Ok, I need to do some work on the car. Sense I used the HVAC system from the Monte Carlo, I inherited one of the notorious servo door motor stripped gear teeth issues. When I open the door, yes just opening the door triggers the HVAC to actuate,...why....I am not sure. The actuation of one of 2 doors makes a loud clicking noise. It is irritating and embarrassing. The noise can be heard inside and outside of the car. This thing was a nightmare to install and I can't imagine how much of a pain it will be to service. [QUOTE]Originally posted by JenzGT2:
This is a picture of the 2006 Monte Carlo HVAC test fitting in the Fiero. The problem is one of 2 motors that move the blend door and mixer. One motor is behind the Grey bracket and the other is at one end of the white wire loom.
Ok, got the two motors. There are at least three motors on this HVAC unit and I am not sure which one is bad, so I will try to replace the 2 identical motors.
This is the second motor hanging on the wire harness. I couldn't get the plug off from the installed location. Honestly this was easier than I thought. Maybe even easier than a stock Monte Carlo?
Done, no more irritating noise every time I get in and out of the car.
This is the bad motor opened up. You can see that some teeth were broken off and the motor was just spinning and grinding. Every time any power was tuned on in the car, this motor would spin as it attempted to find a home position. It sometimes would spin for several minutes. The grinding noise was loud enough to hear it outside the car from at least a car length away.
Ok, next to the HVAC issue, now the headlight motor failed. I ordered a set of bushings for the Gen2 motors, but I need them to work now. Soo, I put a quick fix in the driver side till the real set comes in. Older cars .........it never ends.
Ok, some inspections and maintenance. I need to get an alignment, so I am checking torque. Also have had spongy brakes for some time. Bleed the brake a few different times, no improvements. So I guess I need to be more thorough this time. Found a leak in the transmission cooler lines. Got some work to do.
I have to say this is one of the most amazing builds !!! Thank you for sharing the process. I just bought an 88 with the Northstar conversion. You have inspired me to take my time and really do it right. Thank you
I have to say this is one of the most amazing builds !!! Thank you for sharing the process. I just bought an 88 with the Northstar conversion. You have inspired me to take my time and really do it right. Thank you
Thank you. I love the North Star engine, in fact the first swap I did in this Fiero was the v6 version of the North Star. It was called a Short Star because of the 2 cylinders that were cut off to make it a v6.
Have you seen the new MR1 from Langmuir that is coming to market this summer? It looks really promising. I will be placing a deposit as soon as the pre-order window opens up. I already have their Crossfire XL CNC Plasma table and really like it.
Have you seen the new MR1 from Langmuir that is coming to market this summer? It looks really promising. I will be placing a deposit as soon as the pre-order window opens up. I already have their Crossfire XL CNC Plasma table and really like it.
Yep, it looks cool. I just need something larger and more rigid. I also want the 4th axis rotory. I would rather get a 5 axis tilting rotory but as of right now Tormach doesn't offer it.The gantry mills tend to be much less rigid unless they are VERY large. And they don't offer a 4th axis. I actually want a HAAS mini mill 2 but they are WAY to expensive for what I do and finding one used is hard enough as it is but to find one with all the options I want are nearly impossible. The HAAS super mini mill can be optioned with 5 axis and house/residential 220 single phase. I look forward to seeing what do with it.
It is alive and makes chips. I am having issues with Fusion 360. It is glitchy and very difficult to learn (if possible at all) while it has systems that either don't work or are hidden? Last night on the laptop, one third of the screen just blacked out. The left side that had some options displayed. I feel like I should just dump the entire program and install another one?
Being able to make your own parts on the fly is awesome, those parts you made look great. Congrats on getting it, and getting it up and running. Id love one but dont have the space, funds, or an electrical panel thatll support a cnc. What other parts that need creation/ ideas do you have in mind?
Being able to make your own parts on the fly is awesome, those parts you made look great. Congrats on getting it, and getting it up and running. Id love one but dont have the space, funds, or an electrical panel thatll support a cnc. What other parts that need creation/ ideas do you have in mind?
I am making some parts for a person that are not even car parts, right now. But I do hope to make some cool car stuff.