Progress has been slow but I plan to get down there and kick Mike in his ass to finish this thing up sometime this year. I'll take pictures and post anything he will let me when I'm down there.
Progress has been slow but I plan to get down there and kick Mike in his ass to finish this thing up sometime this year. I'll take pictures and post anything he will let me when I'm down there.
Did you get down there? I was hoping to see if there has been any progress. I have not seen anything updated on his website in a long time. I guess I will have to come up there and kick both of you in the ass.
I could always use one! I saw him Last weekend at our club meeting and told him I'm just going to knock on his door one Friday and tell him he better be ready to work in the morning. lol
What is really sad is that ratings seem to be so important to some. All the 49, 000 visitors had to have come away with something good out of this. I was a late comer to this thread and I really got turned off by all the bad mouths that were on here earlier. Even Archie was a very negative , opinionated, ass. The really sad part is all the many others of us here who have watched this build in awe and benefited so much are now left behind wondering and wishing we could see the finished product.
I would hope that Mr. Spider would consider all the real fans he had here and finish his post. Screw the ratings dude. Most of us here love where you were headed and wished we could've done the same. I myself would finish it for all the people who were hooked on this build and not listen or care about any of the negative crap that went on here. Spider do it for us and yourself. That should be reward enough.
I was able to get some time to get the other side done. I will try to get some work done on the back bumper today.
I just started looking at this thread for the first time today, so i have a lot of catching up to do, but this really caught my eye. I really love your low tech, but truly ingenious way of mirroring the fender on both sides!
It just goes to show that you don't need all the hi tech cad software and CNC machinery to get a truly amazing product! It just takes a little brainpower, that's all!
I just spoke to Mike over the weekend. He got the exhaust system finished up. He has family in town so not sure when he will want me to come help out. The car cranks and runs but still needs the body work, interior and some wiring for gauges and accessories finished up. Archie and him have been butting heads for years. I don't think he is going to come back to the forum because it's a lot easier to work when you're not having to stop every few minutes to document how you have done something. Plus it's a lot less stressful without dealing with the B.S. from some people here.
Front end Mirrors
Fuel Door. He had to heat the factory door and mold it to fit the curve.
Exhaust and rear bumper
[This message has been edited by Marine1981 (edited 03-10-2014).]
After knowing the LS4 runs I started fitting the body parts again. Gianina wanted me to post a picture o the progress. I picked up some parts to get the shifter linkage working (I hope) will try to get some time to do that this weekend.
That looks soooooooooooooooo........ NICE. I live in Austin and I can not wait for you to finish so you can do mine. LOL!! I bought a T-Top out of California last year but I would not think of attempting what you are doing. You have skills and I like the concept that is in your head that you are bringing to life. Keep up the good work.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the car he will sell it as is for 15,000. I think he will take 10,000 for the engine and trans. I believe that includes the wiring harness but I'm not sure.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the car he will sell it as is for 15,000. I think he will take 10,000 for the engine and trans. I believe that includes the wiring harness but I'm not sure.
I just went through this whole build and found it to be very in depth but seemed like a really cool idea. I love the ls4 build as well.
AND yet at the end I find out he is selling this? Man, I'd convince him to finish the build and enjoy the car.
If you get the chance ask him if the ls4 is worth it as far as like money,time,complexity versus a l67 swap.
Originally posted by zzzhuh: I just went through this whole build and found it to be very in depth but seemed like a really cool idea. I love the ls4 build as well.
AND yet at the end I find out he is selling this? Man, I'd convince him to finish the build and enjoy the car.
If you get the chance ask him if the ls4 is worth it as far as like money,time,complexity versus a l67 swap.
I have tried to convince him to finish it and have kept the project going a little bit but he has been wanting to sell it for a while now. In my opinion and his the L67 is an easier swap. He believes an LS4 with the right tune would beat a 3800 SC.
I had to call and it is true he wants to sell or if he sells the engine swap he will part out after that. I do understand and from talking to him I'm afraid his health is worse than he was telling me. with what he told me about the test he has had and doctor visits, I'm starting to think he is afraid to keep doing the body work needed to finish. I did not know he was as old as he is also. He has another doctor visit with more lung ex-rays next week.
I love this car myself. Two kids in collage and two in high school plus two Fieros puts me out on the bidding. He did not cut corners on this job and I hope whoever buys keeps in touch with this forum. Most of all, I hope his health improves.
[This message has been edited by davylong86 (edited 12-28-2014).]
I LOVE the LS4 I have in my GT. Even with an automatic trans, it is a lot of fun to drive. If the conversion was done right, buying a turn key conversion is definitely worthwhile. But I would want the cradle (without suspension) with complete axles and complete wire harness and exhaust system for that price. This stuff is A LOT of work, and a turn key saves A LOT of time.
Looks like the car might be going to a shop to get some work done soon. Things are better health wise and being a do it yourself guy it is very hard for him to let someone work on his cars. I volunteered to help him move it so I will post again when we take the car to the shop for anyone that has followed this thread as I have. I will do my best to get some pictures
I watched the video and all I could hear was that belt squealing sound. My ls4 sounded just like it until I marked the balancer with a Dykem orange paint stick to see if it was slipping. No joke the squealing has gone completely away not even a chirp at any rpm. Mine squealed so loud it hurt. Turns out the outer ring slips on the rubber and the paint bonded them together. I almost forgot the car looks amazing.
[This message has been edited by dskebo (edited 05-19-2015).]
I watched the video and all I could hear was that belt squealing sound. My ls4 sounded just like it until I marked the balancer with a Dykem orange paint stick to see if it was slipping. No joke the squealing has gone completely away not even a chirp at any rpm. Mine squealed so loud it hurt. Turns out the outer ring slips on the rubber and the paint bonded them together. I almost forgot the car looks amazing.
He said the belt started sqealling after it got wet but was going to change it when it gets back from shop it is at getting tuned. He also said thanks for the tip and he will paint the pully also.
Yeah His wife was the one filming. I told him I will come do the body work if he tells me HOW to do it if he will keep it. I have no clue how to do the body work. Pretty sure his wife does not want him to sell it.