The George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin spectacle has done more to set back race relations in the United States than any other event in recent history. It’s been all about race. There’s justice somewhere in all of this, but will it ever be found? That’s the question that needs to be answered. I doubt that it will ever be answered since there is a strategy to keep the pot of racist rhetoric boiling. Victims make for good allies in a political war.
It’s great to see George Zimmerman confronting Attorney General Eric Holder and the so-called Department of Justice on the basis of the law. Only in America can a citizen take on the powers that be. The Constitution codifies that God-given right. We can “petition the government for a redress of grievances,” the First Amendment assures us. Try it in Cuba, Venezuela, China, or North Korea.
Will Holder arrest the Black Panthers who have threatened Zimmerman given the federal government’s definition of a hate crime? The letter Zimmerman’s family sent to Attorney General Eric Holder asks, “why, when the law of the land is crystal clear, is your office not arresting the New Black Panthers for hate crimes?”
The Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the racist lynch mobs belong to the Obama Administration. Not to denounce them is to support them. There’s no neutrality.
Then there’s Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for 20 years. When an evangelical pastor says something stupid, he’s immediately linked to the GOP and denounced in the media. Not so with Jeremiah Wright.
Pastors should be in the business of reconciliation not racial division. It’s great that Wright quotes the Bible, but his message is confused. He compares Zacchaeus, a tax collector, to greedy conservatives. How can this be? Only in the world of liberalism can an agent of the government be compared to a capitalist.
Then there’s Wright’s racial rhetoric of Europeans versus “people of color.” “Pilate was European. . . . Jesus was not European. They live in a world shaped by European standards of beauty, shaped by Moynihan studies, shaped by bell curves — they live in a different world from your world all together,” he told his audience.
I didn’t know that Pilate studied the works of Patrick Moynihan (“Defining Deviancy Down”) and Charles Murray (Losing Ground, The Bell Curve, and Coming Apart). In point of fact, it was Pilate who found “no guilt in” Jesus (Luke 23:4) and made efforts to release Him (John 19:12). It was Jesus’ own countrymen who called for His death (19:15).
It wasn’t too long ago that Wright was blaming “them Jews” from keeping President Obama from talking with him. He later said that he had “misspoke.” He meant Zionists.
The goal with all of these Obama surrogates is to keep his base energized, by creating a racial divide that will result in votes in November. Will blacks benefit from any of this? Not at all. They’ll be just as poor and just as disenfranchised. But they’ll have a black man in the White House.
Under the guise of "investing" in so-called green energy, the Obama Administration is perpetrating yet another massive scam on the American people. It has now been documented that Obama is using your hard-earned tax dollars to line the pockets of his biggest campaign donors.
But don't take our word for it...
According to research done by Hoover Institution Fellow Peter Schweitzer, the hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-backed loans handed to Solyndra - the now bankrupt company that was run by Obama campaign bundler George Kaiser - is just the "tip of the iceberg."
In fact, a staggering 80% of the federal grants and loan guarantees made to green-tech firms by Obama's DOE since 2009 were made to companies whose chief executive or chief investors were major contributors and big money men to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.
Schweitzer's research reveals a devastating picture of corruption in Washington, D.C. Democrats, Republicans, Congressmen, Senators, administration officials and bureaucrats - the corruption is widespread.
Billions upon billions of dollars literally have poured into the coffers of Obama's biggest campaign donors whose quasi-green products, like bankrupt Solyndra's solar panels or the exploding Finnish eco-car, were not only questionable, but very clearly doomed to failure from the beginning.
Given the number of reports warning the Obama Administration against many of the "green" loans and government handouts, it is now obvious that the money transfers were never meant to rescue the American economy or create jobs... Rather, the program from the very beginning was about nothing more than lining the pockets of loyal Obama supporters.
Even the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) has chastised the Obama Administration for the manner in which DOE loans and handouts were granted. According to GAO:
Many of the loans lacked adequate documentation and performance measures. Obama's DOE granted many loans based on favoritism while denying or disadvantaging other equally and often more qualified potential borrowers. And DOE's own inspector general, Gregory Friedman, has testified that many of the contracts have been steered to "friends and family."
Yet despite all this, Barack Obama wants to double down on the program. In fact, Obama's Department of Energy has announced its intention to issue even more "green energy" loans. How many major Obama 2012 donors do you think will be on the receiving end of those new loans and grants?
Let's not wait to find out. It's time to be proactive and demand that Congress - holder of the purse strings - immediately step in and STOP ALL "GREEN ENERGY" LOANS and HANDOUTS NOW! Furthermore, we must demand a more complete and full investigation into the Obama Administration's green scam.
We must act now, before yet another taxpayer dollar is flushed down the green scam toilet.
He was accompanied by Antoinette C. Bush, a well-connected Washington lawyer who has represented companies like Viacom, Sony and News Corporation for 30 years. A friend of the president and a cousin of his close aide Valerie B. Jarrett."
Ahhhhh, so THAT is what they means by "It's Bush's fault"!
The Republican National Committee is asking the Government Accountability Office to examine President Obama's "misuse" of government funds to benefit his reelection campaign.
In an official complaint filed with the GAO, a watchdog agency, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus accuses Obama of "passing off campaign travel as official events," using taxpayer money to fund his reelection efforts.
"Given the recent excesses, waste and abuse uncovered in the General Services Administration, the GAO should be particularly sensitive to misuse of taxpayer dollars," Preibus wrote in a letter to Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro.
Priebus said "the most recent example" of abuse took place this week as Obama traveled to North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa, three battleground states to promote student loan legislation. The RNC chairman points out that Obama delivered speeches to "cheering crowds of college students" which resembled campaign events.
