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The evidence against anthropogenic global warming by fierobear
Started on: 06-07-2008 02:13 PM
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Last post by: cliffw on 04-23-2024 08:37 AM
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:02 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:04 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Church of England vows to fight 'great demon' of climate change:
Steven Croft, the bishop of Sheffield, described the threat of climate change as "a giant evil; a great demon of our day", adding:

"Its power is fed by greed, blindness and complacency in the present generation, and we know that this giant wreaks havoc though the immense power of the weather systems, which are themselves unpredictable."
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Winter Olympians Call For Climate Action:
"On behalf of the more than 100 Olympians that have signed this letter, we’re urging you to act in Paris to set limits on global emissions and take meaningful steps forward in fighting climate change. It can be done and let’s use the global stage of the Olympics as the call to action."
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:10 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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The ICE-ARC project:
"The project aims to understand and quantify the multiple stresses involved in the change in the Arctic marine environment."

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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:14 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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NRG Energy Signs Deal with Virgin Limited Edition to Power Necker Island with a Renewable Energy-Driven Micro-grid Solution:
"Pursuant to this Agreement, NRG will develop a renewables-driven micro-grid for the entire island, supplying high quality, reliable electricity powered at least 75% by an integrated array of solar, wind and energy storage technologies."

"With oil setting the marginal price of electricity, retail electricity prices in the Caribbean are among the highest in the world, hindering economic development, job creation and quality of life,” said Crane, CEO of NRG. "By tapping into each island’s specific, readily available and ample renewable energy resources, we can achieve an immediate and significant reduction of operating expenses, imported fuel cost, carbon footprint and other air emissions and noise pollution. The renewables-driven micro-grid solution being designed and installed on Necker is intended to demonstrate this and provide a scalable real life application relevant to other islands of the Caribbean."
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

What I THINK is that this movement is driven by the desire to aquire power and money.

Conversely, it is at least equally possible that "this movement" is driven primarily by science, reason, and altruism, and the opposition is being driven primarily by the desire to preserve and maintain the status quo with respect to power and money.

I also don't think that one can ethically complain about government-funded climate-science research without also subjecting the tax-funded subsidies paid to fossil-fuel and transportation (primarily railroad) industries to similar scrutiny. If you are going to talk about the cost of "green" energy from renewable sources, you're also going to have to talk about the total cost, both direct and indirect, of competing fossil fuel technologies.


Even if greenhouse gases COULD be reduced to the point of reversing or even SLOWING any climate change, it would have to be done on a GLOBAL scale.

Agreed ... but you can't change the entire world, only your small part of it at best. Even the longest journey begins with a single step. If no one ever takes that first step, though, none of us will ever get anywhere.

Development of renewable energy resources is a good idea, on several levels, even if global warming and climate change were not occurring.

[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-13-2014).]

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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:38 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Wow! This is a fast moving thread. I was like, where the crap is my post!? LOL


I also don't think that one can ethically complain about government-funded climate-science research without also subjecting the tax-funded subsidies paid to fossil-fuel and transportation (primarily railroad) industries to similar scrutiny.

I definately don't want to sound like I'm complaining about research. I'm not. I believe we should know everything we can. I'm just saying if the scientists can create a panic, they create a greater need for themselves and their work. In other words, it is in their best interest to promote global warming. I feel the same way about lawyers and politicians. They seem to spend more time figuring out how to create a reason for you to come back than they do on fixing what you went to them for in the first place.

As for subsidies being paid to providers of the goods and services that millions of people need and use, it was their money in taxes in the first place. In theory, it should be lowering their out of pocket costs for electricity, etc.


Even if greenhouse gases COULD be reduced to the point of reversing or even SLOWING any climate change, it would have to be done on a GLOBAL scale.


Agreed ... but you can't change the entire world

That is my point. There is no need for us to get in a panic trying to change our lifestyle when our efforts would only be a drop in the global bucket. We should ABSOLUTELY track this stuff, learn what we can, try to dertermine what the root causes are, and make a plan to act should those actions become necessary. Knowledge! Let's get it. Then when the rest of the planet agrees with the theory of the impending doom, we will know how to instruct them to help be involved in the solution.

