So since I've already said goodbye to everyone in General Chat, why not tell it like it is on this thread. I have commented on Ashlee many times before and received numerous emails from members who agree with my opinions. When I ask them why they won't post their opinions on the forum, I am told that they are afraid to get banned because their are "Favorites" on this site. One being Rogergarrison who I guess is the "respected" member that when you say something negative about one of his gals, everyone else jumps on the rating tab to get you banned. The reality is this.....If you look back to the earlier posts of Ashlee, you have a decent looking girl. As time progresses, she adds a barbell to her mouth, dyes her hair, and starts some sort of weightloss program ( drinking, drugs, vomiting ) whatever the hell she does to look like a skeleton. She is getting less and less attractive as time goes on so although RideZiLightning is a little harsh with the "skank" term, you really can't describe her any other way....
So since I've already said goodbye to everyone in General Chat, why not tell it like it is on this thread. I have commented on Ashlee many times before and received numerous emails from members who agree with my opinions. When I ask them why they won't post their opinions on the forum, I am told that they are afraid to get banned because their are "Favorites" on this site. One being Rogergarrison who I guess is the "respected" member that when you say something negative about one of his gals, everyone else jumps on the rating tab to get you banned. The reality is this.....If you look back to the earlier posts of Ashlee, you have a decent looking girl. As time progresses, she adds a barbell to her mouth, dyes her hair, and starts some sort of weightloss program ( drinking, drugs, vomiting ) whatever the hell she does to look like a skeleton. She is getting less and less attractive as time goes on so although RideZiLightning is a little harsh with the "skank" term, you really can't describe her any other way....
well considering you are talking out of your ass on most of this (like acting like you know how Ashlee changed her looks?) OBVIOUSLY people have different tastes. I hold my tongue on a lot of the pictures on here that I really don't find even remotely attractive. It's called tact, or being polite. I never rate people down unless they attack me personally, and only if its really serious.
As for describing her another way, I'd describe her as Beautiful, Sexy, Unique, Funloving, Outgoing, Confident; and these are all just from the pictures Roger has been so gracious to share with us.
and that girl wasn't a skank. There is nothing wrong with giving your boyfriend, who you spent years with, pictures. We were together two years before I got anything like that yo
and that girl wasn't a skank. There is nothing wrong with giving your boyfriend, who you spent years with, pictures. We were together two years before I got anything like that yo
i already said i liked her more in the older pics. but if you are asking if i would turn her down (as if she would ever try to pick me up anyway ) the answer is... i would "accidentally" trip her, and i would get to the floor first.
Ash is just def fun loving and a blast to be around. Her vices are tatoos and piercings. She dont drink or do any drugs and never has. She also dont sleep around . She likes taking pictures. I dont really need to defend her just because she likes taking racey pics...i like taking them too.
And I knew her a few years too before she took any . and good pictures??? Shes cute, but I dont call camera phone pics in the bathroom exactly great. Ash can be just as sexy clothed or not. The only thing Id like to see her do different is get rid of the lip hardware...but like you see, some people like that.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 12-19-2007).]
So since I've already said goodbye to everyone in General Chat, why not tell it like it is on this thread. I have commented on Ashlee many times before and received numerous emails from members who agree with my opinions. When I ask them why they won't post their opinions on the forum, I am told that they are afraid to get banned because their are "Favorites" on this site. One being Rogergarrison who I guess is the "respected" member that when you say something negative about one of his gals, everyone else jumps on the rating tab to get you banned. The reality is this.....If you look back to the earlier posts of Ashlee, you have a decent looking girl. As time progresses, she adds a barbell to her mouth, dyes her hair, and starts some sort of weightloss program ( drinking, drugs, vomiting ) whatever the hell she does to look like a skeleton. She is getting less and less attractive as time goes on so although RideZiLightning is a little harsh with the "skank" term, you really can't describe her any other way....
And while its great that you speak your mind on the forum, thats what its here for, there is something to be said for class. NO ONE here, regardless of how long they have been on the forum, their feedback, whatever, has the right to take a shot at anyone else. If you disagree with me look at the first rule on the posting rules. Even above that, how you refer to other people speaks volumes about your character and you as a person. Its not as much what is said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, just some need to be thought out before being blurted to everyone on the forum. Some of the girls posted in this thread actually are members here and actually see this thread and everything we are saying.
So since I've already said goodbye to everyone in General Chat, why not tell it like it is on this thread. I have commented on Ashlee many times before and received numerous emails from members who agree with my opinions. When I ask them why they won't post their opinions on the forum, I am told that they are afraid to get banned because their are "Favorites" on this site. One being Rogergarrison who I guess is the "respected" member that when you say something negative about one of his gals, everyone else jumps on the rating tab to get you banned. The reality is this.....If you look back to the earlier posts of Ashlee, you have a decent looking girl. As time progresses, she adds a barbell to her mouth, dyes her hair, and starts some sort of weightloss program ( drinking, drugs, vomiting ) whatever the hell she does to look like a skeleton. She is getting less and less attractive as time goes on so although RideZiLightning is a little harsh with the "skank" term, you really can't describe her any other way....
