I made a lot of progress last night. It was a beautiful night to work outside. so, I pulled it outside last night. I had two cracks which was to be expected with this extent of fiberglass work, all of which were just from lack of material. Everything should be done shrinking from the 9 months of just sitting in primer so i have went back through and blocked everything last night. addressed a few "sink holes" and fixed all the pinholes as well.
After a hard night work I sit here in this lawn chair drinking a beer and admiring the curves and profile of the car. There is so much to like about it.
Tomorrow the plan is to get the last coat of primer on the repair issues and start on finishing up the body work on the rocker panels and addressing the lower quarter panel and door gap.
Made some major progress over the weekend. Lotus Lazer blue is the color and it has Great flop and by that I mean it has great Highlights and lowlights with such a variance in color. It was cloudy and rainy when i took the photos so they really dont do justice for the color. Fenders and doors still need a little finessing before paint. Now I dont Need any haters about spraying pannels at seperate times.. Ive split it up where even if there is a color difference it wont be noticable.
now for the fun part. I cant even gather words for how amazing this turning out. We are still on track for the 35. Its going to be cut very close though. Wish me luck.
Just discovered this thread. I REALLY like what you've done with the blue car. I think you accomplished exactly what you were trying to do - it's very subtle and an updated look. I especially like the hood extractor and your solution of using a wing stand. I may have to do something similar. You mentioned you needed to trim the trunk lip about an inch - would that have been necessary if the cut had been further forward, or the opening less deep?
Ok so its time to update a little. I have been absent form PFF for a while and some have you have followed me on facebook until I Removed social media from my life. New job new email so I have lost my User name for now
as you know we made it to the 35th back in august with both the orange car and the blue wide body. Im sure those of you who saw the Wide body in Peoria you may have noticed that it wasn't 100% Complete. It still sits in the same state body wise but it now has a VW Vr6 Turbo I can see if I can get chris to update the engine swap to the VR6. The Kansas City Fiero Owners Group was selected to Display our cars at the Kansas City Auto Show. We Represented the Kansas City Automotive Museum along with some other exquisite Cars.
[This message has been edited by Awalker W02 (edited 01-14-2020).]
Since the 35th I started on a new project for a new client. our goal really was just a fastback conversion and a freshin up with the paint. I Explained to my client that I have had a vision for a front bumper that I would like to attempt but I just never have had the opportunity to create my vision. We struck a deal and so I began my Creation. The next couple posts are old and forgive me if you have already viewed this on face book but I want to document the build.
Here is my starting point on the new project. it starts out pretty rough. Someone had backed into the front of the car and pushed the front end back and into the windshield my goal was to create a modern looking front bumper with a Touring look to the fiero. I started with a GS 300 bumper. the detentions of this bumper are nowhere near the fiero detentions so its a long road of cutting and test fitting.
[This message has been edited by Awalker W02 (edited 01-14-2020).]
the Yellow car is just an old 86 SE no title car that I use to build off of while my client keeps their car. the first round of cutting consists of taking the Lexus bumper down to just the lower portion I ended up taking about 10 inches out of the middle and making the bumper a little thinner to fit the profile of the Fiero bumper The next step was to open up the fiero bumper to allow the new piece to be grafted in. I use Klinko's to temporary attach the pieces together. It took several attempts to get the bumper fit in just right I did have to make some relief cuts I the Fiero bumper to allow the fiero bumper to take the angles of the lexus bumper.
if you look close you can see that I made a backing for the center split for support and to allow me to create the correct width for the Fiero
[This message has been edited by Awalker W02 (edited 01-14-2020).]
once everything was lined up exactly where it needed to be I started the working of bonding the pieces together. normally in the standard collision industry we would hot staple the pieces together. I did try to hot stapleing first and the urethane that the Fiero is made of does not set back up after the hot staple is inserted, because of this the plastic welding of 2 different types of urethane would not work either. this being said I had to resort to Bonding. Below is a quick general review of plastic repair.
my next step after the semi rigid repair bond was cured i was able to do some rough shaping. filled in and bonded the centers together. A little heat here and there and able to straighten out some of the imperfections before a final finessing.
Don't know where I've been all this time, but today is the first chance I have had to look at your build thread. Nice job on the wide body. Looks like you were able to get a wider fender flare than I accomplished. Also great to see how a professional does work versus us guys who try to learn as we go. Coincidentally, my 84 SC car is painted Laser Blue. That color really pops. Nice work! Great adaptation of the front facia on your current project, too.
So I thought I took more photos of the work on the hood but it looks like I missed quite a bit. A little hint for anyone wanting to create an extractor hood. measure twice and watch the inner supports and truck seals. so let me explain my initial cuts a little. I took measurements and made the cut to the outer skin to fall within the main inner supports. I angled the opening cuts to flow the the slight front angle of the hood. outer skin cuts are in green. I had to make relief cuts into the bracing to allow the skin to move. my brace cuts are in red. after I cut the side wall out of the brace/ truck seal it allowed the skin to fall in against it. I then took 8115 panel bond and re bonded the outside skin to the brace and allowed it to fully cure. once cured I was able to create the sides of the scoop. i just took some spare smc cut to fit the angles and re fiberglass the sides in the scoop. Finishied it out with fiberglass filler. and boom!
I know I’ve been absent for a while been working on my newest project in another thread so I figured I would post a picture of the finished product of the custom font end.
I have been working hard this last year and have not updated the thread. Time to get going again.
Finished a couple complete panel off resprays this year. It started out not looking to bad from 30ft but had multiple issues the closer you got. Lots of spider cracks.
Ended up with a very clean and bright car. Not a fan of white but it really turned out great
This one was in need of a full strip and took everything down to the factory sealer coat before respecting. 15 layers of sprayable material before we reached the substrate. No wonder it was spider cracking everywhere.
[This message has been edited by Awalker W02 (edited 01-13-2023).]
My second car this year was my Reatta. It was wrecked and I picked it up for a good deal. I won’t go into much detail with this as it’s not Fiero related
Been some time since the last update. The custom bumper took a hit with a pole and it looks like the pole won. Second project is my 87 gt N* F40 and third Working on the notchie widebody
[This message has been edited by Awalker W02 (edited 10-12-2024).]
I know I’ve been absent for a while been working on my newest project in another thread so I figured I would post a picture of the finished product of the custom font end.