"One might imagine that if this were genuinely a government event, he might have stopped in a non-battleground state like Texas or Vermont," Priebus said.
The White House has maintained in recent months that Obama is not campaigning and that the stops are "official" business. But more and more recently the events have resembled campaign events, with crowds chanting "Four more years!"
Last week, press secretary Jay Carney told reporters that the White House is doing everything "by the book."
"The president is the president 24 hours a day and seven days a week, and he has to fly on Air Force One," Carney said. "He has to have security and communication. There are elements of his job that are always with him, regardless of whether he's in a campaign event or an official event. And costs are apportioned accordingly."
White House spokesman Eric Schultz maintained on Wednesday that when there is political travel, "we follow all rules and regulations that all other administrations have followed."
“This week’s travel has been part of the President’s official responsibility to get outside of Washington, DC, hear from students, and discuss stopping interest rates on their loans from doubling in July – just like Friday’s trip to Fort Stewart in Hinesville, Georgia to meet with troops, veterans, and military families is likewise part of the President’s official responsibilities," Schultz said.
Film: President's father not Barack Obama 2 years of research, rare photos support compelling case
“Who’s your real Daddy?” is a question that remarkably continues to dog Barack Obama, even as he proceeds into his fourth year as president.
With the release this July of Joel Gilbert’s full-length documentary, “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception,” the mystery deepens regarding who Obama really is.
“The film provides the first cohesive understanding of Obama’s deep-rooted life journey in socialism, from his childhood to his presidency,” Gilbert told WND.
Gilbert rejects the official story that the Kenyan-born Barack Obama was the president’s father.
Instead, he argues, Frank Marshall Davis, the radical poet and journalist who was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, was the real, biological and ideological father of Barack Obama.
Remember when there was a sense of dignity in the office of president of the United States?
Even Bill Clinton could, as the phrase goes, act like he'd been there before, yet after almost 3 1/2 years into his presidency, Barack Obama could be the figurative love child of bumbling Mr. Bean and Ryan Seacrest who is seen and heard everywhere, including airport radar, as radio host Mark Levin often quips.
Since becoming president, Obama has made such dignified appearances as pretending he didn't know who Snooki was on "The View," as reported by MediaIte, to mocking the disabled on "Late Night with Jay Leno. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama has been seen dancing on Nickelodeon's "iCarly," working out on NBC's "The Biggest Loser," playing tug 'o war on Jimmy Fallon, as well as appearances on "Sesame Street," David Letterman, "Ellen" and many more. AllVoices has counted 44 appearances for the first lady.
The latest embarrassment to the office is Obama's recent "Slow Jam on the News" with Jimmy Fallon, with the band The Roots. This is the same band that played Fishbone's song that contains expletives when then presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on the low-rated late night show.
To be fair, Obama isn't the first president to disgrace the office by appearing on these shows, but he is, hands down, the most recurrent. Weasel Zippers reports Obama has surpassed Ronald Reagan, a former actor, in TV and movie appearances. It should be noted Reagan had enough class to steer clear of lowbrow TV appearances while president.
Clinton was featured on the "Arsenio Hall Show" playing sax while a candidate, but even he had enough class to stay off of trash TV once elected.
You have to hand it to Obama though, even with 122 fundraisers 94 rounds of golf and 17 vacations as of April 20, according to American Freedom he still finds time to impede economic progress, increase the number of citizens reliant on welfare and blame everyone from ATM machines to Republicans "sipping on a Slurpee" (Red State) to blaming George W. Bush for his failures and making America a laughing stock for the rest of the world.
Obama is also raffling tickets to a fundraising dinner George Clooney is hosting. What is the price for a ticket to eat with the "warrior of the middle class"? $35,800, a year's salary for a middle class worker.
Who is the game show host type that's out of touch?
Doherty, who has compiled statistics about presidential travel and fundraising going back to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, found that Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined. Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in the 1980 campaign, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004.
Kirsten Kukowski, an RNC spokesperson, said: 'It’s no surprise that the Campaigner-In-Chief has taken raising money for his re-election to a whole new level. The worst part is the American taxpayer has been footing the bill.' The Obama campaign did not respond to a request for comment.
You have to hand it to President Obama and his cabal of re-election strategists; they are masters of illusion. Their newly released Web video and its accompanying campaign slogan, “Forward,” are science fiction-level fantastical.
We’re all familiar with Obama’s penchant for deflecting responsibility and blaming his policy failures on George W. Bush, but after more than three years in office for Obama, it has gone from childish mischief to juvenile delinquency. This is a question for Guinness: Has any other president run for re-election against the record of his retired predecessor?
Indeed, Obama is still feeding us this dodge years beyond its spoil date, apparently hoping we won’t realize we have salmonella until he’s safely voted in to his second term. Watch the video. In the words of The Hill’s John Easley, “it blames GOP policies for the still-sluggish economy.”
It attempts to draw a clear dichotomy between the dark days of the last year of Bush’s term and the glorious remedial reign of President Obama, which began in January 2009.
The first period is depicted as one of excessive job losses, the housing and foreclosure crisis, the stock market free fall, and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, with ominous images of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the sinister masterminds of these disasters, strategically placed throughout, for maximum effect.
The second period begins with the inauguration of President Obama, underscoring his heroic agenda — the one Obama has cited in placing himself among the greatest American presidents — the stimulus, the GM and Chrysler bailouts, financial reform, the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” bringing the Iraq War to a close and, of course, the killing of Osama bin Laden. Before the video ends, the video dutifully boasts about Obama’s signature “accomplishment,” Obamacare, going so far as to include the controversial birth control mandate in his plus column. Likewise with his green energy policies.
