############################################################ ....................1-1-2025 Still building brackets on request. ###########################################################
This came about after reading the issue everyone had with belt squeal on their Fiero's. While doing a 3.4 transplant to my 85GT decided to do something about it and designed this modification to solve the problem. I also didn't want to have to bother ever tightening the belt again. The spring tensioner takes care of that for you.
Add a feature that should have been on the engine from the factory!
THE BRACKET WILL WORK ON ANY YEAR 2.8 OR 3.4PR CONVERSION V6 USING STOCK MOTOR MOUNTS, ALTERNATOR BRACKET AND PULLEYS. (As far as I know with over 300 running around the world.) You would have to size the belt yourself if you are using power pulleys. The stock crank pulley measure 6.5" across in case you wonder what you have.
I have full kits available OR just the bracket if you would like to get your own belt and tensioner. ###NOTE: If you get your own tensioner be sure and get a bolt with it. New usually come with a bolt. The bolt should be 10M 1.5P. the length can be the thickness of your tensioner plus 20mm. I have tested my bracket with three different models of tensioner. There might be others out there and fit is not guaranteed. The tensioner can be found used on many cars or you can buy one that fits a 96 Grand Prix with a 3100 as well as a lot of other GM's. The belt is a Gates K050450 (45") or cross to other brands.
I sell the belt and tensioner at my cost, adding a little shipping charge for the extra weight. The bracket only and kit prices, include shipping in the U.S. (no additional shipping charge.)
The bracket is made with all 1/4 steel except the alternator arm is 3/16. The bends are heat bent not cold bent to prevent future cracks. Every bracket is hand built on a jig engine and test run for correct belt tracking and alignment.
FYI, this is a great product, worth every penny! I have had it now on my 86GT D/D for almost 6K miles, on my 88GT for about 2K miles, and have yet to install it on my Mera. Even with the heavy rains we sometimes get here, I haven't heard the belt squeal one single time.
Has it been tried on an 88? The engine bracket is different on 88 V6s.
Originally posted by Fiero-in-Paradise:
FYI, this is a great product, worth every penny! I have had it now on my 86GT D/D for almost 6K miles, on my 88GT for about 2K miles, and have yet to install it on my Mera. Even with the heavy rains we sometimes get here, I haven't heard the belt squeal one single time.
Edit: Just re-read this. Does anything need to be done differently on an 88?
[This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 02-10-2008).]
I would like to say that I bought his tensioner for my 86 V6 (when it was still working) and I found the bracket to be an easy install. Good quality welds and non-flaky paint. The complete setup completely and I mean COMPLETELY eliminated all of my belt squeal, including in the rain. Unfortunately I was changing the alternator's adjuster bracket at the same time so it took a couple extra hands :P
Just got mine installed! AWWWW YEAH! No more belt squealing for Tom! Thank you Rory so much for everything. thank you for always answering all my annoying questions in a timely manner. Would seriously do business again in the future.
------------------ (>-_-)> A signature Is suppose to be in here? <(-_-< )
I guess buying one keeps ya from having to use a big f***ing screwdriver to get some leverage to get the belt just tight enough. I got mine to just the point where it only squeals on REALLY cold days. No more pig screaming at the ricer next to me when I floor it
YES, it is a great product...super easy to install no more squeeeeelll.. should help with alternator longevity as excess pressure on the bearing is removed... THANKS Dodgerunner !!!