Til then, we would just be spinning our wheels and paying through the nose to do it.

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Marvin McInnis
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Report this Post02-13-2014 05:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

That is my point. There is no need for us to get in a panic trying to change our lifestyle when our efforts would only be a drop in the global bucket.

Your point is that since we don't know everything with 100% certainty we should do nothing. That is perhaps a valid position, but one that I strongly disagree with. I'm a believer in doing what you can with what you know, and retaining the flexibility to change our behavior as our knowledge improves.


Then when the rest of the planet agrees with the theory of the impending doom, we will know how to instruct them to help be involved in the solution.

I don't know how to respond to that level of nationalistic arrogance. I will just point out that the U.S., by Congressional veto, is still one of the very few countries to reject the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 in its entirety. It appears that we are the ones with our heads in the sand (or perhaps other places).

[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-13-2014).]

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Report this Post02-13-2014 06:28 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Marvin, do you even know how to post WITHOUT being inflamatory?


Marvin said:
Your point is that since we don't know everything with 100% certainty we should do nothing.

How did you make a leap to that from this?


Boostdreamer said:
We should ABSOLUTELY track this stuff, learn what we can, try to dertermine what the root causes are, and make a plan to act should those actions become necessary


Marvin said:
I'm a believer in doing what you can with what you know, and retaining the flexibility to change our behavior as our knowledge improves.

In most cases, all people believe in that. That is nothing special or different than me or anyone else. You seem to be implying that this sets you apart? Am I misreading this? As you said before, it will take a GLOBAL EFFORT to see any results. If that global effort is not in place, what value will your efforts be? At what cost? I would like to retain flexibility also. What if we see that attempts to change or influence the rest of the world is futile? I would rather put my efforts into going underground or making some other self-sustaining decision. When faced with that sort of realization, it is time to get off your bicycle-powered atmosphere de-toxifier and find a place to hide.


Marvin said:
I don't know how to respond to that level of nationalistic arrogance. I will just point out that the U.S., by Congressional veto, is still one of the very few countries to reject the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 in its entirety. It appears that we are the ones with our heads in the sand (or perhaps other places).

Damn if you don't try your best to pick a fight! What nationalistic arrogance? I made no mention to the United States. I only stated SCIENTISTS and WE. "We" meaning those who have studied and posess the knowledge of the phenomenon who can give it to the other nations around the world who are NOT in posession of the facts, ideas, and plans.

Care to try to be civil?
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Report this Post02-13-2014 07:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

What nationalistic arrogance? I made no mention to the United States.

Your exact post was:

Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Then when the rest of the planet agrees with the theory of the impending doom, we will know how to instruct them to help be involved in the solution.

As you used it, "we" is exclusionary. Just what "we" were you speaking of vs. "the rest of the planet." "We" as a country vs. "other nations?" "We" as the enlightened ones? "We" as elite recipients of revealed truth? You've already established that don't believe those corrupt scientists who are paid for their work. I must also point out that "climate scientists" includes a lot of competent people from "the rest of the planet," not just where "we" live.

[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-13-2014).]

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Report this Post02-13-2014 07:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:

As you used it, "we" is exclusionary. Just what "we" were you speaking of vs. "the rest of the planet." "We" as a country? "We" as "the enlightened ones?" "We" as elite recipients of revealed truth? I must also point out that "climate scientists" includes a lot of competent people from "the rest of the planet," not just where "we" live.

Are you unable to accept that I had no ill will in my post? Do you refuse to accept my explanation of "we"?


Boostdreamer said:
"We" meaning those who have studied and posess the knowledge of the phenomenon who can give it to the other nations around the world who are NOT in posession of the facts, ideas, and plans.