According to the video, the most polarizing chief executive in the history of the American presidency is not the cause of our current dreadful economic conditions, about which, in any event, the White House is mostly in denial, as we’ll see. Nor is Obama to blame for our nearly unprecedented partisan acrimony. No, the root of our problems is obstructionist GOP Republicans, who — along with their evil media mouthpieces Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck — “instead of working together to lift America up … (have waged) a campaign to tear the president down.”
But despite the pernicious efforts of the GOP and its loudmouth conservative co-conspirators to thwart President Obama’s salutary agenda, Obama has persevered and triumphed. That’s right; his record is not one of failure but one of extraordinary achievement against this right-wing hydra and the multifaceted adversity it has hurled at him.
In fact, the White House would have us believe the economy is doing pretty well. “The president’s stimulus plan saved up to 4.2 million jobs” and has given us steady economic growth, and the manufacturing sector is going gangbusters.
What this little clip doesn’t tell you — apart from the meaningless and immeasurable metric of “saved jobs,” which has now been further diluted to the ludicrous rendering “saved up to” — is how much these possibly or possibly not saved jobs cost the American taxpayer. It doesn’t reveal Obama’s miserable record in creating new private-sector jobs or that overall, he has delivered us a net loss of millions of jobs and unemployment at levels consistently 60 percent higher than what economists consider normal.
It doesn’t report that taxpayers lost billions on his vaunted auto bailouts or that through his abuses of power, secured creditors were literally cheated out of their money.
The video conveniently fails to mention that Obama has rightfully earned his nickname “The Food Stamp President” with the objectively measurable skyrocketing increases in government dependency payouts during his term, a great portion of which cannot be blamed on the recession, which his policies grossly worsened anyway. It doesn’t disclose that Obamacare will cost nearly twice what Obama promised or that Dodd-Frank is likely to exacerbate the very problems it is ostensibly designed to prevent.
The video casually glosses over Obama’s real record on green jobs, the wasted billions and the shameless corporatist corruption. It doesn’t showcase his gutting of the military or his plans for radical nuclear disarmament.
But the most gaping hole in this propaganda piece is its glaring omission of the debt crisis Obama has engineered, his abdication of leadership in failing to pressure his party’s Senate majority to produce a budget — even a phony, superficial one — in more than 1,000 days, and his egregious refusal to work on entitlement reform and balancing the budget.
Team Obama is gifted in community organizing, but not even these wizards can re-create reality to make Obama’s record appear anywhere north of calamitous failure. This “progressive” president is headed anywhere but forward.
Millions of Americans feel they’re living in a war zone, the bombardments coming their way daily.
Non-stop lies and corruption. White House “czars” with communist backgrounds. Brazen presidential power grabs. Bows to enemy leaders and insults to allies. Intentionally destructive economic and energy policies. Presidential hot-mic gaffes proving collusion with America’s enemies.
No wonder Americans are more worried today about the very survival of their nation than at any time since the Civil War.
But underlying the madness – underlying all of the epic, high-level subversion of America – enabling it, justifying it, disguising it – is a secret language of the left, a language most citizens neither understand nor even recognize.
This secret language, an essential ingredient in America’s rapidly advancing socialist transformation, is dramatically exposed in May’s groundbreaking issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE ALINSKY CODE.”
Without this secret language, the “matrix” of deceit and delusion enveloping modern America would soon disappear – just as in the sci-fi film blockbuster “The Matrix” – and citizens would behold Barack Obama and his administration for exactly what they really are: committed revolutionaries of the radical left.
“In Orwell’s ‘1984,’” says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “a tyrannical future government maintains power with the help of a powerfully manipulative language called ‘Newspeak,’ featuring propaganda slogans of the ruling political party – like ‘WAR IS PEACE,’ ‘FREEDOM IS SLAVERY’ and ‘IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.’
“America today is being turned upside-down thanks to a ‘1984’-style ‘Newspeak’ language in which the political and cultural building blocks of today’s society now mean the opposite of what they originally meant,” he says.
For example, how did the act of generously providing aid to those in need, formerly called “charity,” turn into its exact opposite – “entitlement”? How did “illegal aliens,” who used to be criminals, turn into “immigrants – the backbone of our nation”?
Everyone knows homosexuals are now “gay,” abortion advocates “pro-choice” and atheists “brights,” but did you know some mental-health professionals now refer to pedophilia as “intergenerational sex” and child molesters as “minor-attracted persons” or MAPs? How did Islam (where the popular euphemism for pedophilia is “child marriage” and adultery is called “temporary marriage”) become a “religion of peace”? How did the Obama administration convert the act of war on 9/11 that resulted in the mass-slaughter of almost 3,000 Americans into a “man-caused disaster” and our response to it an “overseas contingency operation”? Have we so redefined everything that we now embrace “1984”-style deceptions such as “CHARITY IS ENTITLEMENT,” “MORALITY IS HATE,” “FAITH IS IGNORANCE,” “ENVY IS RIGHTEOUSNESS” and “THEFT IS JUSTICE”?
Featured in “THE ALINSKY CODE” is a comprehensive, groundbreaking report by David Kupelian titled “Magic words: The left’s secret weapon for transforming traditional America.” Among its startling findings: America’s controversial “political correctness” culture – imposed full-strength on college students and only slightly diluted on the rest of the population – traces its origins to none other than the notorious Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong, who holds the distinction of having killed more people than anyone else in history – some 50-70 million souls, more than Stalin and Hitler combined.