I have to wonder what makes you (or anyone else) so high and mighty that you think you're in a position to be critical of anyone else. It's not Roger people here would defend, it's the girls being attacked for no cause. There have been some first rate a**hole comments made here by a few guys that got their nuts immediately crushed by some of us as a result. It takes a hell of a lot of courage for these women to put themselves out here for everyone to see. And unfortunately every time they're putting themselves at risk of criticism by some nimrod who is so classless that he figures just because his puny brain can formulate a critical thought, that he should share it with everyone. And has been said, all too often those same vacuous excuses for thought are read by the very women they are targeting. Here's a life-hint: Just because you CAN share a thought (regardless of how accurate or helpful you might THINK it is) doesn't mean you really have to share it. And quite often, you probably shouldn't. Every guy on this forum has enjoyed this thread. Inane critical comments only serve to hurt the people they are directed at. Exactly how do you or anyone else justify your hurtful comments which are directed at women you don't even know, and who have only tried to help perpetuate this thread by their participation. Do you really think your criticisms of any of these women actually make THEM look bad? If you don't like a girl, then don't look at her. Simple. Frankly, I believe these hurtful comments come from guys who are hostile towards women that they know would never touch them with a ten-foot keyboard.
[This message has been edited by Taijiguy (edited 12-19-2007).]
The only thing that creeps me out is roger is what, 40 something years old? And he say's he likes his girls 20-24? Even better says "She's 18, even thought hte legal age of consent is 16 in ohio" No-one finds this disturbing that a 40 year old dude is messing around/hanging out with girls who are questionable if they're the legal age? I mean seriously? Neg me all you want, I think the girls he post are attractive, i just think its creepy.
Ah yes, but I've always been a Sophia Loren kinda guy: (next to Jayne) This issue of LIFE Magazine affirmed my heterosexuality for me at age 10 or so. What's cool is that she'll be in the new Pirelli calender at age 72.
That rocks, not that I expect you young 'uns to feel the same way.
The only thing that creeps me out is roger is what, 40 something years old? And he say's he likes his girls 20-24? Even better says "She's 18, even thought hte legal age of consent is 16 in ohio" No-one finds this disturbing that a 40 year old dude is messing around/hanging out with girls who are questionable if they're the legal age? I mean seriously? Neg me all you want, I think the girls he post are attractive, i just think its creepy.
Are you nuts? I think the rest of us think it's awesome! All hail Roger! Methinks someone is envious....
Are you nuts? I think the rest of us think it's awesome! All hail Roger! Methinks someone is envious....
No it is a little weird and this is coming from an 18 year old, but hey if the girls dont care and they have a good time go for it. Its not something i would be doing at forty or wanting my gf and so on to be doing but im going to live my life the way i think is right and i expect other to do the same with their views. But i do agree with random that it is a little awkward for an older man to hang out with young hooters girls and take photos. but whatever floats your boat i guess.
I have to wonder what makes you (or anyone else) so high and mighty that you think you're in a position to be critical of anyone else. It's not Roger people here would defend, it's the girls being attacked for no cause. There have been some first rate a**hole comments made here by a few guys that got their nuts immediately crushed by some of us as a result. It takes a hell of a lot of courage for these women to put themselves out here for everyone to see. And unfortunately every time they're putting themselves at risk of criticism by some nimrod who is so classless that he figures just because his puny brain can formulate a critical thought, that he should share it with everyone. And has been said, all too often those same vacuous excuses for thought are read by the very women they are targeting. Here's a life-hint: Just because you CAN share a thought (regardless of how accurate or helpful you might THINK it is) doesn't mean you really have to share it. And quite often, you probably shouldn't. Every guy on this forum has enjoyed this thread. Inane critical comments only serve to hurt the people they are directed at. Exactly how do you or anyone else justify your hurtful comments which are directed at women you don't even know, and who have only tried to help perpetuate this thread by their participation. Do you really think your criticisms of any of these women actually make THEM look bad? If you don't like a girl, then don't look at her. Simple. Frankly, I believe these hurtful comments come from guys who are hostile towards women that they know would never touch them with a ten-foot keyboard.
And I have to wonder how some people can be so two-faced, drooling over these girls dressed like prostitutes and sending the message that this is the way that they will get attention from men, by acting like a piece of meat, then getting defensive when someone calls BS. You all sit here and encourage them to act like pr0n stars for your personal amusement, then get all bent out of shape when someone calls you out for your chauvinism and lack of class, not to mention describes these women as what they're basically trying to look and act like. If they don't have the self-respect to demand to be judged by their intellect and not their willingness to bare skin, then they don't have a right to complain when they get called on it. If they don't like hearing that they look like a "skank," maybe they shouldn't try so hard to look like one. You can't have it both ways.