Also, how did you leap to this:


Marvin said:
You've already established that don't believe those corrupt scientists who are paid for their work

From this:

I definately don't want to sound like I'm complaining about research. I'm not. I believe we should know everything we can. We should ABSOLUTELY track this stuff, learn what we can, try to dertermine what the root causes are, and make a plan to act should those actions become necessary. Knowledge! Let's get it.

Pine much for an antagonist? I guess my request to have a civil discussion went out the window.

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Report this Post02-13-2014 07:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
If China and India (and some other countries, such as Australia and Poland) persist and increase their reliance on coal-fired electrical power plants and other fossil fuels, it does seem to make it a moot point whether the U.S. and Canada are "in" or "out", as far as carbon dioxide (CO2) reductions.

The flip side of this is that if the U.S. and Canada do not get conspicuously out in front of the global pack with effective plans to reduce their own CO2 emissions, then the U.S. and Canadian governments will not have the "street creds" for any efforts to move China, India and the other such countries onto the path of becoming fully vested in CO2 reduction programs in parallel with the U.S. and Canada.

It's a case of..

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Report this Post02-13-2014 07:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I agree. Lets gain the knowledge and devise a plan and even implement it on a small scale somewhere that can be monitored to learn the effects. Control the costs so the public doesn't have to suffer higher taxes and loss of services. When THE SCIENTISTS can prove what they think they know and can show that their solution is sound and repeatable, show it to the world! If they accept it and get on board? Phase III kicks in and the world unites to combat this problem. If not, there will be no need for THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to tax THE US CITIZENS in an attempt to tow the line.
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Report this Post02-13-2014 07:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

I agree. Lets gain the knowledge and devise a plan and even implement it on a small scale somewhere that can be monitored to learn the effects. Control the costs so the public doesn't have to suffer higher taxes and loss of services. When THE SCIENTISTS can prove what they think they know and can show that their solution is sound and repeatable, show it to the world! If they accept it and get on board? Phase III kicks in and the world unites to combat this problem. If not, there will be no need for THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to tax THE US CITIZENS in an attempt to tow the line.

How are you supporting your position of "Lets gain the knowledge" when a few posts ago you said....

I think these are the most important questions. I don't know if the phenomenon is true or not. I don't know what information is out there. I don't know what information is being suppressed. I don't know if these numbers and stats are apple-to-apple comparisons.

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Report this Post02-13-2014 08:00 PM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

I agree. Lets gain the knowledge and devise a plan and even implement it on a small scale somewhere that can be monitored to learn the effects. Control the costs so the public doesn't have to suffer higher taxes and loss of services. When THE SCIENTISTS can prove what they think they know and can show that their solution is sound and repeatable, show it to the world! If they accept it and get on board? Phase III kicks in and the world unites to combat this problem. If not, there will be no need for THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to tax THE US CITIZENS in an attempt to tow the line.

Yes let's wait until it's too late, I'm sure the fossil fuel giants would like nothing more. Do you understand that it's more likely that it will cost more than just higher taxes and loss of services if Climate Change is left unchecked?
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Report this Post02-13-2014 08:11 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by newf:

How are you supporting your position of "Lets gain the knowledge" when a few posts ago you said...."I don't know if the phenomenon is true or not. I don't know what information is out there. I don't know what information is being suppressed. I don't know if these numbers and stats are apple-to-apple comparisons."

It's very simple really. I'm not a scientist. I have not participated in any of the research. I don't know what they have learned and what they have published. I don't need to understand how weather works in the same sense that I don't need to understand how my digital watch works. (don't bother trying to make a mountain out of this molehill, spoiler alert, I won't respond to it).

I have not said it is happening or it is not. I'm not in posession of the facts that would make it possible to come to that conclusion. What I am saying is that as long as it is being funded, learn all that you can. In other words, if you're going to spend my money, I'd appreciate it if you would attempt to maximize your efforts.