Highlights of “THE ALINSKY CODE” include: •“The left’s scorched-earth policy” by Joseph Farah, on the left-wing obsession with censoring and eliminating opposing voices •“Magic words” by David Kupelian, on the left’s secret weapon for transforming traditional America •“Lib-Speak: A lexicon for the Age of Obama” by Don Feder •“Political word games” by Thomas Sowell, who calls Barack Obama a “master” of “lying smoothly” by redefining words •“50 forbidden words” by Joe Kovacs, reporting on the New York City school district that found “politics,” “evolution” and even “birthdays” too offensive to include in tests •“What is ‘fair’?” by John Stossel, who demonstrates that wall-to-wall injustice lurks behind the left’s favorite rallying cry •“President of the lie” by David Kupelian, on what happens when the free world’s leader is constantly deceptive? •“Alinsky’s methods explained” by Phyllis Schlafly, on how Obama’s role model Saul Alinsky proved revolutionary action starts with a few choice words •“The wannabe tyrant’s secret” by David Kupelian, on what makes negative societal transformation so easy for radicals to accomplish •“Why liberals won’t debate conservatives” by Dennis Prager, who says “The left is a victim of its own brainwash”
“It’s not too late to stop this madness,” said Kupelian, “but we simply have to understand the language the elite are speaking to each other – and to us. Not to understand it is to adopt it, assimilate it, and unwittingly participate in the transformation of America into a place the Founding Fathers wouldn’t even begin to recognize.”
President Obama, speaking earlier today at a campaign event in Seattle, Washington:
“It was a house of cards and it collapsed in the most destructive, worst crisis that we’ve seen since the Great Depression,” Obama said. “And sometimes people forget the magnitude of it. You know, you saw some of that in the video that was shown. Sometimes I forget.”
Mitt Romney’s press secretary, Andrea Saul, responds: “It’s not surprising that a president who forgot to create jobs, forgot to cut the debt, and forgot to change Washington has now admitted that he’s forgotten about the recession. In fact, it seems that the President has forgotten that he’s been in office for the last three-and-a-half years. In November, the American people won’t forget.
Pandering for votes to families of fallen American troops on Memorial Day. No doubt a new low for Obama.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama paid tribute Monday to the men and women who have died defending America, singling out Vietnam veterans as an under-appreciated and sometimes maligned group of war heroes, vowing that “it will not happen again.”
“You were sometimes blamed for the misdeeds of a few,” Obama said. “You came home and were sometimes denigrated when you should have been celebrated. It was a national shame, a disgrace that should have never happened.”
Marking Memorial Day at both the Vietnam War Memorial and earlier at Arlington National Cemetery across the Potomac River from the capital, Obama noted that for the first time in nine years, “Americans are not fighting and dying in Iraq,” and the nation was winding down its role in the conflict in Afghanistan.
“After a decade under the dark cloud of war, we can see the light of the new day on the horizon,” Obama said to an audience gathered at the Arlington amphitheater lined with American flags under a warm, brilliant sun.
In this election year, Obama said the nation must remain committed to providing for the families of fallen soldiers and help returning service members seeking a job, higher education or health care benefits.
“As long as I’m president, we will make sure you and your loved ones will receive the benefits you’ve earned and the respect you deserve,” Obama said. “America will be there for you.”
Remember when Bill Clinton said he tried pot but did not inhale? Well, you can count on Barack Obama to make no such claims. In fact, he inhaled over and over and over again. As a new biography points out, Obama had a gang of friends when he was younger, known as the Choom Gang, who would spend their days coming up with creative ways to smoke pot.
In his 1995 memoir "Dreams of My Father," Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke "in a white classmate's sparkling new van," he would smoke "in the dorm room of some brother" and he would smoke "on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids."
He would smoke it here and there. He would smoke it anywhere.
Now a soon-to-be published biography by David Maraniss entitled "Barack Obama: The Story" gives more detail on Obama's pot-smoking days, complete with testimonials from young Barry Obama's high school buddies, a group that went by the name "the Choom Gang." Choom was slang for smoking marijuana.
The full story of Obama's Choom Gang can be found at ABC News
Buzzfeed Politics provides a breakdown of the most popular techniques employed by Obama and his friends to get high:
Total Absorption -- As a member of the Choom Gang, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends. The first was called "TA," short for "total absorption." To place this in the physical and political context of another young man who would grow up to be president, TA was the antithesis of Bill Clinton's claim that as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford he smoked dope but never inhaled.
Roof Hits -- Along with TA, Barry popularized the concept of "roof hits": when they were chooming in the car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.
The guys even had a "Choomwagon," and, of course, it was a Volkswagen van.
This was our current president's formative years. One would hope a future president of the United States would form his opinions with a clear head and not while doing a "roof hit."
To paraphrase the Reagan, "A Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A Depression is when you lose yours. And a Recovery is when {Obama} loses his".
President Obama and top campaign staffers made clear this weekend they will not apologize for saying the financial company Bain Capital outsourced jobs under Mitt Romney’s leadership and suggesting Romney may have committed a felony with his SEC filings.
The president addressed the issue during an interview Saturday with WAVY-TV in Virginia. The station is scheduled to air the interview Sunday night, but it can be seen now on WAVY’s website.
“We won’t be apologizing,” Obama said. “Mr. Romney claims he's Mr. Fix-It for the economy because of his business experience, so I think voters entirely, legitimately want to know what is exactly his business experience."
The question did not directly address Romney’s call Friday for an apology after Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Romney in Securities and Exchange Commission filings misrepresented his position at Bain Capital, particularly when he officially left, which she said would either be a “felony” or a misrepresentation to Americans.
