Please skip to last page for current offerings! TY
Just arrived. First three batches came in all at once As discussed in the General Fiero Chat section.
The first 6 are sold here for $8.50 shipped in the CONUS as promised over in the General Fiero Chat thread. I will sort out a fair price for the rest (I'm thinking around $10 shipped?). I just have to cover expenses is all. I'm not going to make much here if anything at all. I'm just trying to pass the savings along. I have received a few PM's from people saying they had driven around looking for them. I drove around looking, two Wally Worlds and a Toys R Us, to come up empty. Gas, time, stress, the let down lol who needs it?
I also have the 2012 Boulevard Fiero that I can send with for $6.00 extra. $5.00 for the car and add $1.00 to shipping. Just offering is all. I think it's a good deal. LMK if you think otherwise.
Also I have some of these coming in soon in case someone wants a 3 car deal. 2013 Boulevard Fiero.
Shoot me a pm or post here and LMK. Paypal here, don't forget to add 3.5% to cover Paypal fees or send as gift. I would not stake my PFF reputation on anything!! Check my feedbacks. Feel free to ask questions. I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-17-2014).]
right now all of my money is going into get my real Fiero running!
Oh I hear that loud and clear. We all know how that goes. Don't be shy to post up with any question you have in the Tech section. There are TONS of great PFF'ers here that are always willing to help out! OH and PICS man pics.
PM's replied, I think. Please bear with me if I missed you. Spring is in the air, we live at the beach, I've got to start breaking camp for a family move across town soon...But I am definitely here for any questions just LMK.
I was one of the first to jump in on the original thread in the general forum. Thus:
"The money has been sent! John, you have sent $13.50 USD to e******* k*****."
I can not wait to see them in person! Thanks so much for doing this. Far easier than driving around from store to store and coming up empty handed most of the time!
Fierofreak and Blakeinspace. The third car (2013 Boulevard) should be in, in a couple of days. I will post when they arrive. Please hit me up then if you like. I'm glad you have shown interest because I was debating ordering that last car. I will gladly keep you all posted!
Originally posted by JohnWPB:
I was one of the first to jump in on the original thread in the general forum. Thus:
"The money has been sent! John, you have sent $13.50 USD to e******* k*****."
I can not wait to see them in person! Thanks so much for doing this. Far easier than driving around from store to store and coming up empty handed most of the time!
Gotcha John P. I see your paypal. Try to get those out this afternoon with others! I will pm those that ship with tracking #'s after.
Guys I'm trying to sell these AT cost and not loose $$$. If you are sending paypal as payment for goods, please add to cover PP fees. 3.5% of total. I CANNOT cover the pp fees. I may not even break even... Or just gift payment and then PM with full shipping address here. Easy. Believe me I would much rather keep the cars then stiff some one for a few measly bucks. Up to you.
Thanks for every ones time and have a great day!
Johnwpb you have a PM
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-07-2013).]
Fierofreak and Blakeinspace. The third car (2013 Boulevard) should be in, in a couple of days. I will post when they arrive. Please hit me up then if you like. I'm glad you have shown interest because I was debating ordering that last car. I will gladly keep you all posted!
hey no problem welove!... thanks for the offer... My path would rarely ever take me to where I could buy one of these!
Pm's replied...I think. Sorry if I missed someone. Please bear with me as I have more then a few requests. Also please LMK before sending Paypal. This way I can stay sorted! Please and TY!
I suppose I should order more? Should I? I will. I won't just say it, I'll do it! I'm not afraid
Thanks and have a great day!
EDITto would help immensely if a buyer were to chime in here later for feedbacks...I might miss someone later. Just saying is all. You may return to your regularly scheduled program now
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-10-2013).]
Oops Fiero49 I replied to your PM before I saw your post here. You are on the list! Please if you could hold off till I receive the third car in hand. I will post when they arrive. They should be here within a few days. I would rather not take payments for those till they are in hand! It's just what is best for all.
Thanks everyone for letting me share these with you! Have a great day.
Oh I hear that loud and clear. We all know how that goes. Don't be shy to post up with any question you have in the Tech section. There are TONS of great PFF'ers here that are always willing to help out! OH and PICS man pics.
PM's replied, I think. Please bear with me if I missed you. Spring is in the air, we live at the beach, I've got to start breaking camp for a family move across town soon...But I am definitely here for any questions just LMK.
Thanks! And I'll definitely put up some pictures soon.