Also, I suggested that it be tested on a small scale. Bio-dome perhaps? Maybe that is science-fiction. Don't know. For me it is about cost. The cost of the research, the cost of alternate energy sources, the cost of leaving cheap coal in the ground and forcing people to use expensive solar and wind technology, the cost of my community working and suffering to the point of economic collapse while the rest of the world throws another log on the fire. That's what point I'm trying to make.

Even if SCIENTISTS can isolate the problem and the cure, the UNITED STATES cannot save the planet by themselves. If the USA tries to save the world by themselves, they will have squandered all of their resources and efforts for nothing.

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Report this Post02-13-2014 08:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by newf:

Yes let's wait until it's too late, I'm sure the fossil fuel giants would like nothing more. Do you understand that it's more likely that it will cost more than just higher taxes and loss of services if Climate Change is left unchecked?

Why do you feel the need to change my quotes and twist my meanings? I understand what you're saying. Are you having trouble understanding that my point is that A GLOBAL PROBLEM REQUIRES A GLOBAL EFFORT TO SOLVE. period.

You don't have to wait till it's too late. You and the rest of Canada can start now if you want. The problem is that you cannot change the world or its problems. You can lead by example and hope, but that is about it. Trying to get the world together on this thing will be harder than getting PFF members to agree in TO/T. Good luck. I admire your commitment even if I don't agree with your approach.

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Report this Post02-13-2014 08:45 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Also, how did you leap to this:

Marvin said:
You've already established that don't believe those corrupt scientists who are paid for their work

Probably from these two posts:

Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Have the budgets of the scientists been increased since 'global warming due to human activity' became mainstream? I'd like to compare pics of the work spaces of these scientists then and now.

Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

I'm just saying if the scientists can create a panic, they create a greater need for themselves and their work.

[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-13-2014).]

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Report this Post02-13-2014 09:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for rinselbergClick Here to visit rinselberg's HomePageSend a Private Message to rinselbergEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Early farmers boosted Earth's temperature by 1.6 degreesFahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) over a period of 8,000 years, a new study suggests.

"This is almost as large as the global warming in the past 150 years," said Feng He, lead study author and a climate scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. "That means early agricultural is as powerful as the whole Industrial Revolution."

However, the study concludes that the net warming caused by early humans was only 1.3 degrees F (0.73 degrees C), thanks to a slight cooling of 0.31 degrees F (0.17 degrees C) due to more sunlight reflecting from cleared land. . . .

Looking at this the other way around, the planet has seen more global warming since 1860 than the net warming for the 8000 years before 1860.
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Report this Post02-13-2014 09:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:

Probably from these two posts:

Hell of a leap!! We could have used your talents recently in Russia.

You are mistaken.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 07:51 AM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

It's very simple really. I'm not a scientist. I have not participated in any of the research. I don't know what they have learned and what they have published. I don't need to understand how weather works in the same sense that I don't need to understand how my digital watch works. (don't bother trying to make a mountain out of this molehill, spoiler alert, I won't respond to it).

I have not said it is happening or it is not. I'm not in posession of the facts that would make it possible to come to that conclusion. What I am saying is that as long as it is being funded, learn all that you can. In other words, if you're going to spend my money, I'd appreciate it if you would attempt to maximize your efforts.

So what facts would you need to make a decision to think if it's happening or not? There is a ton of information out there. The vast majority of experts are in agreement.

One doesn't need expertise in the field to trust the experts.
If a smoker was diagnosed with lung cancer and a panel of 100 oncologists agreed 97 to 3 that the smoker should quit smoking and get treatment, would it be prudent for the patient to maybe just cut down and take a portion of the treatment? Should he wait until all 100 oncologists agreed? either way I think you get the analogy.
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Also, I suggested that it be tested on a small scale. Bio-dome perhaps? Maybe that is science-fiction. Don't know. For me it is about cost. The cost of the research, the cost of alternate energy sources, the cost of leaving cheap coal in the ground and forcing people to use expensive solar and wind technology, the cost of my community working and suffering to the point of economic collapse while the rest of the world throws another log on the fire. That's what point I'm trying to make.

