Things didn't went how I planned them to go for this summer. My Fiero is still not on the road (Had to swap the engine and an other load of stuff.) I ended up getting a full time job (60 hours per week, 6 days a week) so I only have one day to work on personnal projects. I got the idea through that I won't have a car this summer (I have to re-drop the craddle and everything) so I basically decided to turn around and make the enclosures.
I openned up the new gallon of gelcoat i got (Since I ran out a while ago), when I openned it up the gelcoat was tacky and cristalised. It's the second one I get that went bad on me. My supplier is 2 hours away from me and arent open the sunday therefore I am a little stuck for material. I'm going to try to find other supppliers nearby.
Looks like thing just can not go well for both my car and fiberglass project. There is ALWAYS something... -__-
Anyways, had a fiero friend that was passing by so he dropped it off for me. The company said that with time it will crystallize on the cover, and whats left of it becomes gel. Though i found it wierd that I bought it this winter and it already went bad with me barely using it (Since all my projects were on hold).
Now I took a different kind of gelcoat which is supposed to last longer. We will see how that will go.
As for updates, I made an other enclosure which is still in the mold as we talk.
Its not only cosmetic, it helps throughout the whole process. Beside, it was a headache for all my fiberglass project. Now don't worry, I have enough for a while and it shouldn't be a problem... at least for this year. lol
Hi Black Pegasus, any progress on this project? Did the gel coat work?
How many more weeks until you retire this project for the year and the car goes back in storage/you to school? Do you think it will be done this year, or will it he next summer?
Let us know if there is anything we can help with.
Sorry it took some time, but I now have some pictures! Here is our prototype:
And here is the fitting (The fitting under the dash is the same as the red one though):
I've found the perfect spot to link the wires to pass them inside of the enclosure. I had the choice between those two connectors, one (On the left) is like a trigger push and the other one (On the right) is like a nut:
For this one, I've put the "Nut" like one:
Here is both of the speekers installed in the enclosure:
As long as the connections are secure the method will not matter. Personally I dont mind the clip ins, easier to remove if needed. Once in place both work.
I don't know how much time until the car gets parked. Long story cut short, didn't had my Fiero all summer. I rebuilt my engine, tranny, modified the suspenssion, put everything in. Now the result: the engine leaks oil MAJORLY (lets say 30mins = 1/2 a quart of oil). So I dont know yet if I re-drop it this year or the next one. One thing for sure, I would like to be able to come down to the 30th anniversary next year. We will see how that goes. :P
This is how I will manage my time: I am curantly making a small batch to see the consistancy of material use and time. When they will be ready, I will be able to see the interest of buyers. (Some might find it too expensive)
Like I said, I'm starting with a small batch. When school will start, I will try to dedicate my time for roughly 1 enclosure per weekend (I'm only talking about fiberglassing, not trimming or all the other fine details). This will be for the time that its still warm enough to open the garage doors for ventilation. When it will get too cold, I will work on all the enclosure I made to finish them off (Triming, painting, connections, etc.) since I can still do all that with the garage door closed. This is the way I found to maximise my time and production.
I expect a small batch for end of august/begining of september. A larger batch will be made later on which will be ready either for holidays or spring. I still don't know the amount I will be able to make so I can't tell you numbers.
. . .
Thanks a lot! I appreciate your interest!
I don't know the final price yet. I havent calculated all the material cost and the amount of time it takes me. As soon as it is done, I will let everyone know.
. . .
Like I said to madcurl, I don't know the final price yet. I don't want to scare anyone off by giving a number that could be way off. This is why as soon as I know, I will clearly post the price.
. . .
You are right. As long as the connection is tight, there is no difference since the currant passes through. My father likes the "punch" one because its faster for him to connect it. I personnally like the "screw" one because I can make sure how tight the connection is. Its a matter of preferences.
. . .
I hope this answers your questions, sorry for the delay.
------------------ 87 Pontiac Fiero GT
[This message has been edited by Black Pegasus (edited 08-17-2012).]
I considered that option and a great deal of people made the suggestion. Without getting into too much details, this enclosure design is very picky. Thing needs to be done right the first time. The way of trimming and screwing the fiberglass can affect the quality of the enclosure and the sound. I have scrapped a couple of enclosures already because of those little details. (I've learned from my mistakes)
I aim product quality and customers satisfaction. Work that is done the right way the first time. I don't want to risk having customers having an enclosure that sounded like the first one I've made; it was simply horrible. There was rattling noises from the fiberglass. This is because I was inexperienced with fiberglass enclosure (For fiberglass body panels, it no where near the challenge) I prefer selling a little bit less, but everyone is satisfied and can have a great listening experience rather than having inconsistent product depending on who finished off the work.
Only one kit will be available for the subwoofer enclosure. For the brackets, I don't know yet how I am going to do it. I don't know if I will make them by hand, knowing that they will work perfectly (Custom made = expensive amount of time), having a batch made by CNC, water jet or an other process (Then finishing of little details like the bends), having customers making their own brackets (Which will fall into the inconsistent category).
The other solution, some Fiero people proposed me to design brackets and make them for me. I might sell my fiberglass enclosure without brackets and the buyer is responsible to provide is own brackets whether he make his own, or he takes them from the machine shop that made the brackets for me (We would be 2 separate seller, only a related product). This would help focusing my time on the enclosure rather than both the enclosure and the brackets.
Well I have access to a machine shop. and therefore access to laser cutters, plasmajets, waterjets, other fancy equipment. All I need is the Cad file, and material specs. Let me know what you had in mind..
Production started a while ago, I am currently making my first batch of enclosure to be sold. Still have some work to do on all of them. A little picture of the current work done.
I don't have any final price yet. Calculations needs to be made for time and cost of material (As all the enclosure I did were prototypes or took part in the design. I am not charging anything for the time of designing.). While being in production (I am currently making 6 enclosure at the same time), it gives me a good average of the material I use, and the time it takes. Beside, I will place an order to a shop as soon as I'm done the bracket design to sub-contract that part of the kit. The price the shop will charge will be the same one I charge you. (Again, I wont be making any profit on those)
black pent. I can send you an adapter plate set for the 5.25" dash adapters... to see if they fit with your box.. I'm thinging yes, as the 5.25" goes toward the heaterbox not the a pillar..
Still dont have a final price, school took all my time since its started and everything is still on a table in the garage waiting for me to get some spare time here and there.