I have sent you both a PM and email would you please respond to one of them... A simple I'm not interested would be fine
I did reply weeks ago via email and asked for more detailed pictures and other information, but never received a response....I will find the email and resend.
Sorry I didn't receive a email... I really like the detail you do to your cars and I would love to pass the Predator on to someone who could take it to a another level.
[This message has been edited by DL10 (edited 05-18-2015).]
Argenta UPDATES: We got everything disconnected and ready to drop the engine in preparation of installing the DOHC.
Of course while digging in...we found one spot with a decent amount of surface rust...but nothing that can't be cleaned up:
Already got half of it gone...I little more time with a metal brush and my OSPHRO. Once we drop the engine, I will do a through cleaning and detailing of the engine bay.
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 05-19-2015).]
Those seats look really comfortable but, how ya gonna fit em' three wide in a Fiero? (Hey...if you've lost your sense of humor....you don't have anything left that's worth a crap! )
Still lovin' the builds AND coverage of them!
[This message has been edited by Sage (edited 05-25-2015).]
ReMera UPDATES: Here are the completed gauge needles for the ReMera...I am going to utilize a needle from Sunbird gauge for the Fiero Speedometer. I wanted all the needles to match...Fiero & Sunbird needles are a little bit different style and look.
Argenta UPDATES: I think these are the gauges I will go with on the Argenta:
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 05-20-2015).]
Those seats look really comfortable but, how ya gonna fit em' three wide in a Fiero? (Hey...if you've lost your sense of humor....you don't have anything left that's worth a crap! )
Still lovin' the builds AND coverage of them!
Getting them to fit is only half the problem...still working out the head rest speakers
MyTestarossa UPDATES: Been thinking about her interior and how I want to go on this one. This will be an exact replica of the "T" car on the outside. But I really never liked the stock interior on the "T" car.
So I decided to utilize the very nice two-tone brown interior I have collected (shown above)
And then going to have member, Alex (Irrationable) refurbish one of my stock steering wheels in Beechwood, just like this one:
Argenta UPDATES: Removed the stock engine and currently removing the cradle from the engine.
Here are some shots of the engine bay...it is unreal how clean this car is ...was always garaged...very obvious! She has all her heat shields, all of her engine bay insulation is there and in almost perfect condition and not a part was missing.
This car came out of Ohio and it barely has surface rust...this will be more of a wash and de-greasing...more than anything.
Time to do some cleaning:
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 05-24-2015).]
Argenta UPDATES: One last acid bath on the control arms, then I will burn out the old bushings, and hopefully by tomorrow do one last wire brushing and then Rust-o-leum!
Also making my way around the cradle eliminating any and all surface rust.
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 05-26-2015).]
Argenta UPDATES: Finally made it through the cradle...dang my hands hurt!
One good solid coat of Rust-o-leum on the 1st side of the cradle. Burning out the bushings later tonight... and then will paint a solid coat of Rust-o-leum on the other side.
Should have this wrapped up by COB tomorrow.
The BBQ is almost over...one side is just finishing up...like mine well done please!
BBQ is done and they turned out great:
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 05-27-2015).]
If you could only find a way to get a dollar for every view!
You seem to be doing very well on your own though.
I have great respect and admiration for anybody that sets a goal, then finds a way to make it happen, especially when it involves spending wads of money and more importantly.....TIME!
I think maybe about a third of those views must be mine.....constantly checking the updates and drooling. Very thankful for somebody like yourself who shares with the rest of us.
There are/have been quite a few who raised the bar and let us all watch as it happened. Archie comes to mind, but there are many others. You are right up there with the best of them.
Lets give a CHEER for member "GOT2B GM" and his new cool custom dogbones...he is going to make one that will say "ReMera". Which is need with her 3.4 Turbo setup.
I've used them on my MGB for more than a decade. They're great. Looks like the same ones you have. What problem do you have with them?
They clipped on to the post once really good and now went to put them back on and they slide off...wont grip tight enough anymore...maybe a decade ago they were made better than today?
[This message has been edited by TXOPIE (edited 06-06-2015).]