Been a long week at work not much time to work on the car. I had to cut out the work I did to get the wipers in. I think I finally got it done. The motor is in stock location and wiper system rotates so I think that part is done. I have a couple of pictures to add. Tomorrow I will fiberglass it all back again. If you have the nuts to do this it took me over ten hours to redo the rods and levers to make the wipers work. It will save time if you do the wipers when the cowl is cut out.
Got the wipers going and worked on filling the gaps around the Sebring windshield today. I also removed the headlights and a few other things. Once this is done I can move to the headlights.
Archie start your own thread and talk your trash there. This is a build thread for my wife’s car and I do not need you and your friends here trying to trash it like you have all my other threads. Be a man and walk away or start a lets bash F355spider or Mustangbeware thread or something just stay out of my wife's build thread. You are not welcome here with you calling people stupid. Michael
This thread does not hurt his business he does a great job of that on his own with his diagrams, pictures, trashing other people that challenge him or tells others they think him selling rusty angle iron for motor mounts is not professional and the many times he takes the bait and Stephen sets the hook. Then he calls other people stupid!
So if I read the above posts correctly, You would prefer Archie to not be involved in YOUR build threads, But yet you are fully aware that your friends are trolling bait in YOUR build threads to get Archie to bite. See a contradiction there?
In fact others in this thread have also mentioned how your friends tossing digs out to others has trashed many of your other build threads and that they were starting to do it in this thread BEFORE Archie even posted.
While I really enjoy following your build threads and seeing nice the work you do, Archie is not the one you need to ask to stop the drama, It would be your friends that consistantly invite the drama that you need to talk to.
[This message has been edited by Oreif (edited 07-17-2011).]
So if I read the above posts correctly, You would prefer Archie to not be involved in YOUR build threads, But yet you are fully aware that your friends are trolling bait in YOUR build threads to get Archie to bite. See a contradiction there?
In fact others in this thread have also mentioned how your friends tossing digs out to others has trashed many of your other build threads and that they were starting to do it in this thread BEFORE Archie even posted.
While I really enjoy following your build threads and seeing nice the work you do, Archie is not the one you need to ask to stop the drama, It would be your friends that consistantly invite the drama that you need to talk to.
Man where have you been hiding....Havent had a good argument Thread with you in a while....Place is just not like it used to be.......
So if I read the above posts correctly, You would prefer Archie to not be involved in YOUR build threads, While I really enjoy following your build threads and seeing nice the work you do,
YES and thanks,
Originally posted by RCR:
Looks good. The windshield mod has been lurking in the back of my mind for 3-4 years now.
Could you post two profile pics that show the before/after difference?
Thanks, Same here but I have to say it is a challenge. Once I get it finished I will try to do that. Michael
That is what what I thought, Thanks for answering all my questions.
You are very welcome. Glad I could help. I almost forgot I made a cap of the top of the front bumper yesterday. Once I pull it I will be able to use it to build the new front bumper and get the headlights cut in. I have to what for the sides of the car until the wheels are made and shipped. Once they are where they need to be I will know how wide the car will be.
[This message has been edited by F355spider (edited 07-18-2011).]
Had a little time to work on the car today. I worked on the windshield area some. I had to fill at the bottom and fill the center at the top. I have a cap to start the bumper with. Not sure how it will end up yet but with the top I will be able to work on the lights. I just used tape it was faster than waxing and less work. Will have to go to Dallas tomorrow Hope to pick up the Stu wipes and get the black and red leather for the interior.
Not a lot going on here but work. I did take a few minutes last night after work to try something. I need a shape for the front bumper so I measured the fender on the 16' trailer and it was close. I thought this will give me the same curve on the sides so what the heck. I will pull the skin off tonight and see how it turns out then graft it to the top piece I made, and then see where I go from there.
My wife laughed at me for the fender thing but I pulled it off held it up to the car and she could see what I did. I just need time to work on it more. I still have to cut some metal on the front for the headlights to fit in also. I will be selling the wheels off the car soon. I am hoping the new ones come in around the end of the month.
I had to cancel the wheels this weekend they have managed to put them out an extra 2 months. I am tired of waiting so back to looking for a nice set of wheels that will let me make the body wider. If anyone has any suggestions I am open.
I am workin on a jig to do 5x112 but its been slow, I havent had the time to fill weld the existing lug holes and redrill them yet.
Do you think a 5x4.5 would work? I have not had time to check. I would be able to run Mustang wheels and brakes. If for some reason they did not work on the car I could put them on my Danger/Ranger. Gota do something the car is on hold until I know how wide it will be. I hope to get some Mr. Mike seats ordered in the next week or two but I have to find a TA/firebird dash to see if I go Black/Red or Grey/Red seats. Then I will be hitting up JScott a lot on the dash and getting it in the car.
Great build. Nice to see the Sebring screen going into a chopper as I wasn't sure it would fit very well but it looks good. The side and top gaps are known to need work so I am not surprised you had to fill in some of the a-pillars and top. Not too bad of a difference though so easily managed as you have shown.
5 x 4.5" bolt pattern will fit on a Fiero front hub as I am getting 5x4.75" done to a set for new rims for one of my projects coming up.
Do you think a 5x4.5 would work? I have not had time to check. I would be able to run Mustang wheels and brakes. If for some reason they did not work on the car I could put them on my Danger/Ranger. Gota do something the car is on hold until I know how wide it will be. I hope to get some Mr. Mike seats ordered in the next week or two but I have to find a TA/firebird dash to see if I go Black/Red or Grey/Red seats. Then I will be hitting up JScott a lot on the dash and getting it in the car.
There is alot of room inbetween the vanes on the backside of the fireo front hub, I would imagine after fill welding the existing lug holes you would be able to redrill them and make it work as long as the center hole of the rim will fit over the center of the fiero hub. I am trying to fit the 97 turbo jetta rims on mine, the center bore of the rim fits exactly over the fiero hub I will try and take pics in the morning my camera is dead at the moment.
I guess my next thought is would it be better to buy a new set of bearings/hubs or if the originals are good use them? I have heard the new ones are not as good as the originals in good shape. I might be lucky on a dash was looking around last night and found a guy about 20 minutes away from me selling a LS TA dash from a car he is parting. I am going tonight to check it out. He does not have door panels but the dash is good.
I have the radio fascia you can have for shipping cost if you want it.
Let me get back with you. I found another car being parted out in Corpus, I am going to call today. I'm hoping I can just get everything I need from it. If not I will let you know. Thanks,
Looking Good...Be sure to keep that custom blue interior....It will really set the car off.....If you plan on selling the wheels on it now let me know and I might take them off ur hands when you are ready....
I have the new wheels on order these wheels will be for sale soon if you still want them.
I've read that it's a Sebring coupe windshield that is cut down for the Fiero.
I used a Sebring coupe but it does not need to be cut. You do have to ad filler at the top and the bottom sides. The top corners fit the Fiero top sides and you have to move the wipers out and make a new tray. It is less work to chop a Fiero than to do the windshield swap in my opinion.
Originally posted by el_roy1985:
Not sure if I missed it or not, but what's the benefit of the Sebring windshield?
The benefit for doing this is to have a custom car that is not a cookie cutter.
Good to know. All the kit car forums mention that the Sebring windshield has to be cut down. I keep thinking about how it would modernize the Fiero, yet at the same time even kit car owners say the swap isn't worth the effort. Guess I'll have to wait until yours is done to see the results.
Of course yours lays more flat than a regular height windshield, I think.
Good to know. All the kit car forums mention that the Sebring windshield has to be cut down. I keep thinking about how it would modernize the Fiero, yet at the same time even kit car owners say the swap isn't worth the effort. Guess I'll have to wait until yours is done to see the results.
Of course yours lays more flat than a regular height windshield, I think.
The Breeze has to be cut but has more shape to it. Yea with the chop the windshield is laid back making the thing look flat.