I go to China every 2 months,, usually to Shenzen( north of Hong Kong) or to Shanghai..
I truly love China , My company owns 5 factories there.
I would live in china if offered... the girls and the land are gorgeous
I am glad most Americans believe the press and our governments propaganda about how evil China is. The fewer Americans that go there the better, more girls for you and me!
One look at those eyes and I can say you are one lucky guy. You had better take care of her as kind hearts are few and far between in this day and age. There is nothing like a great American girl, just getting way to hard to find one.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 05-07-2008).]
I have offered to buy the curtains for the kitchen but she declines. She is very frugal and I want her to stay that way. In the cities apartments are not cheap, hers is 400sf and is 2000yaun (Chinese dollars) per month with utilities. Many times three girls will share one that size. Even though we view the Chinese gov as bad, the people are not, most really like us. The girls for the most part are simply incredible! Her is a shot of a Chinese bed, they only use one mattress. Decent ones are over 3000yaun.
I have to agree with you that the Chinese girls are attractive.. I made three trips to China for work and finally had to ask why there are no unattractive women around. Most are similiar in appearance, slim, dark hair and dark eyes. The unattractive ones are shunned and aren't around.
I love good ole all american girls myself. But I will agree Ive seen a few knockout Japanese girls I drooled over. Asian as a general rule though, arent my cup of tea.
I'm happy to just have a girl smile at me, never did worry about race or color. Theres a cornucopia of women in the world, don't sell any of them short.
what the hell whats so bad about this pic? If that isn't work safe i would tell them to open there eyes and get a life. This pic is no big deal here. if I was fired due to that photo I would be glad to get out the 1900's way of thinking. Tell them its 2008 , get up with the times. I think its funny is a strange way
pretty close. one of those tv makeovers would do it pretty good. Ive seen them do Britney, Christina, Ashley Simpson and Ashely Olsen and they were dead on dubs.
well i got a new girl and she is awsome she is probibly one of the coolest girls that i have ever met and i am madly in love with her. and dont think i gave up thos two bi chicks for nothing she knows how to have a good time.
The sales woman at work, her name is victoria Still looking for these two woman
Some of you will say this should never be on this thread but it is NOT the girl you would want to kiss I thould if you want to go to some areas of Japan , never kiss this girl [IMG] this is way to off putting even for me I can not beleive that girl and then dog.