But Cutter was clear when asked about that remark Sunday.
“He’s not going to get an apology,” Cutter said Sunday of CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Cutter's faced off on the show with Romney campaign adviser Kevin Madden, who said he was troubled by the fact “the president would direct his campaign to label someone like Romney … as a felon.”
He also said news agency fact-checkers have repeatedly found that records accurately show his candidate left Bain in 1999.
“Yet the Obama campaign and even the president himself continue to pursue these inaccurate statements,” Madden said.
Though Cutter stood by her comments on Romney, top Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod earlier in the day attempted to clarify the remarks.
“She didn’t say he’s a felon,” Axelrod said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Romney on Friday also challenged Obama to "rein in" his campaign team and called the comment "absurd" and "beneath the dignity of the presidency."
During the TV interview, the president also tried to deflect criticism that he has attacked the Republican candidate for running a firm that made money and created jobs.
"As the head of a private equity firm, [Romney’s] job was to maximize profits and help investors,” Obama said. “There is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, that company also was investing in companies that were called by The Washington Post 'the pioneers of outsourcing.' Mr. Romney is now claiming he wasn't there at the time except his filings with the SEC listing says he was the CEO, chairman and president of the company.”
During a campaign stop in Virginia, the president continued his attack on Romney and Bain, saying, “I don’t want a pioneer in outsourcing. I want some in-sourcing. I want to bring companies back.”
During a campaign stop of Friday in Roanoke, Virginia Barack Obama insulted entrepreneurs and business owners as he spoke about government being what made them what they are. He gave an open handed slap in the face to every entrepreneur in America, and did so with a smile.
Obama claimed that the success of business owners was not that of the owners, but of government “investment” in infrastructure and other projects. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”
“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me because they want to give something back,” Obama said. “If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.”
“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” he continued. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”
While it’s true that all of us have had help in our lives, for none of us would be where we are without people investing something in us, all of that was voluntary. This is something Barack Obama is not willing to tell you. In all of his speeches who gets the glory for his alleged success? He does. He doesn’t point to government as what got him where he is, does he?
The same is true with business owners. Government is not the reason that businesses grow and thrive. While the people who begin them have had people invest in their lives, again, those investments were voluntary and often because the person investing in them loved them. All of that had absolutely nothing at all to do with government.
His claim that the internet was “created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet” is just bogus. The internet was not created for that purpose. It was created so that the Department of Defense researchers could share information with one another and with other researchers.
In short form, Barack Obama simply wishes to dismiss the entrepreneurial spirit of business owners and demonize capitalists. He has always been a government hand out kind of guy and has lived on the government dole for the majority of his life. He knows nothing of being an entrepreneur, nor what it takes to manage a business. He certainly has shown he has absolutely no idea how to govern a nation.
Barack Obama would do well to inspire people to greatness, but instead of inspiring, he demoralizes. He wishes he could tell more stories, but we all just wish he would shut up, pack his bags and leave for a country where such thinking as his might be better suited, say Russia.
Barack Obama and his campaign have been making Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital one of their premiere mantras that have over and over backfired in their faces. They decided to attack the fact that Bain outsourced jobs during the restructuring of the companies they acquired. So what does Obama have to do with it? During the time he points to, 1999-2002, the executives of Bain donated to Obama for his campaign. No doubt at that time Barack Obama was not at all upset about jobs being outsourced as he got some big, fat checks from the executives.
Ben Shapiro points out,
The same SEC form from February 2001 that lists Mitt Romney as “sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Bain Capital … the controlling person of Bain Capital” also lists over a dozen other managing directors of Bain Capital, Inc. — all of whom were undoubtedly more active than Romney was during this period. And President Obama took money from many of them.
Take Joshua Bekenstein. Bekenstein has been a managing director of Bain Capital since 1986. In 2008, he signed Barack Obama a $4,600 check. In 2004, he gave a $50,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee. That’s outsourcing money, plain and simple. And Obama was happy to take it.
Or how about Stephen Pagliuca? Last year, he cut a $35,800 check to Barack Obama’s Victory Fund. Then he cut another $30,800 check to the DNC. And another $30,800 check to the DCCC. Jonathan Lavine and Mark Nunnelly have both maxed out to Obama already, as well as to the DNC. Lavin was a bundler for Obama, and raised over $100,000 for him. Michael Krupka gave Obama $4,600 in 2008.
Now there is nothing wrong with outsourcing jobs. There is nothing wrong with taking campaign contributions from businesses. The problem comes when one wants to bash his opponent over being in a company that did something you claim is bad and then took money from the very same people. In this case Barack Obama was fine with outsourcing while getting a check, but not fine when it becomes a political advantage.
On Friday, July 6, 2012, without any fanfare or publicity, President Barack Obama signed an executive order titled Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. Chances are that Obama didn’t want to bring attention to this action because of the power it places in his grasp.
Section 1 of the executive order reads:
“The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.”
Basically, this executive order gives the president and Department of Homeland Security the authorization to take over and control any and all lines of communications any time they want to, as spelled out in Section 5.2 of the executive order:
“Sec. 5.2. The Secretary of Homeland Security shall: (a) oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment of NS/EP communications, including: communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration;
(b) incorporate, integrate, and ensure interoperability and the necessary combination of hardness, redundancy, mobility, connectivity, interoperability, restorability, and security to obtain, to the maximum extent practicable, the survivability of NS/EP communications defined in section 5.2(a) of this order under all circumstances, including conditions of crisis or emergency;”
Some analysts have reviewed the executive order and state that this section gives the Department of Homeland Security the authorization to seize any and all private communications facilities it deems necessary.
