Ive known ashley (actually goes by ashlee now) since she was almost 17. Her boobs are real, shes had them all the time Ive known her. I also liked her better as the ' girl next door ' babyfaced blonde, but the dark looks ok too. She wanted to get into modeling, but all her tatoos and piecings have sorta killed that. No one wants her even though she got her bod looking pretty good. Something for any girls on here to think about before doing it themselves.
Hey all. I just performed a major major revamp of my server(s). Can you check out the gallery and make sure everything is working ok? The main gallery is here http://www.mtpisgah.net/Fiero/gallery/main.php Reminder: the NWS hidden gallery can be accessed after you login. Username: pennocks Password: fiero
While you're in the hidden gallery, please add some pictures!!!
Originally posted by rjblaze: Oh, and there'll be a few donations for the hidden gallery, too. Check them out and let me know what you think. Renee would like your opinions!
verry nice please add more
[This message has been edited by $Rich$ (edited 02-05-2007).]
Renee is totally hot for me posting pictures here. These were taken last week just before I went on a business trip to Houston. Something to keep me warm at night...
Renee will hold her own against the teens and 20-somethings any day. Let's see how they look after having a kid!
Oh, and there'll be a few donations for the hidden gallery, too. Check them out and let me know what you think. Renee would like your opinions!
AWESOME contributions in the hidden gallery. Got any more??!?!?
A clip out of an upcoming fitness DVD featuring Lyen. Watch out for the DVD release!
------------------ www.yellowfiero.com 17" DEZENT T wheels with 215/40 tires front and 235/45 rear, KONI shocks, EIBACH lowering springs, drilled/slotted rotors, SS brake hoses. PU dog bone, all bushings and engine mounts, K&N air and oil filters, Rebuilt&blueprinted V6, BORLA exhaust. Mercedes SLK yellow paintjob, Mr. Mikes leather seats, door skins, shift and e-brake boots. MP3 deck and custom subwoofer behind passenger seat, F355 style front, Aus' Stage 2 side scoops, "Fie Ro" extractor front scoop. Fiero Store rear swaybar, strut tower brace, black carpet, air intake. Rodney Dickman's competition short shifter, SS vacuum lines and deck lid strut. Billet aluminum dash kit from Kitcarman.
that was the best 2:35 minutes of my morning... almost made me want to get out of my chair. Tell us the truth Yellowstone... she could take ya on a 1 on 1 right?
Just one - the secret is using more than one camera and then cutting it right... we're talking about a professional production here with lighting and everything...
Originally posted by CenTexIndy:
nice video - so how many times did she have to do that routine in order to get all the angles?
we also use multiple cameras, lighting, and are professional...didn't mean to imply otherwise...
but I do know that often times it takes more than one take without messing something up.
(just re-read my orginal post and can see where it could be read to mean something else...my fault).
Let me know when the DVD is available...would love to get one to show some of our "cheapie" clients see what a REAL production looks like (you know...one where you actually have to spend some $$$)
Sorry if my reply sounded snooty - didn't mean it that way...
Actually, the athletic parts were easy to do for her. But the parts where she has to speak (introduction, description of exercises) took forever. There will be outtakes at the end that should be supremely funny (if you know German, that is).
Originally posted by CenTexIndy:
we also use multiple cameras, lighting, and are professional...didn't mean to imply otherwise...
but I do know that often times it takes more than one take without messing something up.
(just re-read my orginal post and can see where it could be read to mean something else...my fault).
Let me know when the DVD is available...would love to get one to show some of our "cheapie" clients see what a REAL production looks like (you know...one where you actually have to spend some $$$)
no prob - would love to get to work with your wife rather than some of the lame a--es that we have to deal with. They always think that they know everything...the last time i did an "athletic workout" tape, I had my guys shoot it two ways - the way the "host" wanted it shot and the way it needed to be shot...put together both DVDs for him...his way was trash - yet he chose to go that way b/c it was the way he wanted it...never sold...wouldn't put my company name on it.
no posts from roger on this page yet,,maybe he is busy with his camera and ashley,, i hope thats where he is,,lucky dawg... nice pic yellowstone,,she's HOT!!!! keepem comeing
[This message has been edited by 86blackse (edited 02-06-2007).]
I am thinking Daytona is a good place to go in March.....besides it is one of the few areas left above frezing! Yellowstone, that is just a faboluous smile in that last picture and very well composed.
you "older guys" (no offense) gettin so excited over these pictures is entertaining! no offense at all to anyone on this thread in ANY WAY, but now days a lot of chicks are so easy! I was talkin to a guy from work the other day about some of my "sexual encounters" and he was just shocked and awwed! i actually had to call some of the chicks and even bring a couple in because he jus didnt believe stuff like that happened outside of pornos. LOL
LOL, I know what you mean about a lot of girls these days. I could prob tell you some stories that would make even you blush. Nothing shocks me anymore and i mean NOTHING. Guys that think were the 'dirty' sex would curl their toes if they knew some of the stuff todays girls are into. No offense to the ladies, there are a lot of 'normal' ones out there too. ie/ I just talked to 'Presley' the other day and she was all excited she did a Bukkake movie. Im not describing what it is.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 02-07-2007).]
LOL, I know what you mean about a lot of girls these days. I could prob tell you some stories that would make even you blush. Nothing shocks me anymore and i mean NOTHING. Guys that think were the 'dirty' sex would curl their toes if they knew some of the stuff todays girls are into. No offense to the ladies, there are a lot of 'normal' ones out there too. ie/ I just talked to 'Presley' the other day and she was all excited she did a Bukaki movie. Im not describing what it is.
+1. Its turned from pics of cute/attractive wives (thanks yellowstone and others) to old men taking pictures of barely legal hooters girls and raunchy **** jokes.
+1. Its turned from pics of cute/attractive wives (thanks yellowstone and others) to old men taking pictures of barely legal hooters girls and raunchy **** jokes.