Originally posted by TBSB9595: The GT. package includes ............. Note: There will not be any gauge below the tachometer ( as in the NON GT. version ) to match the factory GT. gauge layout.
Hmmm.......say I want to remove my GT instrument cluster and shelf it. Will the GT package work on a non GT cluster?
Tom, what guage is below the tach in the non-GT version?
Anyone have a pic of a GT and non GT instrument cluster?
Do you have a picture of your green readout style LEDs?
Sorry but I don't have a picture of the green displays at the moment. The displays look the same except that they are green instead of red. I can build them with any combo of green or red that you want. So for example, I could make the lower half of the bargraph on the speedo and Tach green and the upper half red. Or the digital displays could be all green and the gauge labels red, or any other combo's you can think of. Tom
[This message has been edited by TBSB9595 (edited 11-20-2006).]
I have a set of these gauges in my Fiero and I absolutely love them. If I had another Fiero, I'd consider another set. The only thing I miss some times is the trip odometer.
I think the price is worth getting something that fits the stock Fiero instrument housing.
Hmmm.......say I want to remove my GT instrument cluster and shelf it. Will the GT package work on a non GT cluster?
Tom, what guage is below the tach in the non-GT version?
Anyone have a pic of a GT and non GT instrument cluster?
Cliff, Yes the GT gauges will work on a non GT if I just add the oil press gauge below the Tach as in the non-GT version. Or I can put somethimg else there such as a boost, oil temp, or trans temp gauge. Tom
I just saw another picture of a non GT instrument cluster. Above the tach is an open space like the one that houses the odometer. That space has been the topic of a thread, asking what it is for. It is on all instrument clusters. Tom, not being electronically adept, I can not fathom the work your project has been for you. I can appreciate alot of trial and error along the way to get something you trust enough to sell. I ralize that now it is perfected it can be a headache to change and modify. I can certainly understand you not wanting to. However, when doing a modification (house, car, boat, whatever) I want it to make me happy. Truthfully, I will be happy with what you are offering but ..............could you put a trip odometer in that empty space? . I do realize the odometer is still mechanical and that the trip odometer probably had connecting linkage. I have not pulled one of my instrument clusters to see exactly how it works...yet. I would like to see both odometers in electronic digital display. Would you, could you, how much ? If not that's ok. I will still order one. I would still like to see that empty space filled. Upgrade car models offer ammenities, one being "the GT dash". The instrument cluster is a focal point. What about an electronic compass or an outside thermometer in that spot?
I just saw another picture of a non GT instrument cluster. Above the tach is an open space like the one that houses the odometer. That space has been the topic of a thread, asking what it is for. It is on all instrument clusters.
Tom, not being electronically adept, I can not fathom the work your project has been for you. I can appreciate alot of trial and error along the way to get something you trust enough to sell. I ralize that now it is perfected it can be a headache to change and modify. I can certainly understand you not wanting to. However, when doing a modification (house, car, boat, whatever) I want it to make me happy. Truthfully, I will be happy with what you are offering but ..............could you put a trip odometer in that empty space? . I do realize the odometer is still mechanical and that the trip odometer probably had connecting linkage. I have not pulled one of my instrument clusters to see exactly how it works...yet. I would like to see both odometers in electronic digital display. Would you, could you, how much ? If not that's ok. I will still order one. I would still like to see that empty space filled. Upgrade car models offer ammenities, one being "the GT dash". The instrument cluster is a focal point. What about an electronic compass or an outside thermometer in that spot?
That extra space has never been used for anything as far as I know. As I have one apart in front of me I see It may be possible to put the mech trip odo in that space, but it would take some extensive custom modification of the dash housing. There is barely enough space for it maybe??? Also you would need the circuit board from the back of the original speedo to provide an input to the trip odo. As for the digital odo, sorry but that is not possible at this time. I just don't have the time for what would be involved to do it. If you wanted to put something else custom in that space it may be a bit easyer. With another one of my digital gauge boards added (in some extra spot nearby) with the digital displays on it relocated to that space (with custom wiring by me) you could have something else in their. You would need to modify the dash housing and face a bit though so that it would fit and so you can see it. The extra gauge could be any temp you want or a boost gauge. If this is something you are interested in let mw know, but I think we will need to talk about a bit on the phone. Tom
I have a set of these gauges in my Fiero and I absolutely love them. If I had another Fiero, I'd consider another set. The only thing I miss some times is the trip odometer.
I think the price is worth getting something that fits the stock Fiero instrument housing.
The pic is old, and somewhat fuzzy.
I have to say that shot is great! It makes the reverse glow cheapy EL faces look like complete garbage. I am glad to see that they are nice and bright in daylight as well...
I have to say that shot is great! It makes the reverse glow cheapy EL faces look like complete garbage. I am glad to see that they are nice and bright in daylight as well...
Thanks for your kind words!. As you mentioned the display are indeed bright as I use the brightest Led displays I could find from Hewlett Packard (not cheap). Tom
What do you charge to install the GT set? How long does it take - could I bring the car early one morning, and take it home that evening?
gtd88, Yes I could install it on a Saturday or Sunday as long as it is planned ahead of time. The cost would be $170.00 for a full install. Let me know when you thinking about doing it as I would need to get the gauges built first.
These remind me of the corvette (84.5 crossfire) I love the gauges that go red at the top. I was actually about to get a dash cluster from a vet and figure it out that way... but this is much easier is there a way to do blue? like blue and yellow?? I also work in the electrical engineering field and people never wanna pay you what its worth... but let me know...
These remind me of the corvette (84.5 crossfire) I love the gauges that go red at the top. I was actually about to get a dash cluster from a vet and figure it out that way... but this is much easier is there a way to do blue? like blue and yellow?? I also work in the electrical engineering field and people never wanna pay you what its worth... but let me know...
The colors I can do are red, yellow, or green, sorry I can't do blue. The displays I designed in are not made in blue, otherwise that would be an option. As you work in the electrical engineering field I know you appreciate all the upfront design work that was involved in the design of these digital gauges.
will your speedo work with the 3800SC PCM? I have a Nordskog and it will not work with the signal. I can find outthe signal if you need the info.
Yes It should work just fine, as other people have used my digital gauges with the same combo. If you have any problems with it I can tweak it a bit or re-calibrate it to make it work for sure. Tom
hey can you just change the speedometer and leave everything else stock? i like everything but would like to have the speedo changed.
Yes you can change just the speedo as it is on its own circuuit board. The cost for the speedo only is $225.00 = shipping. Just to let you know, the Tach and the Temp/Fuel gauges are also on seperate circuit boards. Tom
If you could it would take care of the people wanting a trip odometer.
Thanks CHUCKROCK for your kind words. Yes the Dash Scan will work along with my digital gauges as the dash isn't modified to install them. I have not seen the dash scan gizmo before, its very cool. Tom
As a reminder to everyone I can provide an extra gauge (on the Gt version) just below the Tach. The extra gauge can read just about anything you want (if we can find a sensor for it) including: boost, trans temp, any other temp, air/fuel ratio, fuel pressure. Tom
How much one be looking to add an external temperature sensor for the gt sensor below the tach. Can this be done after purchasing one of your kits
Tim, Yes I can add an aux temp gauge to your tach gauge, but you would need to send the Tach back to me. The price would be $59.00 including shipping + $35.00 for temp sensor. Let me know if you want to do this. Tom