If you don't get any responses; two members I know sell parts:
Larry Hubert and lives in Florida:
| quote | please contact me on Facebook Messenger (Larry Hubbert), PM on Pennock's (Larry Hubbert) and/or direct at LHUBBERT2@BRIGHTHOUSE.COM Also please use your true name and/or provide me with the names you use on other venues in order to avoid any confusion. |
Read this thread about Larry Hubbert's Fiero Depot:
Gen-Z-Garage : Episode 14 - Visiting Larry Hubbert's Fiero Depot! by 82-T/A [At Workhttps://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/100589.htmlmrfiero {Mike Valentine} and owns The Fiero Factory and has moved the base of operations to Denver, CO.
Read this thread about "The Fiero Factory"
Fiero Factory in AL Moving by Dennis LaGruahttps://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/100773.htmlGood hunting!
Original Owner of a Silver '88 GT
Under 'Production Refurbishment' @ 136k Miles