Even if SCIENTISTS can isolate the problem and the cure, the UNITED STATES cannot save the planet by themselves. If the USA tries to save the world by themselves, they will have squandered all of their resources and efforts for nothing.

Which is more "expensive" importing a finite resource or building renewable domestic energy?

Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Even if SCIENTISTS can isolate the problem and the cure, the UNITED STATES cannot save the planet by themselves. If the USA tries to save the world by themselves, they will have squandered all of their resources and efforts for nothing.

Who ever mentioned the U.S.? They've been dragging their heals on this issue for years.

[This message has been edited by newf (edited 02-14-2014).]

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Report this Post02-14-2014 07:55 AM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

Why do you feel the need to change my quotes and twist my meanings? I understand what you're saying. Are you having trouble understanding that my point is that A GLOBAL PROBLEM REQUIRES A GLOBAL EFFORT TO SOLVE. period.

You don't have to wait till it's too late. You and the rest of Canada can start now if you want. The problem is that you cannot change the world or its problems. You can lead by example and hope, but that is about it. Trying to get the world together on this thing will be harder than getting PFF members to agree in TO/T. Good luck. I admire your commitment even if I don't agree with your approach.

I agree it will take a global effort but as we see the fossil fuel giants have a vested interest in trying to confuse the issue. I also agree that it it's up to the individual to help as much as possible.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 08:40 AM Click Here to See the Profile for masospaghettiSend a Private Message to masospaghettiEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I find it ironic that climate scientists are accused of being corrupt and money-driven, and somehow the fossil fuel industry gets a pass. I mean, seriously...the fossil fuel industry?
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Report this Post02-14-2014 08:57 AM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by masospaghetti:

I find it ironic that climate scientists are accused of being corrupt and money-driven, and somehow the fossil fuel industry gets a pass. I mean, seriously...the fossil fuel industry?

C'mon you know the rich scientists and researchers and their extravagant lifestyles!

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Report this Post02-14-2014 10:52 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BoostdreamerSend a Private Message to BoostdreamerEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by masospaghetti:

I find it ironic that climate scientists are accused of being corrupt and money-driven, and somehow the fossil fuel industry gets a pass. I mean, seriously...the fossil fuel industry?


C'mon you know the rich scientists and researchers and their extravagant lifestyles!

It just isn't a real conversation unless all statements are pushed to the extreme is it? I wish my money was always trumped up way over face value like forum comments are! I'd have that black Porsche Cayman in my driveway now!
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Report this Post02-14-2014 10:56 AM Click Here to See the Profile for 82-T/A [At Work]Send a Private Message to 82-T/A [At Work]Edit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
I immediately reject anything and everything associated with man-made global warming because at every opportunity, the powers that be attempt to use this issue as a means of coercion and to increase their power. The idea of carbon credits is ridiculous, and the fact that every UN proposal basically attempts to take from America and give to everyone else, is absolutely ridiculous to me. You guys can go on and on, but that remains pretty much every situation that has come about. I certainly believe the Earth has gone through many, many cycles over the past 20 or so billion years, I see this as no different.

Besides, every Progressive / Democrat issue is simply an exercise in giving up rights to the discretion of the "more intelligent" liberal elite.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 11:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:

It just isn't a real conversation unless all statements are pushed to the extreme is it? I wish my money was always trumped up way over face value like forum comments are! I'd have that black Porsche Cayman in my driveway now!

Yuck a Porsche Cayman.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 11:35 AM Click Here to See the Profile for newfSend a Private Message to newfEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post


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Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I immediately reject anything and everything associated with man-made global warming because at every opportunity, the powers that be attempt to use this issue as a means of coercion and to increase their power. The idea of carbon credits is ridiculous, and the fact that every UN proposal basically attempts to take from America and give to everyone else, is absolutely ridiculous to me. You guys can go on and on, but that remains pretty much every situation that has come about. I certainly believe the Earth has gone through many, many cycles over the past 20 or so billion years, I see this as no different.