The National Communications System defines the communications infrastructure as:
“The communications infrastructure is a complex system of systems that incorporates multiple technologies and services with diverse ownership. The infrastructure includes wireline, wireless, satellite, cable, and broadcasting, and provides the transport networks that support the Internet and other key information systems.”
When you wade through the executive order and other related government documents, you discover that this document gives the president the power to seize and control every form of communication within the United States for any reason they so desire.
Now add this to the National Defense Authorization Act passed by Congress last year that gives the United States government to arrest, detain and hold indefinitely any American without a warrant, formal charges or any reason other than declaring the person is a threat to the nation. Any detained under this act will be sent to a military run prison and held until such time as the government decides to release them.
I have never been a conspiracy nut and usually avoid those that are, but I can’t help but see the evidence over the past year to indicate that Barack Obama has almost everything in place to allow him to declare martial law and suspend the American way of life. He has the power to control all forms of communication and detain anyone he wants. He has purposely driven the economy and job market to the brink of collapse.
As much as I hate to admit it, I honestly believe that if Obama gets re-elected, that he will finalize the economic collapse of America and in so doing, will declare martial law and take control of all communications. He will arrest and detain anyone who opposes him. In all likelihood, he will disband Congress, the Supreme Court and stop all elections. Ultimately, he will declare himself to be the supreme ruler of the nation and assume complete dictatorial control of the country.
This November’s election IS the most important presidential election in the history of America. It may very well be the last election we will ever have. I pray I’m wrong, but all of the evidence points to that conclusion.
WOW. Even the New York Times is acknowledging that Valerie Jarrett wears the pants in the White House. Holy crap, I never thought I'd see this! And although they still put a slight spin on it, questioning whether Obama or Jarrett is the actual brains of the operation, other sources have said that Obama really doesn't do much decision making at all.
What were you expecting from a fellow Chicago politician?
Exactly what we got. In case you weren't aware, I am *from* Chicago. I heard the stories growing up about how things worked. My mother and parents were from Cicero. My grandmother lived a block or so from Al Capone.
“The Greatest Generation” is a term coined by journalist Tom Brokaw to describe the generation that grew up in the United States during the deprivation of the Great Depression, and then went on to fight in World War II, as well as those whose productivity at home made a decisive material contribution to the war effort. My father served in the Pacific during World War II and my mother worked in a factory at home.
President Obama just slammed their values at a rally in Urbandale, Iowa, by declaring that “the agenda set out by nominee Mitt Romney and other speakers in Tampa was ‘better suited for the last century.’” He went on to say:
“It was a rerun. We’d seen it before. You might as well have watched it on a black-and-white TV. . . If you didn’t DVR it, let me recap it for you. Everything is bad, it’s Obama’s fault, and Gov. Romney is the only one who knows the secret to creating jobs and growing the economy.”
How many times have we heard President Obama blame present economic conditions on George Bush? But that’s the least of the historical fiction and insults in his “black-and-white TV” campaign quip.
It was that black-and-white-TV generation that created the moral, economic, and political capital that he and his leftist minions are squandering and attacking. It was the WW II generation and its children that built a nation that was a beacon to the world.
That generation was not perfect, but it was the generation that made home ownership a reality for most Americans and put men on the Moon. It was that generation that saw the inequities among the races and did something about it that many in the Democrat Party opposed, including Al Gore’s father.
Obama and Co. are all about reestablishing racial divisions to score political points. If a Republican had used the phrase “black-and-white TV,” Obama’s surrogates and the slurping media would have read racial overturns in it. It’s gotten that bad.
Obama went on to say that Romney “did not offer a single new idea, just retreads of the same old policies that have been sticking it to the middle class for years.” Here’s a “new Idea” comment that could become a Democrat campaign slogan:
“I wouldn’t have to seal ‘if the government gave us more money.’”
It was an embarrassment for most people in the black-and-white-TV generation to “go on relief.” Not anymore. It’s a badge of honor to make the rich pay their “fair share.”
Sometimes old ideas like saving for a down payment and pulling your own weight are the best ideas that never change. We’re not chronological snobs where only new ideas are the right ideas. The majority of people in the black-and-white-TV generation would never have thought of killing their pre-born babies or normalizing homosexuality. These new immoral trends are said to be “progressive values.”
Forcing banks to lend money to people who couldn’t afford a down payment is a new idea that had terrible ripple-effect economic consequences. It was the Democrats who came up with the policy for the government to guarantee no-collateral loans if they went bad. And they went bad by the tens of thousands and it nearly destroyed the housing industry.
Staying out of debt is an old idea that has served prosperous nations well. The principle goes back to biblical times where debt is akin to slavery, no matter who’s doing the lending, the rich or the government (Prov. 22:7).
So give me some of those black-and-white-TV values. Give me Father Knows Best rather than The New Normal. Give me the black-and-white-TV Andy Griffith rather than the supporter of Obamacare Andy Griffith.
Originally posted by rinselberg: Here's another gi-normous distortion:
"Obama's worldwide apology tour"
What is distortion? He made several stops in foreign countries, and talked DOWN the United States. One of the articles you linked tried to make the point that "apology tour" was false because he didn't use the word "sorry" or "apologize". YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Jesus.
Well said. The 20th century saw mankind go from our first powered flight to landing on the moon in 66 years. 43 years later and we can't even get ourselves into orbit. The 20th century brought us the civil rights movement and real progress towards eliminating racism. Today racism is being kindled like a camp fire to polarize political rhetoric. The 20th century saw people trying to be self sufficient. Lessons from the Depression were hard learned and didn't fade away lightly. If you could fix something, you fixed it instead of replacing it. When was the last time you had your shoes re-soled?
