I want to install, so you can work on that while I finish the dash swap. Are you planning to drive your car to MN this summer? If you are, I have been thinking about driving my car out as well, and maybe I could meet up with you in OH. That way if something happens to my car on the road, I have your knowledge on hand to help me get going again.
That is one of the cleanest installs I have ever seen. Now will come the fun part, keeping it that nice! When are you coming to PA to help me get my car on the road? I have a 7730 here that I want to install, so you can work on that while I finish the dash swap. Are you planning to drive your car to MN this summer? If you are, I have been thinking about driving my car out as well, and maybe I could meet up with you in OH. That way if something happens to my car on the road, I have your knowledge on hand to help me get going again.
Yea, I almost don't want to drive it because i don't want to get it dirty. Actually my dad suggested that when I get my car going on the road again, too take a shorter trip first to see how it does, and then the 900+ mile trip to MN. So yea, I'm up for that. I can do the 7730 swap (did it once already), it isn't too hard, you just need to get a digital EGR if you still want one, and get the MEM-CAL reprogrammed by Ryan at Sinister Performance (great guy). the rest is repinning wires, I didn't cut any stock wires at the terminals, I have a tool that I bought that I can bring with me that pops the pin out and lets a new one go in. I think we should meet somewhere in OH and cruise down together, in case either of our cars breaks down.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-22-2010).]
Update. Today I installed the rear brakes and installed the SS brake lines in the rear also (front later). I also got my battery wiring finished, and my car is now alive! Turned the radio on, etc etc. That tang-band sub still works great! I do have a electrical issue that i haven't had before, the ajar light flickers on and off randomly,even when the door is closed, and some other weird things. And I got to see my tail-lights in action again. But the best part was, i turned the key to start for a split-second, and I heard the starter motor move a little bit. All i need to do now is add coolant (lost a hose clamp..need to get one) and ATF (need to make cooler lines) and finish/fix exhaust and then I can try to start her up!
Update. Today I installed the rear brakes and installed the SS brake lines in the rear also (front later). I also got my battery wiring finished, and my car is now alive! Turned the radio on, etc etc. That tang-band sub still works great! I do have a electrical issue that i haven't had before, the ajar light flickers on and off randomly,even when the door is closed, and some other weird things. And I got to see my tail-lights in action again. But the best part was, i turned the key to start for a split-second, and I heard the starter motor move a little bit. All i need to do now is add coolant (lost a hose clamp..need to get one) and ATF (need to make cooler lines) and finish/fix exhaust and then I can try to start her up!
I bet you cant wait!! I remember getting my car alive again after a major overhaul. I was just excited to hook up the battery and see the dome light on again.
BTW- Your the man Matt I am really impressed!!
[This message has been edited by DeLorean00 (edited 03-24-2010).]
I submitted an article about my build for the April newsletter for the Cleveland Fiero Club. And guess what, It made the front cover. I gave several pictures from my collection, so those were used as well. One of the editors wrote a comment next to this picture: "Is that a rented welder? Come on dad buy the guy a welder"
It looks awesome man! I cant wait to see how it runs? Ill bet your on the edge of your seat.
Quick question though I do not see the distributor hold down clamp in those pictures. It should be installed holding in the plug. I would hate for the plug to work its way loose and puke oil all over your clean engine or worse prevent the oil pump from turning and hurting some bearings.
It looks awesome man! I cant wait to see how it runs? Ill bet your on the edge of your seat.
Quick question though I do not see the distributor hold down clamp in those pictures. It should be installed holding in the plug. I would hate for the plug to work its way loose and puke oil all over your clean engine or worse prevent the oil pump from turning and hurting some bearings.
Sharp eye, In that photo it wasn't on yet because I was using a distributor base that I cut up to "pre-oil" the engine. That hold down piece is now firmly in place.
Im not on the edge of my seat right now, as it snowed yesterday and its still cold outside, plus I am currently sick and I feel like crap. and I work all weekend, like usual.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-26-2010).]
Matt I found the mounting bracket for the "4cyld" style computer. Ill stop over possibly monday before I go out to my Fiero and drop it off. Car looks awesome! I am still looking for the machined front rotors/hubs.
Well glad the dizzy hold down is in place. I just did the DIS swap so I am still keenly aware of what needs to be done. Please post a first start of that bad boy!
You will not be disappointed and will be able to take so much more pride in your ride than most of the people out there. Thats such an awesome feeling.
Yes, don't worry, I have a video camera and I will record and post the first startup of this thing. Although if I remembered correctly, the quality wasn't the best.
I haven't been able to do anything this weekend due to working 26 hours this weekend, and the weather has been crappy outside as of late. My goal is still to start it up by April 1st.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-28-2010).]
I haven't been able to do anything this weekend due to working 26 hours this weekend, and the weather has been crappy outside as of late. My goal is still to start it up by April 1st.
I think you should come to the GM Nationals with me in Carlisle this year on May 15th. It's a great event, as well as swap meet, and you could stay at my place if you want Friday night.
I think you should come to the GM Nationals with me in Carlisle this year on May 15th. It's a great event, as well as swap meet, and you could stay at my place if you want Friday night.
Ill be there if I can get my Fiero going and running correctly! That means no leaks of any kind. Matt Ill be over with that computer bracket. I think i might have given those hubs away to someone else as i couldnt find them. Im off at 3:30 today.
Today was OK until a certain event (more in a minute). I fixed the wiring to my mirror so that works now, I wired in my narrowband fuel mix gauge, got a clamp for a coolant hose that I was missing, and bought an adapter piece for my trans cooling lines. That piece wasn't the right size so I'll go back to Napa tomorrow to get something different. I added 2 gallons of coolant, 1 in the thermostat, and 1 in the radiator. What happens next? I find coolant DRIPPING at a good rate from under the water pump. GRRRR. Just when I was so close too something happens. MAN.
Stuff happens, don't get discouraged. You are so close, and resealing that water pump is not a huge chore. I just changed mine out last weekend in about 2 hours or so.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I attempted but failed to start it today. The water pump issue was just 2 loose bolts, so I filled the coolant, and found out my coolant overflow bottle leaks when you fill past a certain point. Made the trans cooling lines today, and put in a bunch of Fluid in that too. Put the exhaust on (for the most part), and tried to start it. All that happened was the starter kept on clicking and if you kept it to "start", after a few seconds the engine side of the C500 would start to smoke. At first I thought it didn't have enough battery power but that wasn't the problem. Got under the car, and tugged at the battery cable for the starter and it popped right out. Whoops. That, and the copper terminal connector was loose. I had the whole power to the car going from the starter to the power thing under the C500. Is this wrong? I also realized I don't have a engine to frame ground either. I will address these issues tomorrow, and hopefully, I'll get it to crank over and maybe even start! I have video but I'm sure people don't wanna see it.
[This message has been edited by mattwa (edited 03-30-2010).]
Matt, I've been lurking in your thread now for a few weeks, good luck, youre almost there, everything looks really good! I am about to build up a 3.4 myself, so I'm keeping a close eye on yours! :-D
Everyone, I have an announcement. This whole project is now called, "The Gold Rush Project", and my Fiero is now named "Gold Rush". Much thanks to batousai666 for the name idea. It is the start of a new beginning! See the updated first post of this Thread.