I want to start by saying I love Fieros, and hope to have one one of these days. The time just hasn't been right. That being said, I figured it's time to sell something I've been holding on to for a while.
I'm assuming some folks here know about this, but it's a pretty rare bird. This is a commemorative book given to the Fiero team back in 1988 or 1989 as a keep-sake. It was never offered for sale, nearest I can tell. I believe that to be true as there is no bar code, no publishing date, or even publisher info. This is about as limited-edition as you can get.
There are black-and-white as well as full-color photos in this 155-page book. Every team member is listed in the book, there are 13 pages, with 4 columns of names listing every man and woman involved. In fact, they tried to capture a photo of every team member in at least one photo somewhere in the book. Don't know if they did, but they tried. There is special mention of UAS Local 653, and even a celebrity appearance at the factory (gotta love those mullets)!
This good is in very good shape, but is not perfect as it has been loved by my uncle and myself. One of the pages has a signature at the top. I'm assuming this was the original owner of the book as the name also appears in the list of employees. How cool is that?!?! Also pressed inside is a very nicely done drawing of the word "Fiero" done in that famous Chip Foose style. It is signed, but I do not know the artist.
This is my first post, but I wanted to respect the community you have and not just dash in, collect money, and dash out. I'm posting this here before I turn to eBay. If this sells to a member here, I'll donate the amount of money I would have paid in eBay fees to the site as a thank-you.
I'm looking to get $100 shipped to the lower 48.

No matter where you go, there you are.
[This message has been edited by DrBoost (edited 04-05-2021).]