Today, someone who tries to be self-sufficient is considered a potential terrorist.
Originally posted by fierobear: What is distortion? He made several stops in foreign countries, and talked DOWN the United States. One of the articles you linked tried to make the point that "apology tour" was false because he didn't use the word "sorry" or "apologize". YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Jesus.
I linked to one of my recent posts, and the commentary in it is entirely my own:
First [Obama] said that the United States shares some (but not all) of the blame for what he identified as certain problems that are global in scope. Then he said that some in America (he is using "United States" and "America" interchangeably) had "dissed" Europe, and that some in Europe had "dissed" America. Then he said that America is changing [in the effort to find solutions to the global problems that he has already outlined] but that other countries have to change [their policies] as well.
Whether he was right or wrong about the specifics, his tone was balanced and measured.
I don't comprehend how that is "talking DOWN" the United States.
It certainly doesn't border on treason, which is how one PFF poster tried to characterize it.
You can probably find other Obama remarks that have been called "apologies for the United States", but the ones that I have found are all in a similar vein to that one (above) from Strasbourg.
It's another distortion, like the missile defense issue, where the misleading Republican sound byte (echoed on PFF) is that "Obama abandoned missile defense in Europe". After all that I posted on that, I summarized it in one paragraph here:
Obama scrapped the missile defense plan for Europe that was inherited from the Bush administration and almost immediately replaced it with a new one. Defense Secretary Gates, who was Obama's holdover from the Bush administration, took the lead in publicizing the rationale for the new plan. I covered it all right here--starting with the Obama administration's explanation of why they wanted a new plan.
Sound bytes, which try to encapsulate complex issues into a single sentence, are almost always distortions.
Of course they come from Democrats and Republicans alike.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-04-2012).]
Originally posted by rinselberg: I don't comprehend how that is "talking DOWN" the United States.
Well, I DO. I don't want a president making us sound complicit. If we made mistakes, so what, who doesn't? He doesn't have to go out of his way to point it out to the world. That's NOT the president's job. Time for a new president.
Formula 88, the last time I replaced soles was around 8 months ago on a pair of Dan Post boots. Can't wear them now because the leather is cracked all the way through after 8 years. Now I'm looking for a new pair or two and it is amazing to me, just how many boots on the market can not be resoled or heeled.
[This message has been edited by J-Holland (edited 09-04-2012).]
A dear friend of mine forwarded me a video clip of a speech President Barack Obama gave back in 2010 to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. The clip was posted on You Tube mainly because of Obama’s omission of three words ‘by their Creator’ when he quoted from the Declaration of Independence.
As grievous as that omission was, there was something else in what he was saying that caught my attention. He was saying that everyone in America is equal and should have equal rights. Read the transcript or watch the video for yourself:
“So let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. The British and French, the Dutch and Spanish, to Mexican, to countless Indian tribes. We all share the same land. We didn’t always get along, but over the centuries what eventually bound us together, what made us all Americans was not a matter of blood, it wasn’t a matter of birth, it was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed with certain unalienable rights, life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us strong.”
If Obama doesn’t believe that all men are created equal or should have equal rights then his words were hypocritical at best, outright lies at worst. Allow me to explain.
In 1995, attorney Barack Obama filed a mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank on behalf of 186 black Americans. The result of the lawsuit forced Citibank and other mortgage institutions to approve of subprime mortgage rates for low income blacks living in the Chicago area. Today, nearly half of those that received the subprime loans have either filed bankruptcy and/or been foreclosed on. Although there were non-blacks living in the same neighborhood at the time, none of them were included in his lawsuit.
Under Obama’s leadership, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the charges of voter intimidation against two militant blacks to be dropped, even though the crimes were videotaped. On the other side of the coin, Obama orders Holder and the Justice Department to go after Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for alleged racial profiling against Hispanics. Arpaio, a white sheriff, is faced with a serious problem of illegal alien trafficking, made up over 90% Hispanic individuals, and drug trafficking, again carried out mostly by the Mexican and South American drug cartels which are also Hispanic. I ask, how one does the job of law enforcement in this case without targeting Hispanics? And I was surprised to hear that they finally dropped those charges against him, but damage has been done.
And when it comes to Hispanics and illegal aliens, the Obama administration has given them more rights while at the same time taking rights away from American citizens. He has offered them free medical, free education, food stamps, exemption from deportation and the right to apply for work permits and obtain valid driver’s licenses. By allowing the 1 million younger illegals to stay and obtain work permits, he is also keeping jobs away from American citizens. When Alabama passed their strict immigration law, their unemployment rate dropped significantly.
Now, Obama is once again pushing for Affirmative Action for college and university entrance where minorities are given extra credit on the admission forms just for being a minority and from a low income family. I received an email containing a parody of Affirmative Action just today and am including it here not to sound racist, but to demonstrate exactly how unfair and dangerous Affirmative Action can be:
“Detroit’s Spelling Bee Champ
My name be Eboneesha Gonzalez, a African-Hispanic-American girl who jus got a award for bein the bess speler in class. I gots a 67% on the spelin text and 30 points for being black, 5 points for not bringin drugs to class, 5 points for not bringin guns to class, and 5 points for not gettin pregnut during the cemester. It be hard to beat a score of 120%. White dude sit nex to me is McGee from Jaxon Mizipy. He got a 94% on the text but no extra points on acount of he have the same skin color as the opressirs of 150 years ago. Granny ax me to thank all dimocrafts and liberuls for suportin afermative axion. You be showin da way to true eqwallity. I be gittin in medical skool nex an mabe I be yo doctor with Barrac taken over da healfcare in dis contry.”