Besides, every Progressive / Democrat issue is simply an exercise in giving up rights to the discretion of the "more intelligent" liberal elite.

It's certainly your right ignore good science because of a personal political bias. Seems like it's more the fringe that believes your positions though.

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Report this Post02-14-2014 12:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Doug85GTSend a Private Message to Doug85GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by rinselberg:

South end of San Francisco Bay

Dry Moderate (current climate) -> by 2035->Dry Moderate

In other words, no change in climate.
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Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:

Have you stopped beating your wife (yes/no)? Climate parameters are not binary (or ternary) variables, either.

Climates are very clearly defined. Climate change therefore would be a change from one defined climate to another.

Your trite rhetorical question is a non sequitur.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 01:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for masospaghettiSend a Private Message to masospaghettiEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

I immediately reject anything and everything associated with man-made global warming because at every opportunity, the powers that be attempt to use this issue as a means of coercion and to increase their power.

That is a bad reason to discredit the science itself.

You have to separate the politics from the science. The science is extremely solid - I doubt there's such a consensus among researchers on many topics, except maybe the health effects from smoking - and to expect 100% agreement or certainty is unrealistic and unreasonable.

You really think that climate scientists are more "bought out" than the status quo that is defending the fossil fuel industry? First off, becoming a researcher or scientist is not easy, and there are many professions that are easier and more lucrative. Most scientists are in the field because they want to be, and they aren't going to sell out so easily.

The political side is a whole separate issue, and I fully understand that side of it.
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Report this Post02-14-2014 01:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Doug85GT:

Climates are very clearly defined.

Only in your narrowly limited world view.

This must be really disappointing news to all the climatologists who spent years of study earning their PhDs, when all they had to do was memorize Doug85GT's six "very clearly defined" climate types.

Rave on, dude!

[This message has been edited by Marvin McInnis (edited 02-14-2014).]

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Report this Post02-14-2014 02:18 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
I immediately reject anything and everything associated with man-made global warming because at every opportunity, the powers that be attempt to use this issue as a means of coercion and to increase their power.

The future will be really awkward when people start to realize this attitude was a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Study: Long-term dynamics of household size and their environmental implications:
"Findings reveal that developed nations reached a threshold in 1893 when average household size began to drop rapidly from approximately 5.0 to 2.5. A similar threshold was reached in developing nations in 1987. With the notable exceptions of Ireland, and England and Wales in the early 1800s, and India and the Seychelles in the late 1900s, the number of households grew faster than population size in every country and every time period. These findings suggest accommodating housing may continue to pose one of the greatest environmental challenges of the twenty-first century because the impacts of increased housing present a threat to sustainability even when population growth slows."

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Report this Post02-14-2014 04:27 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Doug85GTSend a Private Message to Doug85GTEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Marvin McInnis:

Only in your narrowly limited world view.

This must be really disappointing news to all the climatologists who spent years of study earning their PhDs, when all they had to do was memorize Doug85GT's six "very clearly defined" climate types.

Rave on, dude!


My classification?

Go educate yourself:
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Report this Post02-14-2014 04:39 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
"Many of Alaska's highways are built on permafrost. When permafrost thaws, roads buckle. Vehicles are only allowed to drive across certain roads in the tundra when the ground is frozen solid. In the past 30 years, the number of days when travel is allowed on the tundra has decreased from 200 days to 100 days per year."
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Report this Post02-14-2014 04:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Marvin McInnisClick Here to visit Marvin McInnis's HomePageSend a Private Message to Marvin McInnisEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by Doug85GT:

Go educate yourself:

Go LOL yourself.

The Bergeron classification (and its decsendents) deals with the recent history of air masses.

"Recent history" describes weather, not climate. "Air masses" are weather phenomena, not climate. Weather is not climate!

Rave on, dude!

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Report this Post02-14-2014 04:49 PM Click Here to See the Profile for FlyinFierosSend a Private Message to FlyinFierosEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
The Winds of Warming by Phil Plait
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