------------------ When I read about the evils of drinking. I gave up reading. 2004 White Sebring Convertible 1986 Black Fiero GT Kathryn's Welded Metal Artist
CocoFiero I see your Paypal, you have a PM. Ships tomorrow. I really hope you enjoy them!
mystery solved!!! You sent me Paypal for what I have no idea. I suspect these HW's but I need clarification as to which. Please PM me as soon as possible!!
Sorry for the fancy red letters everyone else. Make note of the above please. Remember post up or PM before sending payments please. Richard K of Lansing Mi. is going to walk to his/her mailbox in a few days and be bummed. Then R.K. might come here and be looking like WTH? lol, No offence at all R.K. but there! How do you like that?! Don't blame me! I have no idea who your are or what you want...sigh.
If anyone knows which PFF'er that is please give them a poke for me?
Thanks everyone and have a great night!
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-09-2013).]
The shipment of the third type of cars has arrived. This is the HW Boulevard 2013 Fiero.
So I'm looking for $22 shipped for the 3 different types of cars. This seems more then fair to me. I you feel otherwise please chime in. After Paypal fees, tracking costs, postage, finding boxes and shipping supplies, packing time, driving to and from the USPS PO etc., I am taking a loss. Honestly. So if you might feel the urge to throw me a $1 or $2 for my troubles that would be greatly appreciated. Or I could just adjust my prices...
So 3 of the 3 car sets, are spoken for at this point if I remember correctly. Hopefully I can get those to the PFF'ers who first requested them. You know who you are! My apologies if I miss someone.
Thanks and have a great day! ps I have some HWs and supply updates I will pass on as time permits!
edit to add...oops I forgot, PM's with tracking #'s sent. TY
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-09-2013).]
------------------ 1984 White Fiero Sport Coupe (Juliet) in restoration 1988 Red Fiero Standard Coupe (Bella) in restoration 1990 Black Buick Reatta (Noir) 2002 White Chevy Impala base(Haylie)
I have ordered more of the Ferris Bueller Fiero's. Spoke with my vendor today. He only has 10 left after my order. I have other vendors but this one has the lowest prices. Did I say before that these are NOT peg warmers? A peg warmer in Hot Wheels speak is a car that hangs on a Wal mart hook for ever...
I have several PM's from fellow PFF'ers about how they searched their local area stores. Hell I stopped at 2 myself. Nothing, never mind the other 2 Fiero's I'm offering. You'd have a better chance of getting struck by lightning and attacked by a polar bear in the same day, then you would of finding all 3 cars at once in a store. I guess this is some ones lucky day!!
So I now know who R.K and V.K. is. TY for PM'ing. I will go edit any details I posted previously for privacy sake. I'm very glad you PM'd. TY. Please understand your package has been sitting here because of this miscommunication. Oh and PM replied.
Thanks for your time and patients. Have a great night!!
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-09-2013).]
So earlier I mentioned some Hot Wheels and supply updates. Well this is what I know so far...
How Wheels has completed the Boulevard series. This is to say that they are done making them. Some folks refer to this as discontinued. Technically they are completed. In lay mans talk it means the same thing basically, they are NOT making the series again.
Also Hot Wheels is discontinuing the RealRiders rubber wheels. The reason is still not clear but speculation is that they are scrapping them due to poorer then expected sales. Also there is some talk that the RealRider wheels are being replaced by a new type of paint finish. Instead of the costs of the RR they are focusing that cost on a new paint type.
So what is in our future with Hot Wheels? Well the Boulevard Series is being replaced by the Cool Classics Series. Minus the RealRiders rubber wheels. Is there another Fiero in our future? We wont have any clues about that for some time. Most of he Cool Classics Series at this point is still under Hot Wheels wraps.
I'm going to be watching to see what I can learn. I'm always looking for clues or previews of whats coming for the new releases. As soon as I hear something I will be sure to post up! Now go sign that petition in the GFC section asking for a fastback Fiero from Hot Wheels please!!
[This message has been edited by weloveour86se (edited 05-11-2013).]
PM sent regarding purchasing the 3 car set for $22. Thanks, David
Dg PM replied. Everyone else I hope I gotcha. LMK if I missed you.
So I have another batch of the Ferris cars that should be here tomorrow according to USPS tracking. Also have another batch of the 2013 Boulevards that should be here very soon. I'm thinking Tuesday or Wednesday. Last time I ordered a batch of the 2013's they arrived in 2 days! My 2013 Boulevard Fiero vendor is right here in Maine as am I.
Again TYVM everyone for allowing me to share these with you. I really hope everyone enjoys them. It is really a pleasure working with everyone! Also thanks to all for the great comm's!!