Hello there.. new to PFF but I must say I surely hope somebody saves this concept. It is a real shame you guys couldn't finish it and it would totally suck to see it go to the scrap yard. Of all the noses I've seen available for the fiero in the aftermarket this one needs to be a reality. The only other one I've seen other than this one that really caught my eye was the one Amida made. Maybe he should pick it up and finish the GTO design.. He is amazing but Whomever does decide to finish this nose please leave a link so we can follow it and hopefully see it be produced so all who want one (including me) can get one.
The iGTO bumper car was sold and it fell off the trailer at its destination. The bumper was damaged, possibly destroyed. I don't know how bad because I've not seen pictures. The buyer stated that he doesn't think he can fix it.
The iGTO bumper car was sold and it fell off the trailer at its destination. The bumper was damaged, possibly destroyed. I don't know how bad because I've not seen pictures. The buyer stated that he doesn't think he can fix it.
Was this not sold and then damaged beyond repair during transport? Is there a copy right filed for this design, if so what is the amount your looking for? It was looking good and almost complete and I know you had a lot of time invested so I hope someone takes this idea to production.
[This message has been edited by davylong86 (edited 09-23-2015).]
Well, I don't doubt that it wasn't water proof, you took the production at only half stage and had not even made a mold of it yet. So, you statement, though true, is yet a statement that shows you had no idea what you had, nor how to protect it. The foam was not meant to be a finished product by any means but a sculpture of something to come.
If someone wants the copy rights, they can email me or boostdreamer a price.a price.
If anything, the purchaser of said bumper would have rights to sell any copyright on said product.... Or GM would have copyrights and patents on their design styles.
Originally posted by CrazyDragn: Take that to the copyright office.
The copyright office doesn't judge the validity of copyright claims. Just because they issued a copyright, that does not guarantee it's enforceable. That's something that would need to be determined in court. Unless you have plans or blueprints that are copyrighted, you're going to have a tough time enforcing that copyright.
That said, why someone would want to enforce a copyright on an unfinished body part for a car is beyond me. But whatever...
[This message has been edited by Blacktree (edited 04-05-2016).]
That said, why someone would want to enforce a copyright on an unfinished body part for a car is beyond me. But whatever...
If someone got swindled into actually buying this "copyright", I'd imagine they would have to enforce what little worth there is in it else the copyright is lost. Just seems like a dirty cash grab for an unfinished idea to me.
If someone got swindled into actually buying this "copyright", I'd imagine they would have to enforce what little worth there is in it else the copyright is lost. Just seems like a dirty cash grab for an unfinished idea to me.
I completely agree. I enjoy reading new posts to this thread simply to see where the silliness takes it. The concept of an enforceable copyright on what is now lawn fertilizer is comical.
[This message has been edited by Reallybig (edited 04-08-2016).]
Well this went to crap.... I was super stoked at this product. I wish there was a collaboration to build another for the furtherment of the fun and excitement that we are all supposed to be here for. Set aside the money for a minute guys and just help a larger whole benefit.
for future reference, anyone who wants to take this on is more than welcome too. We had fun making it. Our supllies and Demands of our families had to come first. Plus the donor car was sold so...........you have our permision.
for future reference, anyone who wants to take this on is more than welcome too. We had fun making it. Our supllies and Demands of our families had to come first. Plus the donor car was sold so...........you have our permision.
We would like to see this go forward too....
Challenge accepted. Fiero Fiberglass has been contacted by a Fiero owner who would like us to build and produce this. We are in discussions right now about it.
Challenge accepted. Fiero Fiberglass has been contacted by a Fiero owner who would like us to build and produce this. We are in discussions right now about it.
I have spoke with fiero owner and he has let me know what all is taking place, awesome!! I let him know that I can send him the copyright for the build as he is in contact with you.
This will be awesome. So: There was a list of individuals who were interested in this being produced. I or Boostdreamer could reset the list up here if you would like.
Challenge accepted. Fiero Fiberglass has been contacted by a Fiero owner who would like us to build and produce this. We are in discussions right now about it.
Anyone heard how this is going? I 'd thought this would be getting back off the ground.
Fiero Fiberglass is now up for sale ($25,000) due to the lead fiberglasser (Dan) retiring for health reasons. So I doubt this project will be progressing unless another vendor is found to take on the effort.