Argenta UPDATE: Exploring a different option for the rear center grill...instead of fixing the fiberglass like I posted before.
I am going to go speak to someone about having a piece of 508MM width x165.1mm height x18mm thick sheet aluminum. Then having them router out the valleys and space for my he sits flush with the raised lines. Then powder coat it black and apply the 3M RED CONSPICUITY REFLECTIVE TAPE in the valleys. Cheaper, faster to produce, and it will be perfect the 1st time!
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-05-2015).]
BluDrm UPDATES...Since BluDrm is based off an 86...wanted to kick the Subaru FZR rims out a little I picked up my set of spacers from Dominic:
Argenta UPDATES: Cleaned up my seat designs and did a fabric piece mark-up:
Sections 2TC, 2BC, 3R, 4R, 3L, & 4L will be done in Deep Black Alcantara / Automotive Suede: and the the other sections will be done in my traditional Ebony.
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-05-2015).]
ReMera UPDATE: Received my new G1 dash from Rob...everything looks amazing...except one thing...that is not RAVE Butterscotch (RAV-2612) based on the sample he sent me . Not sure how I am going to address this yet...I have a PM into Rob and waiting for a response.
I also received the replacement Cowling from PISA:
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-06-2015).]
Thanks hiwil88formula....Dominic already text'd me this weekend about it, but it is twice as much as the red one and the red one had less than 7K original documented miles.
ReMera UPDATES: G1 dash WRONG COLOR issue figured out. It looks like the fowl start at Rob's supplier.
Here are the labels of the 4 color samples Rob's supplier sent me:
This is the color sample I wanted:
Well after some emails and some digging...this is what happened. The color that I like was is actually "Rave-2613-Turmeric" interesting how one of the other samples was "Nuance Tumeric - NUA-2467".
Think Rob's supplier was smoking some of the Green stuff that day!
Now there is even a 2nd half to this story already. Another member on the forum ( within 90 minutes of me), who purchased one of the only none upholstered G1 Dashes really likes how this one turned out. He has offered to swap and pay the difference I paid for the upholstery. Guess Rob and his supplier will have to duke it out over the 2 extra shipping costs!
ReMera UPDATES: Still a work in progress...have the holes cut...just need to back fill some spots, sand and recover it in Carbon Fiber wrap...maybe done before COB tomorrow...if I have the time:
how are you attaching the window switches to the back of the panel ?
Would you mind posting a picture of it ?
Thanks in advance
85LAMB...this one easy thanks to faster assembly-line techniques...they snap in
Yellow circle is the pressure snap. Red Circles are where I need to back fill and sand. So I pop out all three...back fill, let dry, sand smooth. Once everything is correct and smooth...I will do a very complete alcohol cleaning and then re-wrap it the panel in Carbon Fiber & Pop the switches back into place. Then connect up the wires and put it in place.
ReMera UPDATE: Received my new G1 dash from Rob...everything looks amazing...except one thing...that is not RAVE Butterscotch (RAV-2612) based on the sample he sent me . Not sure how I am going to address this yet...I have a PM into Rob and waiting for a response. ...
Issue Resolved,,,Fellow member is shipping his raw G1 dash and a replacement center armrest to Rob Amida tomorrow and Paypaling him the difference for the upholstery. Once Rob has received both and given me the two thumbs up...then Brian will come down and pickup his brand new...ready to install G1 Dash!
Stopped Mr. Mike before he cut the 4 yards of the wrong material (well wrong for me...but perfect for Brian now!)...if Brian doesn't want it...then I will eat the cost and have 4 yards of this material. Mike ordered the correct material and it should be here next week and he will pickup where he left off...which means the seats will probably be completed 1st now. Stay tuned more more updates and the Correct color on my new (new) G1 dash
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-09-2015).]
Barbie Updates: Cleaning up the new sail panels...needed to finish them off with black silicon around the edges of the panel and the plexi insert...they were a real PIA to install and get right:
I am going to get the following Vinyl Stickers made up for her:
and it should look something like this:
Added her Pig Tail Antenna:
I also have to say that the Subaru FZR rims sit pretty damn flush with the 88s:
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-20-2015).]
Argenta UPDATES: A small strip to test out the red reflective tape before I cut the 7 strips...very hard to cut as thick as the tape is:
No Flash (Daylight)
Now one with flash (Night effect)
Going to work exactly the way I was hoping it just need to have the new piece milled from the aluminum sheet that I ordered...that is on next weeks list.
Argenta UPDATES: Installed the FieroStore's rear speaker waterfall panel:
Eventually this will be converted to a black & red G1 interior...that is why I have not done a complete detailing on the back of the arm rest & vent area as of yet...please excuse the mess!
Argetna UPDATES: Wired in the billet LED license plate lights. I also drilled the whole for the rear license plate video feed and power supply. I need to stop by the parts store tomorrow and pick up some plastic fastener inserts for license plates.
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 01-19-2015).]
ReMera UPDATES: not as much progress today as i wanted, because of the following that needed to be addressed 1st. Well my body & paint guy caught a crack that somehow got missed: So he ground out and fixed: