I am looking for anyone who has a complete set of AUS Stage 2 scoops.
I would like to make an offer to borrow them, with a security deposit and with compensation. The project is to make molds and clone the product. I am not a dreamer, I have the capability, resources and funding to complete the project. I am not doing it for the money, just purely to get a few sets for myself and sell a limited run of maybe 10 to 25 to help offset the costs.
Mark, as far as I know, Jim still has those molds. He offered them to myself and also Tedd who made all of the parts when Doug at the FieroWarehouse was selling parts. We both declined due to the fact that the side scoop molds were at the end of life and would have to be remade.
I will say that Jim includes ALL of his molds including the molds for door speaker pods as well as a few extras so if you can get ahold of them and don't mind reworking/remaking some of the molds, it is worth it.
Mark, as far as I know, Jim still has those molds. He offered them to myself and also Tedd who made all of the parts when Doug at the FieroWarehouse was selling parts. We both declined due to the fact that the side scoop molds were at the end of life and would have to be remade.
I will say that Jim includes ALL of his molds including the molds for door speaker pods as well as a few extras so if you can get ahold of them and don't mind reworking/remaking some of the molds, it is worth it.
PM sent....
I actually just had a lengthy conversation with Tedd a few days ago and he was not sure what happened to the original molds.
Also, without success, have not received a reply from Jim on this forum. If you have a Batline to him, I would VERY much appreciate any assistance !
I am local as well. Unfortunately I no longer have the Stage 2 scoops I used to have... BUT- if you do get your hands on a set, I can assist with the following
1.) I can assist with laser digitizing of the scoops to create STL/Point Cloud data to create surface models on
2.) CNC machining of molds at little or no cost if you decide to try and build these out of polyurethane. Would be so much nicer than fiberglass, though cost to produce would be quite a bit higher too..
I am always in the GTA, so if I can help, just PM me
I am local as well. Unfortunately I no longer have the Stage 2 scoops I used to have... BUT- if you do get your hands on a set, I can assist with the following
1.) I can assist with laser digitizing of the scoops to create STL/Point Cloud data to create surface models on
2.) CNC machining of molds at little or no cost if you decide to try and build these out of polyurethane. Would be so much nicer than fiberglass, though cost to produce would be quite a bit higher too..
I am always in the GTA, so if I can help, just PM me
Appreciate the offer ! Update you when I know more.
Originally posted by 87 Fiero GTP: Appreciate the information, IMSA GT is giving it a shot, hopefully he has some success. Otherwise, I will give it a try.
Thanks !!
I sent Jim an email but most of the time, it takes forever for him to reply. He doesn't check emails on a regular basis.
If Mark doesn't reappear, I may take this on. I have moldmaking background and could get these done, but need to look into costs. I have no interest in making them out of Fiberglass- there are several on here already that can do that. They should be polyurethane flexible panels, 6 different molds- no idea about costs. I have no doubt they would sell well, but it would be a labour of love- likely not a profit making venture. Hundreds would need to be sold to even break even.
May look into this if nobody else steps up- hopefully someone else does
Cool- would be great if these became available. I have a lot of mold maker connections in the GTA if you guys need a hand with this. Hopefully it would be a flexible replacement like the Mecham scoops, not fiberglass. Would be awesome
Good luck Mark, I hope you are successful in molding these. I have no doubt they would sell well if they look and fit well. We look forward to your update
Please make these! Been trying to track down a set for years but I was always too late or the seller wanted an absolute fortune. I think this would be a big seller!
These scoops have been through allot. There are many chunks, chips, scraps and scratches on them.
The finish is very rough and the body lines are inconsistent. Also some of the pieces are warped and are far from square.
I think that these were probably one of the last parts produced. It seems that the molds were quite deteriorated due the finish of this product.
So far beyond any time or effort, the cost to acquire these scoops was almost $1,500.00 CAD / $1,100.00 USD which includes: the scoops, shipping, customs, brokerage and taxes.
Our next step will be to fit them to our 88 Fiero GT testing mule and repair all the imperfections and issues. We hope that we can start this process by the end of next week. Once the fit and finish is perfected, we will then remove the scoops and create a set of silicon molds, utilizing resin injection and vacuum bagging. This will produce a ultra smooth finish and eliminate any air pockets. Unfortunately building a set of these molds will take several weeks. But, once complete, the investment in time will yield the production speed that hand laying and rolling could never match.
Once the first parts are produced we will test fit them on the vehicle to ensure the result is what we intended. If necessary adjustments will be made and the process repeated until we are fully satisfied.
Our goal is to produce 25 sets initially and perhaps a second run if warranted by demand. We are not here to make money or to build to a price. This is purely a project to allow the many owners to get a set of these scoops.
The original scoops were $320.00 AUD plus another $100 to 150 shipping to North America, which has been almost 7-10 years ago from my recollection, since production stopped. We hope to sell them ~ $750.00 USD with all the improvements we are going to make. We will detail all the updates and changes as we proceed. These are strictly for fit, finish and installation, the aesthetic appearance on these scoops will remain true to the original.
Also, we hope to produce a optional negative inner scoop that will fit to the original that will help direct air to the engine compartment and the air intake system.
I hope to update everyone as we progress with this project.
Manufacturing these from aluminum molds to create, plastic / urethane parts would require a investment of around $75,000.00 to $100,000.00 CAD, which is uneconomical for the low production numbers.
I think our choice of material will either be a: carbon / fiberglass / ceramic composite. This is still to be finalized.
We have tried to reach you in order to purchase your old molds and ask for your blessing for our limited production run.
Unfortunately we have not had any sucess in establishing contact. If you do read this in the future. Even though we are under no obligation to do so, I would still like to compensate you for the initial design.
After our initial run we planning to make 2 other variation of the AUS Stage II style scoop.
1) original design with fitment improvements
2) change the top angle of the scoop from a drooping line as it forums into the air opening to a line parallel to the body molding above and in line to the bottom of the door handle recess. (see below)
3) move the scoop opening towards the door about 10cm and extend the indentation of the scoop into the door panel.
The last 2 option will include a full inner scoop to direct air into the engine bay and also provide fresh air for the engine intake
2) change the top angle of the scoop from a drooping line as it forums into the air opening to a line parallel to the body molding above and in line to the bottom of the door handle recess. (see below)
3) move the scoop opening towards the door about 10cm and extend the indentation of the scoop into the door panel.
The last 2 option will include a full inner scoop to direct air into the engine bay and also provide fresh air for the engine intake
Here's my two cents. I like the idea of building a full inner scoop to direct air into the engine bay & intake better & cleaner.
However, to be frank, I would be against the idea of changing the top angle of the scoop... I mean it's what makes Aus Stage II scoops... famous & separated from others.
If it's a perfect square, don't you think it will look boring, like AC 3000 from England? Take a look at C8 or Lambo Aventador's side scoops. It's curvy, not squared. That's what makes it interesting.
For example, Fiero Fiberglass side scoops' top angle is what stopped me from buying it. It's too close to the molding edge... that gives you the look of more like a homemade than a factory look.
If you look at all other cars' factory side scoops including Fiero's original & prototype scoops, they all have at least one inch separated from the molding. That's number one reason why Fiero Fiberglass failed to achieve... on top of coping Dietmar's side scoops... in my opinion, at least.
And moving the scoop opening closer to the door... I understand you need more room to build the inner scoop, but would make the scoop look smaller, don't you think? Because there is a break in line between the side scoop and the door. If any, I want the scoops to look bigger. So, I'm not so sure on this idea.
Maybe it might be a good idea to create one in clay on a Fiero. That way, it won't be too costly to make some changes if it didn't come out right.
for his tireless pursuit of these long discontinued scoops and the many dead ends and fruitless requests he endured to achieve this result.
for finalizing the deal and all the logistics involved
Thanks Mark! Very nice of you. I am very passionate about the Fiero and I am happy to help keep something important alive in the community. It is more than just a car for me.
Here's my two cents. I like the idea of building a full inner scoop to direct air into the engine bay & intake better & cleaner.
However, to be frank, I would be against the idea of changing the top angle of the scoop... I mean it's what makes Aus Stage II scoops... famous & separated from others.
If it's a perfect square, don't you think it will look boring, like AC 3000 from England? Take a look at C8 or Lambo Aventador's side scoops. It's curvy, not squared. That's what makes it interesting.
For example, Fiero Fiberglass side scoops' top angle is what stopped me from buying it. It's too close to the molding edge... that gives you the look of more like a homemade than a factory look.
If you look at all other cars' factory side scoops including Fiero's original & prototype scoops, they all have at least one inch separated from the molding. That's number one reason why Fiero Fiberglass failed to achieve... on top of coping Dietmar's side scoops... in my opinion, at least.
And moving the scoop opening closer to the door... I understand you need more room to build the inner scoop, but would make the scoop look smaller, don't you think? Because there is a break in line between the side scoop and the door. If any, I want the scoops to look bigger. So, I'm not so sure on this idea.
Maybe it might be a good idea to create one in clay on a Fiero. That way, it won't be too costly to make some changes if it didn't come out right.
A digital rendering will be produced, clay mockups would run into the tens of thousands. Then you can judge for yourself. This is a product we will make over and above the original, not the only product. You can choose what version you want to purchase.
Dietmar's scoops have changed the style and shape of the opening as has Fiero Fiberglass, plus Fiero Fiberglass top line in too close to the bodyline, this is my personal opinion. Like in the above sketch, it will be in line with the bottom recess of the door handle.
