Well ,We do get others to post!! And We do have fun! Ah, the Fiero Factory swap meet! Yes We both will be there! I with My Fiero and Ratfink T-shirt and Fierodoom with His pictures! Right Fierogloom??
Yeah, come to think of it I might be at the swap meet at Fiero Factory this year. How about you and fieroboom? Are you guys pretty close, in distance, to eachother or what?
LOL!! This may sound dorky, but what about the ones that meet at shows/swapmeets have a t-shirt with our usernames on them?
Looks like he's about 2.5 hrs (116 miles) from me if he takes 280, and yes, I will definitely be there. The factory's only about 1.5 hrs from me, which is a lot shorter than the 2.5 hrs I drove to the friggin Georgia Fiero Club meeting!! Funny that you say that about the shirts... I was just designing one online. The hoodies are nice, but dam, they want $44 ea for one with my name and a pic of my concept... need to shop around.
Originally posted by Ratfink:
Well ,We do get others to post!! And We do have fun! Ah, the Fiero Factory swap meet! Yes We both will be there! I with My Fiero and Ratfink T-shirt and Fierodoom with His pictures! Right Fierogloom??
Years ago My coworkers modified My License plate from Rat Fink to read Fat Dink. Actually it was very funny! You see I can dish it out and take it! I do try to keep it fun and not hateful! OMG I'm ahead again!!!!
So you like adding downforce to things eh? Or do you just like to add weight to little kids cards that think that they're adding downforce?
Per Webster: Main Entry: spoil·er Pronunciation: \ˈspȯi-lər\ Function: noun Date: 15th century 1 a: one that spoils b: one (as a political candidate) having little or no chance of winning but capable of depriving a rival of success 2 a: a long narrow plate along the upper surface of an airplane wing that may be raised for reducing lift and increasing drag — see airplane illustration b: an air deflector on an automobile to reduce the tendency to lift off the road at high speeds 3: information about the plot of a motion picture or TV program that can spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense ; also : a person who discloses such information
Personally, I like definition #1.
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