I'm not trying to be a prude, I enjoy looking at hot women as much as the next guy, but you all need to calm down and be honest with yourselves here. You're being a bunch of voyeurs and encouraging these girls to slut it up just so you can see it. If you don't like how that makes you look, stop acting like that. And don't get pissy when someone doesn't like the way these girls are degrading themselves after YOU encouraged them to act that way.
No it is a little weird and this is coming from an 18 year old, but hey if the girls dont care and they have a good time go for it. Its not something i would be doing at forty or wanting my gf and so on to be doing but im going to live my life the way i think is right and i expect other to do the same with their views. But i do agree with random that it is a little awkward for an older man to hang out with young hooters girls and take photos. but whatever floats your boat i guess.
My two cents, Austin
Amen. Just because you CAN be "Grandpa Creepy" doesn't mean you SHOULD be.
Originally posted by Taijiguy: I bet you'll think different in 20-some-odd years. Check in with me then.
yes, I can understand the frustration of youngster just out of highschool. the bountiful boat of young girls has scattered off, and there you are, some dude, barely on his feet, trying to get the attention of any female. if you dont get into a college to meet them girls - you are gonna be in for a rough time. sorry - but young ladies & established men are what gets it. its a rude awakening for many young men. it was stupid easy in high school - if you hit puberty early enough - if not - oh boy - you will be one hate filled 18-25 yr old, and probably be a sexual predator if you dont get it resolved by the time your 30.
And I have to wonder how some people can be so two-faced, drooling over these girls dressed like prostitutes and sending the message that this is the way that they will get attention from men, by acting like a piece of meat, then getting defensive when someone calls BS. You all sit here and encourage them to act like pr0n stars for your personal amusement, then get all bent out of shape when someone calls you out for your chauvinism and lack of class, not to mention describes these women as what they're basically trying to look and act like. If they don't have the self-respect to demand to be judged by their intellect and not their willingness to bare skin, then they don't have a right to complain when they get called on it. If they don't like hearing that they look like a "skank," maybe they shouldn't try so hard to look like one. You can't have it both ways.
I'm not trying to be a prude, I enjoy looking at hot women as much as the next guy, but you all need to calm down and be honest with yourselves here. You're being a bunch of voyeurs and encouraging these girls to slut it up just so you can see it. If you don't like how that makes you look, stop acting like that. And don't get pissy when someone doesn't like the way these girls are degrading themselves after YOU encouraged them to act that way.
you COMPLETELY missed the bus on this one. we're not upset about anyone attacking us, its when someone attacks these girls who are confident enough to show a bunch of anonymous people on a forum some of what god gave them. It doesn't serve much purpose most of the time except to make the attacker look like a real douchebag. Worst case is the girls actually read the comments and take it to heart. making judgements on someone such as saying they drink, do drugs, sleep around, is UNWARRANTED, especially considering all we have to go on is some pictures!
yes, I can understand the frustration of youngster just out of highschool. the bountiful boat of young girls has scattered off, and there you are, some dude, barely on his feet, trying to get the attention of any female. if you dont get into a college to meet them girls - you are gonna be in for a rough time. sorry - but young ladies & established men are what gets it. its a rude awakening for many young men. it was stupid easy in high school - if you hit puberty early enough - if not - oh boy - you will be one hate filled 18-25 yr old, and probably be a sexual predator if you dont get it resolved by the time your 30.
you COMPLETELY missed the bus on this one. we're not upset about anyone attacking us, its when someone attacks these girls who are confident enough to show a bunch of anonymous people on a forum some of what god gave them. It doesn't serve much purpose most of the time except to make the attacker look like a real douchebag. Worst case is the girls actually read the comments and take it to heart. making judgements on someone such as saying they drink, do drugs, sleep around, is UNWARRANTED, especially considering all we have to go on is some pictures!
Slow down and read it again, turbo, I addressed all of that. Don't get mad when someone sees something different in the pictures than you do, especially when you encouraged the behavior in the pictures. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it could be anything, but its probably a duck. And if its not a duck and doesn't want everyone to think its a duck, it shouldn't try so hard to appear to be a duck.
[This message has been edited by Fastback 86 (edited 12-19-2007).]
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it could be anything, but its probably a duck. And if its not a duck and doesn't want everyone to think its a duck, it shouldn't try so hard to appear to be a duck.
Sheesh. How did "I" become involved in this?
------------------ Whade' "The Duck Formerly Known As Wade" Duck '87 GT Auto '88 Ferrario '84 Indy
Originally posted by Fastback 86: Slow down and read it again, turbo, I addressed all of that. Don't get mad when someone sees something different in the pictures than you do, especially when you encouraged the behavior in the pictures. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it could be anything, but its probably a duck. And if its not a duck and doesn't want everyone to think its a duck, it shouldn't try so hard to appear to be a duck.
this is my arguement for why certain negros get "profiled" also.....why the heck do you think you are being thought to be a thug - you are dressing, acting & talking like one....