No matter how you look at it, Affirmative Action is nothing more than legalized racial discrimination against white males. If all men are created equal and have equal rights as Obama claims, then why is he so adamant to give extra rights to minorities? His actions do not match his words, but then again, when have they?
Man, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Flacks for President Barack Obama are going absolutely ballistic at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, denouncing them as liars and implying they are thieves, felons and even murderers.
And then they have the nerve to accuse Romney and Ryan of running a dirty campaign!
What’s even more disgusting is how their lapdogs in the mainstream media faithfully repeat every new accusation — while never coming within a country mile of holding Obama or Vice President Joe Biden to the same standard. It’s almost enough to make you think you’ve stumbled into a Will McAvoy rant on “The Newsroom.”
I’ll get to all the fuss and fury about Ryan’s auto-plant remarks in a moment. But first let me ask you, what do you think has been Obama’s biggest lie since he took office nearly four years ago?
There sure has been a bunch to choose from. Some were ridiculous, or at least extremely unlikely, when he made them. I’ll put his promise to close the prison at Guantanamo in this category. Or to bring all the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Some were just plain impossible, such as his pledge that if Congress gave him $863 billion in stimulus spending, he would slash the Nation’s unemployment rate to 5.6 percent. He got every penny he asked for, and some extra goodies besides. Yet unemployment remains stuck above 8 percent. (If you add in the underemployed and people who are no longer counted because they’ve quit looking for work, the actual number is well over 15 percent.)
Or how about his promise, just after his election, to end the political rancor in this country? Remember when he said he would “heal the divides that have held back our progress”? That promise sure got tossed out the window when it came time for his re-election campaign, didn’t it? This one is shaping up to be one of the nastiest in memory.
Or how about the President’s promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term? Remember when he called George Bush’s deficits “obscene”? Barack Obama has run trillion-dollar-plus deficits every year since he took office, with no end in sight. He’s helped saddle our children, and our children’s children, with obligations they will never be able to repay.
I could go on and on, from his tax-the-rich schemes to his class warfare rhetoric. But of all the promises that Obama has broken, I think the biggest was the one he made when he was sworn in as President. I’m referring to his oath of office, in which he promised to “preserve, protect and defend” our Constitution.
I submit that had he kept that promise, none of the others would have mattered. In fact, most of them wouldn’t have been possible.
But of course the mainstream media never reminds you of any of Obama’s misstatements. And they all but ignore Biden’s numerous gaffes. Can you imagine what they’d do if any Republican said anything close to Biden’s “put you back in chains” comment? Well, actually, you don’t have to imagine; just check out what they did to Todd Akin for his “legitimate rape” comment.
Now, Ryan is catching a lot of flack for his speech last week at the Republican National Convention, especially his comments about a shuttered GM plant in his hometown of Janesville, Wis. Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for the Obama team, set the tone for much of the mainstream media when she leveled this accusation: “There’s no delicate way to put this, but he lied. He blatantly lied – and brazenly.”
No, he didn’t. Here is what Paul Ryan said:
President Barack Obama came to office during an economic crisis, as he has reminded us a time or two. Those were very tough days, and any fair measure of his record has to take that into account. My home state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it, especially in Janesville, where we were about to lose a major factory.
A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: ‘I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.’
Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day. And that’s how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.
Chris Matthews and the gang over at MSNBC attacked the VP nominee like rabid dogs for these remarks. You could almost see the foam dripping from their mouths. Anderson Cooper on CNN tried to be a little more subtle, but the slick-sounding sleezeball was just as nasty in his comments about this part of Ryan’s speech.
But despite all of the weeping and wailing from the sanctimonious liberals, and below-the-belt accusations by the likes of David Axelrod, what Ryan said that night was 100 percent accurate.
Please note: He did not say that Barack Obama caused the plant to close. Or even that he should have kept the plant open. No, what Ryan said – and what is completely and absolutely true – is that candidate Obama told a Janesville audience back in February 2008 that if they would help elect him, “this plant will be here for another hundred years.”
Well, maybe the plant will be – as a darkened, shuttered hulk. But there won’t be any jobs there.
By the way, when candidate Obama returned to Janesville in October 2008, he repeated his pledge. Here’s what he said then:
As president, I will lead an effort to retool plants like the GM facility in Janesville so we can build the fuel-efficient cars of tomorrow and create good-paying jobs in Wisconsin and all across America.
Of course that’s not what we got. Instead, the President “saved” GM and Chrysler. He did it by costing taxpayers $25 billion, screwing the bondholders out of every penny they were due and giving the autoworkers union a huge chunk of the company’s stock.
None of which produced a single job in Janesville, Wis.
I can’t wait to see if Biden says anything about all of this when he and Ryan meet in their televised debate. I hope we get a little more substance than we’ve seen so far, which has been the equivalent of a bunch of school kids chanting, “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”
It would actually be amusing – if the fate of our Republic weren’t at stake.
I want add one that I found this morning BUT have no way of verifying it's audacity. Snopes has nothing on it. But I feel it has as much value as some of our closer neighboring countries citizens and leaders comments on our election process.
edit: I did now find a source that said that this was in a letter to the newspaper and not necessarily an editorial opinion. I don't read German so I can't verify.
"Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon"
""The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.""
[This message has been edited by 2farnorth (edited 09-07-2012).]
So when this is all said and done, Obama will never be held accountable, the incoming president will grant a pardon... Just proves the corruption was always there, but they are out in the open about it now...