Sold my 1986 3.4pr and no longer need these items. All parts include shipping to U.S. shipping out of U.S. will be extra. Let me know if you need some more pictures of any item.
trunk seal now listed on ebay. Here's the link rear trunk seal. very good condition, fits 86 GT. seal has hit the reserve, I'm going to let it go on ebay for whatever it will bring. no longer for sale here.

battery tray, includes hold down bolt not shown in picture SOLD

radio. worked when I pulled it out, although no idea if cassette works SOLD

exhaust manifold (not ported) good condition. have two, the other is in storage. had this one out to remove the stuck bolt. $60 shipped

two sets of ALDL wires to connect your car to a laptop or computer. $50 shipped or make offer

1986 Fiero GT fastback SC3800 3.4 pulley, LS1 TB
1986 Fiero GT Fastback 3.4Lpr with 4T60 - SOLD
1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee with "big boy" 5.9 motor
1983 Honda Goldwing 1100 Interstate
[This message has been edited by Grantman (edited 05-10-2014).]