I can assure you, any and all products will look like they originated from the factory. Not looking for a home made feel.
We have tried to reach you in order to purchase your old molds and ask for your blessing for our limited production run.
Unfortunately we have not had any sucess in establishing contact. If you do read this in the future. Even though we are under no obligation to do so, I would still like to compensate you for the initial design.
Please contact me directly via PM.
And in changing the angle of the top edge of the scoop opening as you are planning, (which is now NOT an exact copy of the original) you're in the clear from any royalty or compensation.
[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 05-16-2020).]
And in changing the angle of the top edge of the scoop opening as you are planning, (which is now NOT an exact copy of the original) you're in the clear from any royalty or compensation.
I agree !
But, my concern is for the first 25, even though there will be a number of improvements, it still can cause problems. I am not here to profit on the back of others work. Just want to be fair and honourable.
Sign me up for a set of the original design. Only question I have is what shipping will look like to the US? I am also interested in the negative inner scoop since I have a set of these on my chop top and I am looking to improve the cooling. I might suggest that you get in touch with Keith Goodyear (the tail light lens man) about how he did his initial orders and numbers since he has already figured out how to get something like this off the ground.
Sign me up for a set of the original design. Only question I have is what shipping will look like to the US? I am also interested in the negative inner scoop since I have a set of these on my chop top and I am looking to improve the cooling. I might suggest that you get in touch with Keith Goodyear (the tail light lens man) about how he did his initial orders and numbers since he has already figured out how to get something like this off the ground.
We have a freight forwarder that we use for our shipments trans border to and fro. They ship out Niagara Falls, NY.
Because of the volume & size of the scoops the boxes housing them will be pricier. We estimate a UPS from NY to FL to be in the <$150.00 USD range. (2 separate boxes)
I don't think they will be as popular as the tail lights considering they are a replacement part that caters to all GT Fieros. We are no OE add-on / accessory item. As with any scoop, it's a matter of personal taste.
I believe the lights lenses were made in China, and he manufactured hundreds of them. We will never have that volume. This is a local project, not sub-contracted out. We essentially started in making these for my own vehicle and a few others, and now has morphed into producing them for all individuals that are interested.
I have CNC machine time available for the next 2-3 weeks, as a client just cancelled a contract. Can machine the molds for you at no cost if you have material available. PM me if interested, machine is in Concord. Need 3D CAD file to proceed if you are interested. I have tooling, fixturing, etc. Thx
[This message has been edited by cam-a-lot (edited 05-20-2020).]
I have CNC machine time available for the next 2-3 weeks, as a client just cancelled a contract. Can machine the molds for you at no cost if you have material available. PM me if interested, machine is in Concord. Need 3D CAD file to proceed if you are interested. I have tooling, fixturing, etc. Thx
Peter. I've advised you many times privately that Mark has everything taken care of from molding to production to end product. I am going to be very professional about this and advise you to again to simply wait. I know you want to be involved in this project and Mark may contact you if he has any issues. Mark is a smart guy who has already invested his time and money into this project and the team he is working with are almost done. These scoops will be amazing when they are produced and when these scoops become available you can most certainly buy a set from him. that im sure will meet your standards and you will be very happy with the end result.
Peter. I've advised you many times privately that Mark has everything taken care of from molding to production to end product. I am going to be very professional about this and advise you to again to simply wait. I know you want to be involved in this project and Mark may contact you if he has any issues. Mark is a smart guy who has already invested his time and money into this project and the team he is working with are almost done. These scoops will be amazing when they are produced and when these scoops become available you can most certainly buy a set from him. that im sure will meet your standards and you will be very happy with the end result.
Notice how my reply said "Hey Mark". Is your name Mark??
Relax, I really don't care if I am involved or not. Mark is a big boy and can reply for himself I am quite sure?? I was simply offering to machine molds (if they are needed) since I have machine time available for the next 3 weeks. Mark sent me a PM and asked for my phone number. When I spoke to him by phone a couple of months ago, he asked me if I knew of anyone able to machine molds or CMM the parts. CNC machine time is worth thousands of dollars and not easy to come by for free, so I thought I would offer in case it is helpful to anyone.
Nobody elected you to be the "spokesman" for every damn Fiero car, event or Fiero part in Canada. Who are you to "advise" me to do anything??
So if Mark (or anyone else) needs CNC machine time, I am offering it for free. If it is not needed, then no need to reply, or he can reply himself if he wishes to (it is his thread, remember?)
And for the last time, I really don't care if I am involved or not. I was offering technical expertise and equipment in case it is needed, since I can build injection molds, blow molds, vacuum molds, etc.
[This message has been edited by cam-a-lot (edited 05-21-2020).]