Went to the spot where I used to gather the egg cases, the parks dept cleared the field and planted a few trees. No more bushes. Might pick up a few cases so the boy can watch their lifecycle.
It seems the mantis population has diminished around our place the last year or so. I collected a bunch of ooth last year but don't know how many were old. All that I collect this year should be "fresh". I'll see how many I come with. I might be able to send you some, since you sent me a handful a few years ago.
Nah, keep your local area well populated... If I do get some, I may get a different type, or I'll get them from a local gardening center. they sell 'em pretty cheap.
------------------ Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto. Turning white on top, like owner. Leaks a little, like owner. Doesn't smoke....... OK, we're trying to quit.
Always interest, but the parks dept decided to clear out the entire field where the egg cases used to be.
I'll probably get some from eBay or local gardening facility. Came across a funky mantis last October trapped in the laundry room. He had very nice eyespots on his forearms, and would stick his hands up anytime you went near. I took him outside, and let him go.
Thanks for the *bump*. (Heh, at least a few 'newbies" will see this thread for the first time and go "wtf: )
Maybe I'll find another area where there's a bunch of ootheca.
[This message has been edited by FieroRumor (edited 03-25-2011).]
They are coming out to breed here in Iowa, I caught a long green one wed. It's doing well on crickets.
------------------ Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto. Turning white on top, like owner. Leaks a little, like owner. Doesn't smoke....... OK, we're trying to quit.
Ha!! funny how this stuff happens! I was sitting at the table with the front door open...and in flew enza (that's what I called it..Enza...get it ???) They are so quizzical in their behaviour. Zwerver, who has a penchant for chomping on bugs, decided to thrust an inquisitive nose at him...and Enza squared up to him!!! Zwerver was told to retreat, and did...keeping a eye on what he wanted to be a snack before tea So, I offered a helping hand to Enza...and he squared up to me...before scurrying off to hang upside down under the table. I knew he wouldn't last long there, cos Zwerver spends all his time at my feet under there, so I managed to get him on my hand, carried him out, and put him on the balustrade. They crack me up when they start the 'Mantis Boogie'...sorta swaying to and fro. I believe they do that to convince their prey that they are just a twig or whatever swaying in the wind. Anyway...here is Enza!! He is just a baby at about 3 inches in length, but I have seen them, and photographed them, at about 7 inches long. Fascinating creatures Nick
Yeah, this thread has now made me say... WTF?? Had a HUGE mantis on the back porch yesterday, longer than my index finger. He jumped and bounced off my chest when I got close, was trying to take a pic.
Originally posted by fierofetish: Anyway...here is Enza!! Nick
Cool little mantis.
If they have their wings, they've done their 'final molt', and won't get any bigger (just a little 'fatter' maybe... Yeah the swaying is to make 'em seem like they are a twig. The makes tend to be more skittish then females. They will cower or put their hands straight out and/or 'twigdance" more than the females, who will rear back and make with the "ARGH" face
Now that we've got a home, I'll be 'seeding' the yard with some ooths, so we'll have some mantids come springtime...
I loved those guys when we were in TN, them and the walking sticks were the most fun to watch. Even had one in my indoor garden. Forget what I named him. But he would sit there and would move his head every time I talked to him. Just so interesting to watch.
He looked just like that last picture you posted Rumor.
We are going to set up a greenhouse we got for free a year or 2 ago this spring. I will have to get some then for it. I wouldn’t dare keep any in the house. The cats would kill them, if they ever got out or the cats got in their enclosure.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't.
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 01-04-2012).]
They usually get most of their water from their food. mist the side of the tank and they'll 'windshield wiper it off...and any leaves you put in there... Mine would suck it through a straw, though...
Bought some egg cases on ebay - three different 'local' species- and put them in the yard. Hopefully, they'll hatch and keep comin' back each year. Also found a bunch while walking around the neighborhood, and brought two home.
Bought some egg cases on ebay - three different 'local' species- and put them in the yard. Hopefully, they'll hatch and keep comin' back each year. Also found a bunch while walking around the neighborhood, and brought two home.
One of the Ooths hatched over the weekend, and we were able to find a few of our little 'friends' on one of the bushes in the yard.
I saw lots of them when they were young, but they blend in so well - I didn't see any adults. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hafta get some more ooths and spread 'em around for Spring.
Finally found this old video and stuck it up on Youtube...
One of my mantids had a bad "second to final" molt. both rear legs were badly curled. His final molt went poorly for his hind legs. I made these replacement for him, and he didn't miss a beat. He accepted them as his actual legs, even cleaned them:
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 03-15-2013).]