If you read this, you have made it to the new server! As far as I can tell, everything is up and running and working flawlessly (so far). Let's keep our fingers crossed it will stay that way.
Yes, so far it looks like the new server is doing great. No slow-downs whatsoever (and it looks like the page views isn't slowing the server down either).
I caught the forewarned message this morning and just made the attempt. Seems to be fine Cliff. I would also like to contriubte to the cause but no longer use pay-pal. E-mail me your mailing address and I will do my part and say thanks to the extra time and effort that you spend on the Forum. Thanks Cliff!
I thought that it was indead faster on the old server. The new server seems to load slower than the old. Is this because of the "views"? Cliff, you really knock yourself out for us here, thought you should get an honest answer. BTW, I have 500 speed Wide Open West cable here, Detroit area, every other site else is fairly fast.
The new server seems to load slower than the old. Is this because of the "views"?
The new server is much, much faster than the old, but I noticed a small slowdown yesterday too when there where around 80 people browsing the forum. This is not because of bandwidth or a slow server, but because I still need to fine-tune the webserver a bit. I know what was causing it so it should be solved by tonight.