I have offered to buy the curtains for the kitchen but she declines. She is very frugal and I want her to stay that way. In the cities apartments are not cheap, hers is 400sf and is 2000yaun (Chinese dollars) per month with utilities. Many times three girls will share one that size. Even though we view the Chinese gov as bad, the people are not, most really like us. The girls for the most part are simply incredible! Her is a shot of a Chinese bed, they only use one mattress. Decent ones are over 3000yaun.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 05-05-2008).]
"Lian", my oh so sweet dinner partner when I visit China. Notice there are no silverware drawers.
Which Dialect does she speak, some regions can't understand someone from a different region? As a Geologist, seeking an advanced degree entailed becoming fluent in a 'foreign' language. Chinese wasn't something ever considered, due to it's complexity and its lack of regional nature. It would take twice as long to learn the language, than it took to earn your PHD? Spanish can be a regional thing too, a friend from Argentina has a hard time talking to someone from Puerto Rico. My understanding is that the writen language is pretty much universal, but there is no 'universal' spoken language. The further from big cities, the worse the problem becomes? Too bad she is young and chinese, it kind of rules asking if she has 2 or 3 sisters? How are you getting by with the language?
------------------ Ol' Paint, 88 Base coupe auto. Turning white on top, like owner. Leaks a little, like owner. Doesn't smoke....... OK, we're trying to quit.
She speaks Mandarin and Cantonese. I speak a little Cantonese and in the three years we have been together she has learned a lot of English. Mandarin is the official language, taught in all of the schools. There are over 100 different dialects, but 90% speak Mandarin as well. It is a law that all grammar schools teach English, but they do not have enough English teachers. Any American can get a job as an English teacher. The way the system is you do not need to know Chines to teach. There are thousands of young US and Canadian guys who teach over there. The girls love to party and they have their pick. Most girls prefer guys that are at least 10 years older than them. If an American guy goes to China and is single, he won't be single long, and if married, he won't be married long. This girl is 28 and she is the one who perused me, I am twice her age and she is fine with that. It is a different and unique culture. Easy for most of us to understand. If you want to learn the language, learn Mandarin. it is not that hard. I have the Pimsluer series in mp3s, I can send you a copy. You will never learn to read it, as you will need to know 3000 characters to read a news paper. This is a great place to visit, I lived there for six months and go at least twice a year. Beast food in the world, great personal care, and millions and millions of single ladies to party with. The guys are for the most part are slime balls and the girls would rather go it alone. 25 is old maid age there. The biggest shock you will discover is that in their daily lives they have less government intrusion than we do. I guess that is the price of freedom, or have we just lost ours and don't know it. ken
The ones that go past art are for my eyes only. I will say she has no body hair what so ever other than a silver dollar sized patch. I do not know if it their diet or not but it is the sweetest tasting "skin" I've ever had. Anything less than twice a night will bring a tear to her eye.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 05-06-2008).]
There are 50 minorities in China, all Chinese but very different. One of the areas I went to has the most beautiful girls in all of China. I saw more drop dead gorgeous girls in one day than I have seen in my whole life here. One area the girls are known for their soft skin. Their faces softer than a babies butt and flawless. You can't see their pores at all. I will go through my pics and post more.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 05-06-2008).]
There are 50 minorities in China, all Chinese but very different. One of the areas I went to has the most beautiful girls in all of China. I saw more drop dead gorgeous girls in one day than I have seen in my whole life here. One area the girls are known for their soft skin. Their faces softer than a babies butt and flawless. You can't see their pores at all. I will go through my pics and post more.
That sounds like the preamble to a very good letter to 'Playboy, Penthouse, Club, etc
[This message has been edited by DtheC (edited 05-06-2008).]
------------------ "At no point during your rambling, incoherent response did you ever come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."
partfiero, are you living over there or do you just visit alot, what part are you in? nicer parts than i go to i hope
------------------ "At no point during your rambling, incoherent response did you ever come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."
partfiero, are you living over there or do you just visit alot, what part are you in? nicer parts than i go to i hope
I go at least twice a year and lived there for a six month period. I go to Guangzhou. It is in southern China, 7.2 million, and about 2.5 million single girls. The average age of the city is about 30, a very vibrant city.